I stare up at him, quivering. This is some serious stuff now. I need to be careful. I need to play this right.
"Well?" The man asks. "What have you been doing?" He looks like he's in his late twenties. He's really tall, with brown short hair, and heaps of tattoos. And he looks pissed. I shuffle back, hoping to run away, but he leaps forward and grabs my arm, and pulls me up. "You know what this means, don't you?" He asks, shaking me a little. "You can't leave now." He bursts in the kitchen, dragging me along behind him. "Josh." He fumes, chucking me on the floor. "You have so much to learn. I found this thing listening at the door. She heard everything." Josh glares at me, and kicks my legs.
"You little..." He trails off. "What do we do with her now Drew?"
"First off." Drew starts, kneeling down in front of me. "How much do you know?"
"Nothing!" I yelp quickly. "I don't know anything."
"That's not true." Caleb says, his eyes gleaming. "It makes sense now." I stare at him, pleadingly, but he continues. "Josh, on the night of your party Liam took her from her room, and she came back with the three thousand. If he gave that back, he would have told her everything by now."
"How do you know?" Josh asks angrily.
"I've been... playing with her." He chuckles. "You said I could. And Liam stopped me that night, and I stole the money from her room, to use it as leverage."
"Oh." Josh says slowly. "Next time tell me." Caleb nods apologetically, like this is such a normal thing.
"So you know everything." Drew states, still staring at me. "Let me introduce myself. "I'm Drew, the leader of the McFreind's gang." I widen my eyes. I have never been this scared.
"Please don't hurt me." I whimper.
"Oh honey." He coos. "I won't. Yet." He stands up, and sits down at the table, and I curl up in the corner. "So." He says, pouring himself a glass of coffee. "What do we do now?"
"Well we can't let her go." Josh says, glaring at me. "How well do you know Liam?"
"What-What do you mean?" I stutter.
"Are you just friends?" He asks. Drew looks up sharply.
"Are you dating?" he asks, his eyes gleaming.
"No!" I answer truthfully.
"Even if you aren't, he has feelings for her." Caleb mutters. "Why else would he do all this for her?" Drew chuckles, and nods.
"Yep." He says. "I know what we're going to do with you."
I struggle, trying to undo the tape connecting my wrists to my headboard, but it's really strong. My feet have been taped to, along with my mouth. I can't believe this is happening. They are so mad. After Josh and Drew exchanged words that I couldn't hear, they grabbed me. I struggles, and kicked, but they managed to force me up here, and tie me down to the bed. I've been here for hours. My only hope is that Liam looks out his window. They didn't close the curtains. I don't know what to do. It's nearly six. I've practically been here all day. My door bursts open, Caleb waltzing in with a tray.
"You hungry sweet cheeks?" He asks cheerfully, sitting on the bed next to me. I glare at him, and he laughs. I'm starving. "Sorry, I didn't catch that. I'll take it as a no." He picks up a sandwich, and takes a bite. "Mmmm." He moans. "So good." I just stare, and my stomach growls. "Oh." He says smiling. "Do you want a bite?"
"Mmmphhh!" I mumble.
"Fine." He says, ripping the tape off my lips, hard. "I'll feed you!"
"Ow." I growl. That really hurt.

It All Started With A Tampon
General FictionGemma is a nobody. She knows it. Her parents know it. Everybody at school takes advantage of it. She accepts the fact that everybody is going to treat her badly. She can't do anything about it. She will forever be the doormat, somebody to shove home...