Chapter 23: Do not Fail

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   "Tomorrow evening." I smiled as Snape opened his classroom door for me.

"Thank you Severus." I made my way out only to run into Draco.
"What was that about? What's happening tomorrow night?"

"A meeting between him, Albus, and I. Nothing to worry about darling." I dismissed as I kissed his cheek and started off past him.

"Hogsmead was tomorrow so he would be gone and so would most of the knights as they had orders to guard Hogsmeade.

   Only the castle had protection spells. I would be secure so they could leave. Little did everyone know that in the dead of night, I would be leaving."

  The next day went quickly and I dressed for the occasion certainly. To impress and intimidate a dark wizard....let's just say I didn't know what to do. We are winging it.

That night evening when most of the students were either at or coming back from Hogsmeade, I used a nonverbal confudnus charm on Sir Samuel. Of course, Merlin would be coming with me for added protection.

   He was also spelled for any physical attacks which I learned how to do the third year. Slipping past Sir Samuel, I with Merlin made my way through the castle and down to the dungeons as quickly as possible.

I made my way into Snape's classroom and found him sitting there waiting for me.
"Are you quite sure of this?" He asked me. It almost seemed as if he was worried about me.

"Yes," I said as I took a hand of flu powder. I stepped into the fireplace with Merlin and threw down the powder. Not on my dress of course.
"Malfoy manor!"


Brushing the imaginary dust off, I stepped out of a marble fireplace.

"Your Majesty." I gave Luciuss an apprehensive look.

"Where is he?" I asked in a business like manner. He shook his head.
"Not here yet. I expect he will want a dramatic entrance." I smirked.
"Nothing could top my lion." I made my way past him and into the meeting room.

"Tea Lucius. Have Dobby bring it in please." I opened the double doors and left it wide open on purpose. I walked toToms'ss designated chair and magically moved it to sit facing the fireplace at an angle so I could still see the door.The bestt part was, I lit the fireplace so he would have to come out of another fireplace somewhere else. I don't know why I found that funny but he didn't get his designated chair. Hehe. Merlinlayd by my feet next to the fire.

"Your Majessstyyy." A nasally voice whispered sarcastically.
"Your late." I drawled not turning around. A pop was heard and I glared down to see dobby bowing and holding up a silver cup filled with my tea. I grabbed it and he quickly disappeared.

Still turned to the fire I waited till his footsteps grow closer, nonverbally and wandlessly I closed the door.

"You forgot to close the door, Tom." I said as he made another chair appear across from me. He came into view and sat down.

He looked down at me with those beady red eyes. I felt him push at my mental walls. I felt my eyes glow gold as he did so. My magic was ancestral. His was tied to this world. I was stronger. He glared at not being able to read my mind.

"Good try though." I smiled as I sipped my tea.

"You asked for me to grant you a meeting. What could you possible offer me?" He hissed.

"Your life." I said simply. He kept a straight face.
"I'm immortal." He defended in a mocking tone.
"No your not." I pushed my magic to the brink and entered his mind forcefully. Immediantly I got the seven locations of his horcruxes.

"Now you have a choice." I told him as he took a deep breath. I exited his mind.

"Join or die."

"Join what?" He spat as he stood to his feet. Immediantly my lion was standing and growling. He was a good boy.

"You've been reckless. Making seven horcruxes was stupid even for you." I explained.

He growled and started to pace.
"How dare you come in here and threaten me then insult me!" He snarled.

"Either you bow or you will be forced Tom. If you will have to beg for the opportunity to live. Your choice." I sipped my tea calmly.

"How would you feel if I had Nagini kill your precious fiance?" He hissed.

"You can't kill him." He began to look angry.
"You dare question my strength?!"

"No. I simply said you can't kill him. Under the ancestral act of 1432 any family bound by servitude by the contracted ancestral line is bound for life and therefore immortal. You cant touch him, you can't touch Lucius, and you can't touch Narcissa. No malfoy can be touched by you. They serve me."

"A binding magical contract you say?" I nodded.
"I also have one with the Zambini line, the Longbottom line, and Weasleys as of last year when you had Sirius killed." Not to mention my ladies in waiting.

He sat back down and watched me prompting me to make my tea cup dissappear.

"You are powerful and smart." He told me. I nodded.
"And as you can guess the most powerful one in the room." I said smirking. He glared.

"Don't be so put out Tom. I'm offering you a deal. Sign a contract with me and you will live forever bound to my line and my magic. You will be powerful in name and magic. You can explore the world and more." I suggested.

"If I refuse this pathetic deal?" He spat raising his chin.

"I will summon; every family bound to me, my army in every country, every country, and ministry official. Let's not forget I also have the locations of your Horcruxes. You will fall but not before I get you to kneel at my feet and have you beg for your pathetic little life." I hissed with a glare.

"This crown represents something you will never have. Power and lots of it."
"I have power." He defended weakly.
"A baby defeated you." I reminded.

We sat in silence.
"Draco Malfoy is to be removed from your death eater army as is his father. Zambini's family as well. You will remove the marks on their arms and vacate their manors. As will of course your fellow death eaters." I nodded at him.

"This is if I do take the deal?" He inquired.
"Yes." I assured.
"If I say yes...I become under your protection? The families under you will want revenge. I've killed many wizards and muggles."

"I would handle it."

"How long do I have to think about it."

"It's a hard pill to swallow I'm sure. Lots of pride. You've done much in your lifetime. In this new lifetime you would need to change including your appearance and the destruction of your Horcruxes." I thought about it.

"I leave school in two days. I expect your word by nightfall of the third night. Failure to respond will be an automatic declaration of war."

"How do I contact you?" He inquired.
"Owl will do...unless you prefer Patronus? Less ministry tracking."

"I will find a way to answer you no matter." He waved it off.

I stood up an grabbed Merlin's collar as he stood.

"Three days. Do not fail me." And with that I apparated.

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