Metal mania

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Not even an hour had passed before the hotel room phone was ringing again , Cherrie leaning over the bed with a slight frown

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Not even an hour had passed before the hotel room phone was ringing again , Cherrie leaning over the bed with a slight frown . Sighing in annoyance at the way she had to move from her comfortable position nestled between the covers.

Grabbing the pack of Marlboros from the side table while she was reaching over , she fiddled  with the packet in one hand and clutched the phone between her shoulder with the other .

"Who the fuck is this?" She grumbled disinterestedly as she placed one of the cigarettes between her lips and quickly lit it up . Leaning her back further up the headboard and gazing lazily over to the balcony doors , the sun still shining brightly through the room , a stark contrast to her darkening mood .

She felt nothing but restless and hated herself for the slither of excitement she could feel working up at the thought of being able to see Axl in real time again.

Sure , they spoke on the phone but it had been so long since she had physically seen his face that she was afraid that she was going to forget the small things about him that she had always clung onto .

If there was one thing she hated , it was change . What if he was too different now? What if things had bled too far between them?

It was exhausting feeling a uncomfortable pit of both hope and worry , her twisted mind just didn't know how to make her feel.

All she knew was that she didn't want to be alone and when things got tough , when no-one else was able to pull her out of her frantic pit of misery , Axl had always been the one to be able to calm her down .

She had always relied on him to cure the pain , something about the way that they were just as fucked up as each other , both hurting and both so unforgiving ... it was sick balm of relief for their soul to know that their agony wasn't felt alone , it was shared , always.

She wouldn't admit it to her friends or to anyone really , but she truly had missed him. More than she would ever fully express. The moment they had separated for good , it had felt like a part of her had left with him.

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