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Hi guys,

It's been a really long time. Practically a year.

I won't make this long, but I want to give some type of explanation of why I stopped writing on wattpad.

I won't be able to truly express what happened to me. I experienced some things that made me question who I really was, who I was meant to be, and if it was all really worth it. The best way I can describe it, is giving up on doing things that made me happy because I didn't feel like I deserved it anymore.

I wasn't always sad, or angry, or depressed. I went from extreme highs to extreme lows, unable to regulate my emotions, struggling to connect with people, and forming some habits that were really unhealthy and dangerous for me.

There was no defining moment that changed me, or made me see 'the light', or anything like that. I decided to see a counsellor. And it didn't help at first. Then one day I simply felt a little better. Then another day, even better than that. Then the next day I felt worse. It was a rollercoaster I didn't want to be on, and in my head I was screaming to get off.

But I kept going. And today I am at peace. I am not 'fixed', I am not 'good', I am not 'better', I am simply doing life at a pace that doesn't hurt me anymore.

And I really want other people to feel the same. I now know that my worth is not defined by those who intend to destroy it.

I don't want to preach, or convert, or make people feel uncomfortable. I'm simply sharing with you that the man who dragged me out of the dark place is named Jesus, and I can honestly say he saved my life this year.

I love you guys.

Regarding my stories and writing, I AM BACK. I don't know when or what but I know that when I finish uni in two weeks my creative juices are back baby. I wanna finish old stories and create new ones.

I might even write a story based on my life. Because I want to make sure other people are pulled out of the dark place too.

Watch this space. See you soon xx

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