"What have you got?" Liam asks, sliding into a chair in the kitchen. I sit down next to him, and he takes my hand under the table.
"We found the location of the... rings." Ben says. Liam looks at me, and sighs.
"How far away is it?" He asks.
"Not far." Ben muses. "Just out of town. They're pretty... developed, already."
"What?" I cut in quickly.
"Well." Nathan says. "They already have customers. And... workers."
"Oh god." Liam groans, placing his head in his hands.
"When you say workers..." I trail off.
"Yeah." Nathan gulps. "Liam, it's disgusting. We saw them bring the first lot of girls in. It's nowhere near voluntary."
"Did you get inside?" Liam asks.
"No." Ben says. "We didn't have enough time. And they look pretty secure. It will take a lot of guys to sneak in."
"Ok." Liam says, thinking. "We want to do this quietly of possible. Get in, get out, without doing anything. Take in the surroundings."
"But what about-"
"I know that when we are in there, we will want to help them." Liam protests. "But we won't be prepared. We get in, learn everything we can about the place, and get out."
"And then what?" Dean asks questioningly.
"Then we plan." Liam reassures. "We will get them out, we will stop this."
"Why don't you just ring the police?" I ask, confused. "Let them handle it." Everybody stares at me like I'm an idiot.
"The police look over this sort of thing." Liam explains. "Drew's people are very... persuasive. They wouldn't do anything." I frown. That makes me feel really safe.
"So when do we go?" I ask.
"You aren't going anywhere." Liam points out. "WE will go tonight."
"Who stays?" Ben asks. "I would like to."
"Ben I need you." Liam pleads. "You and Nathan are the only ones that have been there." Ben sighs, and looks at Eva.
"Go." She insists. "We'll be fine."
"Ok." He gives in.
"Thank you." Liam smiles. "Dean." He says, looking around. "You, Wesley and Ian stay." Dean nods, and agrees, with Wesley and Ian. "Look after the triplets, Charlie, Gemma, and Gabby."
"Of course." Dean says.
"Be careful." Liam says. "I'm trusting you."
My eyes widen, as I see Nathan walk into the living room with a box full of knives and guns.
"I thought you were just looking tonight." I say, keeping my distance from the box. Guns aren't my favourite things.
"They're just precautionary." Liam assures, handing out knives the guys surrounding him. "We won't use them unless absolutely necessary." I nod hesitantly, not sure what to say.
"Here." Ben says, handing a gun to Eva. She takes it, and places it in her pocket, like this is normal. Ben notices my confused expression, and explains.
"I made sure a long time ago Eva knew how to use a gun." He smiles. "Just in case. When you have gang connections, you can never be to careful."
"Speaking of which." Liam says, getting a small knife out, and reaching it out to me. "Take it."
"N-No." I stutter.
"Gemma." Liam warns. "I'm not leaving this house, without you having this. Charlie too." I look over to see Ben showing Charlie how to use a gun, and a knife. I slowly take the knife, and Liam smiles. "Let me show you how to use a gun." He says. He shows me how to load it, and how to take the safety on and off.
"Ok." Ben announces. "Girls, listen up. Dean, Wesley and Ian, are fully loaded with guns and knives. Eva has a gun, and you all have a knife. Just in case, please try and stay close, just in case."
"Do you really think something might happen?" Charlie asks, confused.
"No." Liam assures. "This is purely precautional."
"Dinner's ready!" We hear Eva call. The guys pack up their guns, and I slip the small knife into my shoe, I have no pockets. It's eight o'clock, and the boys have to leave in an hour. We all shuffle into the kitchen, and sit down. Gabby is in her high chair, and she grins at us, showing her dinner.
"Mummy's chilli!" She screams, waving her full bowl in the air.
"Try to keep some in the bowl sweetie." Ben jokes, taking a seat next to her. She giggles, and goes back to eating her chilli. We all sit down, and Dean groans, as he sees the only spot free is next to Gabby. He sits down, and we begin to eat. Eva is such a good cook. I stuff my face, and moan.
"Calm down Gem." I look up, to see everybody grinning at me. "It's not going anywhere." Liam teases.
"Is this what girls are like on their period?" Adam asks, only to get slapped around the head by Liam.
"Inappropriate." He says. "They're usually much angrier." Everyone laughs, and I throw a piece of bread at him. Gabby giggles.
"Mommy says your not allowed to throw food." She says.
"And she's right." Ben says. "You're not."
"No fair." She whines. "Gemmy got to throw food!"
"Well Gemma doesn't have any table manners." Liam teases. Everybody goes back to eating, and practically everyone goes back for seconds. Everybody that is leaving packs a granola gar and water into their bags, which they will leave in the car, when they park a couple of blocks away. Liam is setting up guns, ordering people around. He looks so experienced. It's so dangerous, but it looks like second nature to him.
"So you like our brother hey?" I look over to see Adam, Sam and Brodie smirking at me.
"I-I-Um-" I stutter.
"Don't bother dude." Sam says. "Everybody knows."
"Oh." I say, blushing.
"It's a good thing." Brodie says. "Everybody likes you and Liam together. You make him a little... softer."
"Thanks." I say smiling.
"We're leaving guys." I look over to see everybody filing outside, into the cars. Charlie and Eva say goodbye to Ben, and he leaves. I look over to see Liam giving a few stern words to the triplets. He walks up to me, and I grin.
"I'll look after them." I tease.
"Funny, I told them to look after you." He grins. He engulfs me in a hug, and I instantly hug back. He breaks away, and kisses me softly.
"Come back soon." I whisper. He nods, and walks out the door, shutting it quietly. I draw a shaky breath, staring at the closed door. They will see Josh tonight. And Mark. And that scares me. I shake it from my mind. I can't worry about it. Of course Liam will come back. He promised.
"Oh, come on kid!" I whirl around, walking into the kitchen, and burst out laughing, as I see Dean, sitting next to Gabby in her highchair, with the bowl full of chilli resting on his head.

It All Started With A Tampon
General FictionGemma is a nobody. She knows it. Her parents know it. Everybody at school takes advantage of it. She accepts the fact that everybody is going to treat her badly. She can't do anything about it. She will forever be the doormat, somebody to shove home...