Sibling Rivalry

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Hey, everyone! Happy Friday! I know in my last one... I told you about my grandma's funeral... I hope you will enjoy this one... Today our guest star is... Takemichi! 

Takemichi: Hello...

Lily: Hi, Mitchy!

What do you think about my book?

Takemichi: I think it's great! You're following the storyline and adding your own twist to it! I like it... I really love how you had Itona kill off Kisaki! Thank you! Oh, thank you, Y/n! 

Lily: I hate him too, Mitchy! So of course, I had to make the bastard suffer!

Takemichi: Is Emma still going to die? 

Lily: Well... Emma isn't going to be the only one dying... 

Takemichi: NO!

Lily: You will have to read to find out, Mitchy...

Takemichi: I will save Y/n and Emma! 

Lily: Anyways... Takemichi... 

Takemichi: Of course... Welcome too... Itona Horibe x Chifuyu's Twin sister Female Reader!

Y/n's pov Hinata was in shock... WHAT!? MY FATHER DID WHAT?! She yelled... Hina... I said... Hold on, Y/n... My father does not get to order Takemichi to break up with me just because... Because he's in Toman! That's crazy talk! Hina grabs my hand and walks inside... Father! How dare you make Takemichi break up with me! Do you know I beat him up! Do you know I felt bad after that! How dare you! She shrieked... I told her...  She deserved to know the truth... I never liked you... And this is one of the reasons why... I glared at him... What?  Masato? Is what Y/n and Hina saying are true? Please to god, don't tell me you did something stupid again! Ryouko said... He sighs and looks away from his wife... I did... He confesses... I scoffed... You got a problem with it? He asked me... I don't like you... I never liked you... You act like you are so much better than everyone... But you aren't even rich... I scoff... I am not rude! Masato said... Not rude? I think you are past rude! You're an asshole! You forced Takemichi to break up with Hina, because he was in a gang! And you know what? I am the leader right now... Our leader was making some mistakes lately so I took over... What I can't get is that... You are so blind to realize what Takemichi does for Hina! He loves her! He freaking loves her and he was forced by you to break up with the only girl he loves! How sick is that? I heated at him... Hina hugs me...  Masato! How could you do that?! Takemichi is a good kid! You will stop this! You will stop trying to get into Hina's business! Ryouko said... What?! I will... You will stay out of their relationship unless you want to die by me! I threatened... He looks at me... You dare threaten me little girl? He said angrily... Little girl? I am not some weak little girl, that is afraid of you... I could snap your neck in half since I am so much stronger than you are... I could kill you... I growled into his face... But it would upset, Hina... So I won't... But this is your only warning... So you better take heat to this... You will stay out of Hinata's relationship with Takemichi or else you will not live to see another day... And that is a promise... I make good on my promises... I hissed... You are threatening you... I smacked him across the face... Oh my god... You are threatening me, little girl! You are threatening me! I said mocking him... Father Y/n is right... Unless you want to have a relationship with me... You will stop getting in the middle of my relationship with Takemichi! Hinata snapped at him... I am your father! You will do as I say! He snapped... She won't... She won't listen to a control freak... You act very controlling... That is why I never liked you... I always hated you... I always hated how you would cut Hinata's time short with her friends! Hell... You think Kisaki was a good kid, huh? I said... Yes... I do... Masato said... Ha! Your stupider than I thought you were! HOW DARE YOU! He snapped glaring at me... He's dead... My boyfriend killed him... Kisaki was nothing but an obsessed freak... He was obsessed with your daughter... Did you know he caused one of my member's girlfriends to get raped? He ain't a good kid... Kisaki planned all that just so he could become a top criminal and the leader of Toman... So I had Itona kill him... Big deal... At least Takemichi loves your daughter! You will stay out of their relationship from now on... Because if not... If I find out from your daughter that if you try to force Takemichi to break up with her again... I will make sure you will never see Hinata or Naoto ever again... I will take them with me... They will live with me and Itona if you keep this fucking up... DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, ASSHOLE!? NOT EVEN HINATA WILL STOP ME FROM HURTING YOU! I snarled... You better do as she says Masato... Because I will leave you if you continue this... You will stay out of our daughter's relationship... I will back Y/n up on this... Ryouko said... He looked at his wife in disbelief... Don't give me that look... You know I'm right... Ryouko said... I have to go... I will send someone to pick you up and take you to Mitchy... I whispered to Hina... She nods...

I went back to the church... I saw all of the Black Dragon's members beat up... How the fuck? I muttered... Yo, Y/n! Some Christmas Eve eh? Draken smirks... I should have figured! I laughed and went to him... So you knocked them all out? I asked... 

No one's pov 

You know, Hakkai... You suck! Takemichi said... But I suck worse! Takemichi said... Hehe... You do suck, Takemichy! Mikey laughs... Not helping here, Mikey-kun! Takemichi yelled... I suck too! Mitsuya said... You know what? I also suck! A female voice calls... Y/n walks inside... Mikey... I'm happy to see your back to your old self! Y/n said smirking... Sorry about that! Emma and Shin made me do soul-searching! Whatever that means! Mikey pouts... Well... Good to have you back leader! Y/n grins... Mikey grins... They all went outside... With Taiju too... Taiju was shocked... Boss we lost... Inui said... Agreed... Koko said... Takemichi there is someone outside for you... Mikey said... I did it! Takemichi whispered... Y/n, Chifuyu, and Itona smiled... Way to go partner! Chifuyu whispered... Y/n put a hand on her mouth... Should I go to Baji's grave and tell him that you cheated on him? Y/n said teasingly... Chifuyu growls at her... The twins knew Baji really liked Kayano... Takemichi... Hina said... Hinata... He said... Y/n smiles happily... She took Itona's hand... She turns to Itona with a soft smile... I love happy endings, don't you? She smiles softly at Takemichi and Hina... Happy endings are always good... But... You have to tell me what happened between you and Hinata's father... Itona said... Y/n wraps her arms around his neck... I told him how I truly felt... He didn't like the fact that I threatened him... She smiles... Itona chuckles... That's my girl... I bet you didn't hold back... Itona said... She shook her head as a no... I didn't... Even Hina got pissed at him! Ooh... The things I said to him were so awesome! Y/n giggles... I bet it was hot... He smirks... You pervert... Y/n went red... But, babe... I'm your pervert and you don't mind it at all... Itona smirks and kisses her cheek... I love you, Itona... And Merry Christmas... She said smiling brightly... Merry Christmas, love... Itona smiles... 

Itona Horibe x Chifuyu's twin sister Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now