Avengers or Hunger games?
"Hunger Games!"
"Hunger Games!" I can't believe this. Dean has the worst taste in movies. I mean, who picks the Hunger Games over the Avengers? That's horrible. That's an insult. I take that personally.
"What do you think?" We say, asking the others.
"I'm sorry guys." Eva shrugs. "I need to get to sleep. Gabby is probably going to give me an early wake up call. She didn't want to say goodbye to Ben today." She says goodnight, and Dean and I go back to arguing.
"Guys, just pick." Charlie sighs. "We don't care." Ian and Wesley nod their agreements, and I triumphantly put the Avengers disk in to the DVD player. Dean growls, annoyed.
"Avengers is stupid." He grumbles.
"You're stupid." I retort. "Now who wants popcorn?" Everybody raises their hand, and I head to the kitchen. I put the popcorn into the microwave, and wait, leaning against the kitchen counter. I feel my phone buzz, and I take it out, and check my messages. My heart drops. Mom?
"Gemma-I received your messages, and we won't be home for another couple of weeks. How are you?"
That's weird. I had texted her weeks ago. She never answers me on business trips. Maybe she wants to know about Josh. But she would've texted him. She asked how I was? She doesn't do that. I hesitantly text back. I see no reason not to. Maybe she really means it.
"Hi mom. I'm fine. Josh is good.... How are you?"
I put my phone on the table, and took the popcorn out, pouring it into bowls. I wait a little bit, wanting her to text back.
"Hurry up and come watch this stupid movie!" I hear Dean yell. I hesitantly shove my phone in my pocket, and head back into the living room. The movie has already started, and I settle in on the couch.
"I love the ending." I say happily.
"Next movie we watch is the Hunger Games." Dean grumbles.
"Why do you love it so much?" Charlie asks exasperated.
"It's... It's a good movie." He growls, blushing.
"So who do you go for, Gale or Peta?" I tease.
"Don't be stupid." He says, standing up. "Everybody knows Gale hasn't got a chance." He finishes, before disappearing up the stairs.
"He's such a girl." I giggle, as Charlie and I clean up the popcorn mess. The triplets left halfway through movie, claiming they would rather play video games. We head upstairs, and Charlie decides to sleep with me tonight. We climb into bed, and I tell her about my moms surprise text.
"What happens when they come back?" She asks. "What are you going to do? Tell them?"
"I don't know." I whisper. "I don't know what Josh is going to do." We talk for awhile, and eventually she stops answering, and our conversation is replaced with her even breathing. I look over to see her eyes closed shut, fast asleep. I sigh, and roll over, shutting my eyes. I'm nearly asleep, and I can feel myself drifting off, when I am woken by a soft buzzing, next to the bed on the table. I sit up quietly, not wanting to wake Charlie up. I look at my phone screen, to see that my mom is calling me. What? I quickly answer it.
"Hello?" I say, but all I can hear is the crackle of a bad connection. I slide out of bed, and walk into the hall, trying to get better reception. It slowly evens out, as I reach the kitchen, and I try to talk to her again. "Mom?" I try. I don't hear anything, but I've got full reception now. Suddenly she hangs up, and I stare at my phone confused. It's quiet, all I can hear is the ticking of the clock. It doesn't make sense. Was it a mistake? I don't like this. I hear a slight creak, and I whirl around, but nothing's there. I slowly reach for my knife in my pocket, but I realise that I didn't put it in there when I changed clothes.
"So mom called did she?" I freeze. I turn slowly around, and quiver, when I see Josh smirking at me. I take a step back, until I've cornered myself in the kitchen.
"Why are you here?" I stutter.
"To get you." He grins. "Why else?"
"I'll scream." I warn.
"No you won't." A figure comes out of the darkness behind Josh. Caleb. I gasp, when I see him drag Charlie into view, a gun pointed at her head.
"Let her go." I say firmly.
"Nothing's going to happen to her babe." Caleb grins. "How are you? It's been awhile."
"I won't scream." I say quickly. "Just don't hurt her."
"I know you won't." Josh laughs. "This was all to easy." He brags. "Do you really think we would have set up a location with so little security that Liam's little buddies could find it so easily? He's gone 'staking it out', giving us time to get you back, to take you to the real warehouse." Caleb laughs, and strokes Charlie's face with the gun.
"You're coming to honey." He coos. Charlie sobs, and looks at me. I know what she's thinking. Should we risk it and scream? I slowly shake my head. Caleb wouldn't hesitate to shoot her. She nods, giving up. Caleb drags Charlie out the kitchen, and Josh grabs my arm, following. Caleb quietly opens the door. This is my chance. We won't get away, but we could at least warn someone. Caleb and Charlie are already out the door, heading for the car, and Josh is standing outside.
"Hurry up." Josh growls quietly. I slowly walk out the doorway, but before Josh can drag me away, I reached for the door handle, and slammed it shut, as loud as I can, sending a shudder through the whole house. Josh glares at me, and grabs my arm. "You little bitch!" He yells, pulling me towards the car. He pushes me into the car, sending me into to Charlie, who hugs me. I quickly look behind us as the car screeches out of the driveway, to see Dean and Wesley standing in the doorway, staring at us. Now we can only hope.

It All Started With A Tampon
General FictionGemma is a nobody. She knows it. Her parents know it. Everybody at school takes advantage of it. She accepts the fact that everybody is going to treat her badly. She can't do anything about it. She will forever be the doormat, somebody to shove home...