Toman vs Valhalla

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Happy Tuesday everyone!  Before we get into today's chapter... We have a speical guest... Welcome, Mikey!

Toman Mikey: Thank you for having me, Lily-chan!

Lily:  🥰

Toman Mikey: 😀

Lily: i... I love you, Mikey! You're cute!

Toman Mikey: 😘

I love you too, Lily! You're cuter!

Lily: NO!


Toman Mikey: NO!



Draken: Since these two idiots won't stop arguing about who is cuter... I will say it... 

Welcome too... Itona Horibe x Chifuyu's twin sister Female Reader!

No one's pov It was the day of the fight against Valhalla... Y/n! Kisaki is gone! He must have gone to the fight! Nagisa said... Itona find him now... Y/n said pissed... Yes, ma'am... An hour later Itona came back dragging a bleeding Kisaki who was screaming his head off... Shut up! Itona hit him... Itona... Y/n said... As for you... I benched you... You are nothing but my bitch... You were stupid enough to try and go into the fight against Valhalla... Don't think we don't know you are the true leader of Valhalla... So I suggest you shut the hell up before I let Itona kill you... And trust me... It is tempting... You bring nothing to Toman... All you bring is trouble... If anything you're better off dead... No one would care... No one would miss you... It seems to me that you need a babysitter... Itona... I am sorry but... You will have to babysit this child... I know you wanted to fight today... But... She said... Don't worry about it, love... Kisaki and I will get along well... Won't we nerd? Itona looks at Kisaki evilly... Alright then... Let's go, Toman! And Kisaki... If you somehow get away from Itona... Which is a big if! It will be your life that will be in danger... Or better yet... Your family! Y/n said darkly... If you push Y/n hard enough... And to her limit... Her own dark impulse will show... Draken put a hand on her shoulder... She snaps out of it... Everyone in Toman and E-Class knows about her impulses... We're leaving now! Karma, Nagisa! Y/n called... Okay! Nagisa said... See you later, Itona! Don't kill him too much when we're gone! Karma said grinning... Karma! Y/n yelled... Coming, boss! They left for Valhalla for the fight... Itona looks at Kisaki... You're not going anywhere... Did you really think I wouldn't find out that you planned to betray Toman after the fight with Valhalla? Y/n left me in charge here... So that means I'm in charge of you as well... Itona said with a glare at Kisaki... Why do you take orders from that witch? She is weak! Kisaki said... Itona smacked him across the face... Talk about my mate like that again... And I will kill you... I may kill you sooner! If you keep pissing me off! Itona growls at Kisaki...

The fight between Toman and Valhalla

Toman arrives to see Takemichi and Chifuyu outnumbered... Karma! Nagisa! Y/n snarled... On it, boss! Karma smirks and runs towards them with Nagisa... So you're the one who is running this fight, eh? Y/n looked at the guy who looks like a... Zombie. You look like a zombie... She said... Zombie glares at her... You bitch! He said... Y/n kicks him in the face... Asshole... Watch who you call a bitch... Or it will be your last breath! She glares... It's time to dance, Toman! Y/n yelled... Toman yelled, and the fight brought out... Even though Y/n was smaller than Hanma... She was beating his ass... But he got a hit on her face... She let out a groan... Fucker! You punched me! How dare you! Now my face will be bruised! Itona won't be happy about this! Y/n yelled and kicked Hanma in the dick... Valhalla and Toman stopped fighting and watched as Y/n dicked Hanma in the dick... They burst into laughter... Even Kazutora was laughing at that... Draken appeared out of nowhere and kicked Hanma away from Y/n... Let's dance, Hanma! Draken said... Ken! Y/n said... Go to Baji, Y/n! I got this! Draken said... Got it! Y/n said and started to run towards, Baji, Takemichi, Chifuyu, and Kazutora... But she got sidetracked by members from Valhalla... She pushed and punched her way through them all... But she was ganged up by more... I don't think so! Y/n looked up... Karma! You insane fool! Y/n beams... Gotta look out for my boss! Karma smirks... Go, Y/n... We got this covered! Nagisa said kicking a member in the face... Y/n runs over to them... Kazutora! Put the knife down now! Y/n shouts at him... Y/n knows Kazutora didn't have good parents growing up... Which is why she never blamed him for Shinichiro's death... She knows he didn't mean to kill, Shinichiro... Mikey, no! Don't even think about it! Stop! Y/n yelled as Mikey kicks and beats up, Kazutora... Y/n pulls Mikey by his ear... Need I remind you, Manjiro that you were only brought here to bring back Baji? You were warned not to get into any fights, Manjiro! You still haven't learned your lesson! You will be seriously punished after this is overwith! Fucking go now! And another reminder, Manjiro... You still aren't given back your title of leader yet! Not the way you are acting now! You won't be getting it back any time soon after that stunt you just pulled! Go home now, Manjiro! Y/n roared at him... NOW, MANJIRO! Y/n yelled at him... He walks away defeated... 

With Itona and Kisaki

Hmm... Tell me something... What do you gain out of all of this? What do you gain from being in Toman? Itona asked... To take over Toman and become the number one criminal! So Hinata will realize I am much better for her than Takemichi! Kisaki said... That sounds so stupid... I can see why she will never love you... You are nothing but an evil bastard who will never get anything in life... Hinata is not your soulmate... You can not force a forced mating bond... Or a forced soulmate bond... You know... I was like you... All I thought about was power before... But when I found out that Y/n was who I was meant to be with... Who belonged with me... Even though I was craving power... Her feelings for me grew... I then gave into that bond... And look where it got me? A beautiful and sexy woman who knows how to keep me sexually satisfied... I'm getting tired of seeing your face... All you do is cause trouble for Toman and Y/n! Itona growls... w-What are you going to do to me? Kisaki gulps... Kisaki is scared right now... Something I should have done ever since you joined Toman! I am going to kill you! I kept my promise! Itona growls... n-No, please! I will not betray Toman! Please! Kisaki begs... NO! YOU DON'T GET TO BEG AND PLEAD WITH ME! No one will be able to save you now! Itona growls... Itona took out a gun... This gun is different... It's different from the gun that can kill our different... It's made out of... It's made for killing bastards like yourself! Itona said gleefully seeing the scared look on Kisaki's face... Kisaki started to cry... Please... Please I'm begging you... Kisaki begs... No... I hope you enjoy hell... That's where you're going! Itona fires the gun and it shoots Kisaki in the head... He fell to the ground dying quickly... 

Back to the fight

Kazutora! Stop! Kazutora stop it! Just put the knife down! Y/n said... She was getting to him... He put it down... Y/n... He said... Y/n sighs in relief... Baji... You idiot! Y/n rounds on him... Y/n... You got all this worked up for me? Thanks... Baji said smiling... It was too quick... And no one expected it to happen... But Baji pulls out a knife of his own and stabs himself... BAJI-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chifuyu yelled... Baji you dumb idiot! Why did you stab yourself! Y/n cried... Y/n pulls him into her arms... Why... Why you idiot?! Y/n cried... Takemichi come here... Baji coughs... You know... You remind me of Shinichiro... Weak but would never give up a fight... Baji said weakly... Baji... You fool... Y/n cries... Listen... I found out some things... Kisaki wasn't the only enemy... He had a partner... It was Hanma... But Kisaki was the main enemy... You guys need to watch out for him... Baji said... Don't talk so much, Baji-san! Chifuyu said... Chifuyu... I'm happy you and Y/n were able to make up... I know it wasn't easy for you two... And she hid the fact and pretended to forgive you... But she didn't want to hurt your feelings... You have an amazing sister who loves you... Baji said... Baji, you baka... Stop talking! Y/n yelled at him... As for you, Y/n... Baji said... Stop talking, idiot! Y/n said crying... Man... I'm going to miss you scolding me... Baji laughs... Hey, Chifuyu go get some Peyoung yakisoba... I could go for some right now... Baji said... Of course, Baji-san... I will go right away... Chifuyu said... Dumbass... Y/n sobbed... Hey after that, let's go burn some cars, Y/n... Baji said... Of course, idiot... Y/n said tearfully... Is this what dying feels like? Baji asked and closed his eyes... BAJI-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BAJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chifuyu and Y/n cried... On October 31, 2005... Baji died... It was known as the bloody Halloween... Baji... You fool... You promised you would be safe! You promised me you would come back to Toman! Y/n screams at the sky... She felt a hand on her shoulder... She looks up at Kazutora... I will stay with him... He said... Kazutora... You will be in jail again! Y/n said... I need to stay with him... Kazutora said... Y/n's eyes watered... She hugs him... Please... Take care of yourself, Kazutora... And... Tora, I don't blame you for Baji's death... He won't want any of us to blame you... So when you get out of jail... You will still have a place in Toman... Draken and I don't trust Mikey right now... He has made a lot of bad choices lately... Y/n said... Kazutora's eyes watered... Thank you, Y/n... Thank you for not giving up on me... He said... I would never give up on my friend... Baji would haunt me to death... Y/n said lighting the mood a little... Toman let's go! Y/n shouts... Hey, wait a minute, Y/n! We're not done here yet! Hanma or the zombie said to her... She double-kicked his dick... He fell to the ground in pain... Let's go! Draken said... Y/n stared back at Baji's dead body one more time before Karma and Nagisa drag her off... She leans on Karma happy that they won... But also heartbroken one of her greatest friends died because of it... 

Itona Horibe x Chifuyu's twin sister Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now