Season 3 is here! The longest day

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Hey, everyone! Happy Monday! I am sorry for being gone for three months!  But I'm back and ready for this amazing story to continue! Because we are finally in season 3 of Tokyo Revengers! To start of season 3. Let's welcome Kakucho! 

Kakucho: Thank you for having me, Lily. 

Lily: Sure! Thanks for being here Kakucho! 

Kakucho: So what's going to happen in season 3?

Lily: Well. Here's the thing. I haven't finished season 2 yet. So I'm just making it up as I go. I already have two deaths in mind.  Emma won't be the only one dying. 

Kakucho: Y/n will be dying with Emma, right?

Lily: You got it! I wanted to shake things up! 

Kakucho: That's cool. 

Lily: So Kakucho. How does it feel that you will be reunited with crybaby soon?

Kakucho: Well. It will be nice to see BakaMitch again. 

Lily: Would you be so kind, Kakucho? 

Kakucho: Of course. Welcome too. Itona Horibe x Chifuyu's twin sister Female Reader! 

No one's POV Y/n and Itona left Sakura with Y/n and Chifuyu's mom. Tell me again why we left Sakura with your mom. Itona said. You know very well why we left our angel with my mom. Now come on... We have to go! No more stalling me! Now stop it! We have to go, Itona! Y/n said looking at her boyfriend. Okay. Okay. Let's go. Itona said. Good!  Y/n said... Nahoya! Souya! Y/n said seeing her friends. We're looking for Takemichi and Chifuyu. Nahoya said. I knew it! Y/n said. Y/n gets on Nahoya's bike. Itona got behind Souya and they drove off... Where are we going? To Tenjiku hideout. Souya said. Tenjiku who? Y/n said surprised. You mean you didn't hear Chifuyu and Takemichi were beaten up? Souya said. HUH!? Y/n said worried about her brother and stupid crybaby partner in crime. Y/n and Itona looked at each other. This is bad! Y/n thought herself... Nahoya felt driving and Y/n was lost in her mind. What were you doing that was so busy? Nahoya asked. Y/n snapped out of her daydreams and hit him on the head. We were taking Sakura to my mom so she could babysit Sakura. Y/n said. Why don't you let me babysit Sakura? Nahoya asked. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T YOU REMEMBER THE LAST TIME YOU BABYSAT A KID?! Y/n rolls her eyes. It couldn't have been that bad? Itona asked. Y/n laughs. He left the kid at his house when he was supposed to take the kid back to his parents. He was banned from babysitting a kid again. Y/n said. You don't have to make it sound like I am the bad guy! Nahoya whined. And you wonder why I never let you babysit Sakura! And I still won't let you, BAKA! Y/n yells at him. This is normal for them. If you weren't Y/n's soulmate or existed at all. They would have ended up together. Souya told Itona. EH!?!?!?!? IF ITONA NEVER EXISTED OR WASN'T MY SOULMATE I WOULD STILL NEVER DATE NAHOYA! HE'S TOO INSANE FOR MY TASTE! Y/n yelled at Souya. EH!? ARE YOU SAYING I AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?! Nahoya yelled at Y/n. YEAH! YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE ME ON YOUR GOOD DAY! Y/n yelled back at him. I can see why people would think they would be good together if Y/n and I weren't soulmates or if I didn't exist. They match each other's attitude. Itona said. WELL GOOD! BECAUSE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO HANDLE ME! Nahoya yelled. I don't want to handle you period. Y/n smirks and ending their fight. You won the fight. But I will win the. Y/n hit Nahoya on the head making him shut up. I have no time for your nonsense, Nahoya. Y/n said smiling. 

Y/n! Chifuyu and Takemichi said. Yo. Looks like you two got in some trouble, eh? Y/n got off of the bike. Takemichi these are Nahoya and Souya Kawata. They are our devil duo. Y/n said... They walk into the hideout. Just then someone walks over to them. I would fight but... Nahoya said. Y/n rolls her eyes at him knowing he is planning something. What are you planning, Nahoya? Y/n muttered under her breath. He grins at her. I think Takemichi should fight! Nahoya said. Okay... How stupid can you get, Nahoya? I mean seriously? Y/n said. 

Itona Horibe x Chifuyu's twin sister Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now