What happens on tour stays on tour...sometimes

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Dave and Cherrie stared over in identical amusement at a pacing duff who was holding the phone up to his ear and biting down on his nails anxiously , shooting them the occasional glare as they snickered between each other , muttering funny jokes i...

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Dave and Cherrie stared over in identical amusement at a pacing duff who was holding the phone up to his ear and biting down on his nails anxiously , shooting them the occasional glare as they snickered between each other , muttering funny jokes in each other's ears at his expense .

Dave was shaking his head , laughter in his voice as he tilted his head down closer to Cherrie so that she could hear him again.

"Bad idea bringing the girlfriend on tour . You wanna bet on how long it will be till they breakup?" He mused . Far more entertained with poor duffs love life that he should have been.

But ever since the bassist had fallen into the room complaining about how Lacy had suddenly demanded that he let her come along on tour with them , well he just couldn't stop laughing .

Feeling no ounce of pity for him as he continued to try and talk his girlfriend out of wanting to come along , hand placed over his forehead in stress as he paced a hole into the carpet of the room.

So far it had been a great first few days of their tour and Dave was surprised to find that ever since he and Cherrie finally apologised to each other and went up on stage together , things had been sailing much more smoother between the two of them more than he had ever expected would be possible actually .

And even though they still argued and fought like cats and dogs , they also talked to each other and could now joke around together like two normal human beings for once , which was more than nice .

"No I don't!" She let out a laugh while slapping his arm in disapproval , only making his grin widen at her outward display of faux disappointment , knowing that she was getting just as much as a kick out of this as he was .

Leaning back into the couch and sipping on a margarita cocktail that the hotel had given them , free of charge , happily .

Twirling the straw between her teeth and peering over at Dave who had given into her peer pressuring and was currently nursing his own bright red cocktail as well.

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