A couple of weeks

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Hey everyone! Happy Sunday! Before we get into today's chapter... I have a special guest! Priyanka Chopra!

Priyanka: Aww... Thank you for having me, sweetie...

Lily: 🥰

To be honest... All out of the three... Nick was my favorite... 

Priyanka: ┌|o^▽^o|┘♪

Mine too!

Lily: I used to like Justin... But I have seen how Justin's wife Hailey mocks Selena... 

Priyanka: I noticed that too... It is disrespectful and cruel...

Lily: I know... In my school days, I was bullied but... If one of my friends were being bullied... I would get in between the fight... I would try to stop it... But that time... I ended up with a scratched back... 

Priyanka: Me too... I used to get bullied in school when I was younger as well... And I would stand up for my friends... So I understand your protectiveness... 

Lily: Thank you... Would you please, Priyanka?

Priyanka: Why of course, sweetie! Welcome too... Itona Horible x Chifuyu's twin sister Female Reader!

No one's pov It's been two weeks since Okuda got threatened by Y/n from trying to break up soulmate bonds... Y/n would literally would have killed Okuda if she didn't stop her flirting with Itona... But once Y/n got in her face... She knew she had to back off... But she still didn't learn her lesson... She learned Nagisa and Karma were dating... It was weird and gross, to say the least... To Okuda it was gross... Once Okuda started to go after Karma... Y/n once again got in her face and threatened her to stay away from Karma and Nagisa... She felt someone watching her... Okuda turns around to see Y/n giving her a nasty look... Y/n... Why are you glaring at Okuda? Rio asked... Okuda smiled lightly... She will have some support... I'm glaring at the bitch because I feel like it... Got a problem with it, Rio? It has nothing to do with you, girl... That bitch was stupid enough to come between two soulmate bonds! What? Scared I wasn't going to say anything... You were stupid to think I was going to stay quiet about this... Y/n said... Y/n what do you mean? Rio asked... The bitch tried flirting with Itona a couple of weeks back... So I got in the sluts face and threatened her to never flirt with my ITONA again or it will be her death... I'm still unsure if I should just kill her... I mean the way she is... She is so disrespectful to soulmates... That includes Male Soulmates... After Itona and I dealt with her... She went after Karma like a cheap whore...  Unfortunately for her, Karma and Nagisa are dating and are soulmates... Y/n said... Fuck this bitch! Okuda thought in anger... Ever since Y/n's friends and brother joined E-Class... It's been all about them! What? You can't be serious? Okuda really did that? Rio said shocked... Ask Itona... He will tell you himself... Y/n said... Y/n isn't lying... That bitch came up to me flirting like a slut... Itona said... You're so fucking annoying, Y/n! You should die! Okuda spat... She was punched in the jaw... Oops... Not the best thing to say to a gang member... Much less a captain, little girl... Y/n Matsuno Captain of the Seventh Division... Nice to meetcha bitch... Y/ n smiles... Y/n felt something squeeze her ass... ITONA YOU PERVERT!!!!!!!! Y/n yells hitting his head... Worth it... He muttered before squeezing her ass again... Y/n rolls her eyes at him... 

Most of the class was disgusted by the way Okuda tried to come between soulmates... Coming between soulmates is death... Itona had his arms around Y/n tightly... Y/n gave Okuda a smug look... Like saying... If you try to cross me, I will beat you to the point of death... She smiles seeing the scared look on Okuda's face... Teaches her for messing with soulmate bonds... 

After school, there was a meeting with Toman... But what, Y/n, Itona, Nagisa, and Karma didn't know was... They were being followed by their class and Koro-sensei... Sorry, we're late! Y/n called... What's going on? Bitch-sensei asked... The meeting will begin now! Draken shouts... As all of you know Mikey has made some bad decisions... Y/n said... What the hell is she doing? Okuda asked... Shut up... No one cares what you think! So shut it, slut! Kayano sneers at her... Okuda gasps... What? Shocked? Surprised? I don't like the way you treated Y/n... And you were always jealous of her close friendship with Karma, even though they were only best friends! She hisses to her... So you are probably wondering why Mikey isn't standing up here? Well... After the fight with Valhalla... Draken saw him talking with Hanma... Hanma tricked Mikey into letting him join Toman when Mikey isn't the leader as of right now... He made another mistake by doing this... So... Until he stops making mistakes... He will continue being benched... And if Hanma is anything like Kisaki... He will be dealt with soon... Most likely killed... So Hanma, you better pray your lucky stars that Draken and I are willing to give you a chance... But... You won't be a Captain... There are no Divisions for you to be a captain of... Besides, there is a perfect place where I can put you... And I know you will be watched carefully... You will be watched under the third Division... But you will be just like Kisaki... Only a member... Not a captain or Vice-captain... Y/n said... Meeting dismissed! Draken said... You can come out now... Y/n said annoyed... They came out and Koro-sensei too... Is this what you have been doing? Koro-sensei asked... Teach... I've been doing gang stuff since I was 12... Y/n said... Shut up, Okuda... Your option doesn't matter... At least I know how to fight when you're weak and an obsessed freak trying to come in between mates... Y/n said... Can I join!? Koro-sensei asked wearing a gang outfit... The hell!!! Draken said... Fine... There is no point... Besides... Look at it this way, Ken... Any of the rival gangs that see him... They would be scared shitless and we would win so easily! Y/n giggles at the idea... And seeing how Koro-sensei will be useful to Toman... Draken thinks about it and laughs... Okay... You can join, Koro-sensei... Y/n said... Koro-sensei was wearing a Toman gang outfit... Can I... No! Women like you that try to come in between soulmates aren't welcomed into Toman! Y/n glares at Okuda... Y/n and Itona left... 

Itona Horibe x Chifuyu's twin sister Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now