When scars remain

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                Chapter thirteen

Sebastian grinned widely when he spotted them coming down the long stairs that lead down to the floor below the stage , where later that night thousands of fans would be packed together and having the time of their lives

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Sebastian grinned widely when he spotted them coming down the long stairs that lead down to the floor below the stage , where later that night thousands of fans would be packed together and having the time of their lives . All there to see them . It was surreal .

Pushing her hair away from her eyes as she gazed around the never ending stadium in silent awe , squinting up at the highest seats that she could see which still looked so small from where she was standing .

She was suddenly thankful for the giant screens that were placed on either side of the stage , otherwise the poor fans wouldn't have been able to see her face! It was absolutely insane .

"This place is fuckin huge!" She exclaimed in amazement as they finally arrived at the bottom of the stairs .

Waving happily over at Rachel who was stood upon the stage with his bass , duff stood beside him as they both chatted to each other about which songs they were gonna play that night .

Rachel briefly looking away from her friend to wave back down at her , grinning happily as he lifted up two of his fingers to tell her that he wouldn't be long .

Sebastian was already jogging over to her , making her let out a startled Yelp as he suddenly picked her up into his arms and spun her around . Clinging onto his shoulders with a loud squeal , giggles falling from between her lips as he started to excitedly ramble to her .

"Cherrie! What the fuck! It's been so fuckin long!" He finally put her back down on her feet , only to place his hands firmly on her shoulders and stare down at her with wide eyes . "I can't believe it! How are you? How are things going? You can't just drop out of touch with people like that! You had me worried! And touring with Megadeth? How did this happen?!" He exclaimed all at once , barely taking a breath .

Dave silently rose a brow at his dramatics , moving away from them and over to the side where Marty was stood . Still standing close enough so he could hear what they were saying .

He was nosy . Sue him. Passing a small smile to Marty who almost jumped out of his skin at his sudden , silent presence next to him.

"What the fuck?" He gasped pressing a hand to his rapidly beating heart . Glancing up at him in confusion as he let him take his hat from him hands and place it on top of his own head.

"When did you get here? How did the interview go?" He asked him in surprise , glancing over at Cherrie who looked overwhelmed with all of sebs questions.

Dave merely sat down on one of the lower placed seats , folding one of his legs over his knee and lowering the cap over his eyes so he could discreetly peer over at the two of them. Marty following him over and sitting down next to him, offering him a bag of pretzels to share .

"Just now . And it went good . Better than expects at least . Now shut up." He muttered to him , not seeing the face that Marty pulled at him in response as he dug into the bag of pretzels and listened in.

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