Broken pieces of a heart

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Cherrie tried to hold back her tired sigh as she stumbled off the stage , forcing a smile onto her face as they were greeted their excited roadies and friends

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Cherrie tried to hold back her tired sigh as she stumbled off the stage , forcing a smile onto her face as they were greeted their excited roadies and friends . Pushing a strand of her sweaty hair behind her ear and mentally telling herself to lighten up , nodding over at Nick when she passed him, offering him up a small smile and getting cheerful , friendly one in return.

She tried to not to let her darkening mood show too much on her face , not wanting to worry those around her with her whiplash emotions . She didn't even know what was wrong with her . Or why she was suddenly feeling this way.

She had felt so good just hours ago. So happy and she was having fun messing around and goofing off with her friends and her new ones too. Then like an old desperate lover she had felt the claws of loneliness wrap around her heart when she had caught sight of duff with his arms wrapped around Lacy's waist, their cheeks pressed together as they whispered amongst themselves . Seemingly oblivious to those around them as they got lost in their own little bubble of love .

Then her eyes had turned away and strayed over to the corner of their dressing room where Steven and Nick where flirting with two young , pretty women who were giggling loudly at every word they said.

Pursing her lips to herself as she turned away , grabbing a small towel from of the roadies and resting it loosely around her neck . Wiping away any lingering sweat and keeping her eyes down to the floor as she ambled across the hallway backstage , hearing Sebastians loud voice greet her ears as they came into view .

Huddled around a speaker and all sharing bottles of beers between them , laughing and joking around with a care in the world . She hated how envious she felt as she looked in at their carefree demeanour , not plagued by the constant paranoia and dark thoughts like she was.

She wondered why she just couldn't be normal , why she just couldn't let herself be happy like the rest of them could . Had she been this flawed from the very beginning? Or had the misery clung onto her skin and thinned her patience for anything over time?

She couldn't recall a time when she wasn't fighting a losing battle in her head over something or other. There was always something to pull her down. She had always been so angry . Even as a child .

The doctors had of course blamed it on her fathers life of crime , telling her mother that watching her father being beaten black and blue from the cracks of the old creaking stairs could really damage a child's mind . That watching her father being dragged away by the cops , over and over again while growing up , well, it had apparently left a big , violent , ugly stain.

She had grown up around violence and twisted charm , tricky lies and half honest truths. She had watched the way her father worked his illegal business , bringing in money any way that he could . Just trying to keep a roof over their heads as her family struggled to stay afloat .

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