Human being

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The morning that they were due to leave to Italy , Cherrie found herself quickly pacing around the room with the phone glued to her ear

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The morning that they were due to leave to Italy , Cherrie found herself quickly pacing around the room with the phone glued to her ear . Eyes darting around the mess she had made , clothes strung out on the floor and all over the bed as she fought to quickly pack it all away.

Eyeing the clock on her bedside as though it was the problem, even though she had been the one to smash her fist into the alarm this morning when it wouldn't stop ringing , alerting her that she needed to get the fuck up or risk being late again. Instead she had went back to sleep and well ,  now she was paying the price for it .

Her anxiety felt like it was at an all time high and Cherrie couldn't decide what she felt more unsettled about . The fact that she was going to be setting foot on a flying death trap soon , suspended in the middle of the fuckin air like she was asking to be murdered in the scary sky or the fact that Axl had left her a concerning voicemail last night . Something that she hasn't been able to hear till just ten minutes ago when she finally forced herself out of bed.

Worry wasn't nothing new to her anymore , especially not where Axl was concerned but she still couldn't fight the way her heart jumped in her mouth as soon as she heard the familiar , blank tone of his voice as he muttered to her down the phone about how sick of everything he was . How he didn't have the energy to do anything anymore , that he just wanted her to come home . He had sounded near tears and the subtle sniffles she could hear coming from the like did nothing to calm her fear or concern for him.

She knew just how bad things got when Axl felt like this . Had been there to witness first hand the spiralling and the darkened breakdowns where he crashed down into a pit of self loathing and anger , threatening to bring everyone else down with him.

She had been there to see just how quick things could change , how one minute he would be smiling and genuinely having fun with the company around him , then how the next moment everything would suddenly go down hill. He would shut himself off into his room and refuse to speak to anyone that wasn't Cherrie . She had spent long days and nights consoling him when the memories of the past and present became too much for him to bare . Let him curse out his childhood and his horrible step father , let him scream it out until there was nothing left for him to do but breakdown and cry into her neck , his hands clutching onto her body like he was afraid that she would disappear if he let go.

But they always got through it , together . Through the darkest of moments and to the lightest, they always found a way.

The worry wasn't for no reason because now  Cherrie was no longer there beside him and she was about to be half a world away. How could she be there for him when she couldn't even reach out and touch him? When she couldn't look him in the eye and see what was really going on.

She couldn't read the expressions on his face when he wasn't there , yet the there was no denying the pain in his voice when he called her last night , guilt a heavy stone in her stomach , she hadn't been there to answer him this time . Hadn't been there when he needed her.

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