Insomnia can you hear me scream?

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            CHAPTER ELEVEN

            CHAPTER ELEVEN

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Dave sniffed quietly , gaze drawn tiredly down to his bowl of now soggy cereal as he tried to keep himself awake

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Dave sniffed quietly , gaze drawn tiredly down to his bowl of now soggy cereal as he tried to keep himself awake .

Having had the pleasure of Marty waking him up with the news that they had a busy day ahead , his loud voice and cluttering around in the bathroom not stalling until he forced himself to roll out of bed with a miserable, loud groan of annoyance .

"I don't see why I have to be the one to do this stupid interview anyways . I'm not the only member of both fuckin bands ." He grumpily stated as he shoved a spoonful of the soggy cornflakes into his mouth with a grimace .

Glaring over at Marty from the corner of his eye as the watched the man happily hum to himself , a cup of coffee in his hands as he walked back in from where he had been relaxing out on the balcony .

It was typical . Dave thought moodily to himself . For him to get stuck being roommates with the one man in the band who was a morning person .

Who liked to walk up at unreasonable times to "enjoy the quietness and have a stroll under the rising sun".

Dave just thought that he was pretentious and annoying but whatever .

His friend shook his head at him with a small smile , used to his bad moods whenever he was forced to wake up anytime before ten.

Marty was just glad that the violent singer hadn't thrown a fist at him like he had the last time he tried to wake him up to go running with him. He hasn't asked him to tag along again after that painful experience .

"You're not the only one doing it . They're wanting to interview both you and Cherrie . Then they're going to be interviewing slash and me sometime later today as well . So they get two stories for one in a way. From both the singers and the guitarists. Kinda smart really ." He mused as he started fixing in his outrageously curly hair in the mirror .

Dave just grunted . Frowning a little . "Has anybody even told Cherrie about this? She's not exactly the greatest timekeeper is she? Duff told me that she didn't even turn up for a load of their interviews last time and that he was left to do em'." He muttered , not wanting the same to happen again with him.

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