chapter - 40🌹

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"How long will it take?!! I'm seriously worried"

"Took you 2 months honey, don't forget that. He will be up soon i guess"

"Will he remember us? Me?"

"Well you have to see that yourself"

Two very distant voices rang in his ears. Slowly it became audible and he tried to recognise the voice. They were familiar but at the same time it was difficult to pin point whom it belonged to. There was no face flashing in his mind that could be attached to the voices.

"Look!!!! His eyeballs are moving. Johnny look!!!"

That sounded familiar but again, he couldn't bring himself to imagine the face.

"Oh my devil!!! He's scrunching his brows!! Oh my!! Wake up wake up!!"

A hyper active voice bombarded his ears. By now he realised they were talking about him. They wanted him to open his eyes. And he too wanted to see the faces who disturbed his beautiful nap. Despite being so reluctant to tear open his eyes and end his peaceful sleep, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Taeyong!!!! Oh my fuck!! You are awake!!"
"Calm down Ten, he is still in daze. Don't scare him"

"Who is in daze?" He finally opened his eyes and spotted the hyper active person, having his face right on top of his.

"Ten??" Just a glance and he was thankful to recognise the person.

"Omo omo!! You remember me???"

"Why would I not remember you?" Taeyong was genuinely confused. Why was his friend acting as if he saw him after decades? He just woke up from a nap, didn't he?

Taeyong tried to sit up and hurriedly was helped by another pair of hands while Ten set the pillows so that he could lean on it. Taeyong winced as his back made multiple cracking sounds as he leaned forward. It felt good after that. He questioned how long he just slept. His eyes then shifted to the person behind Ten.

"Do you by any chance remember me?" He spoke first. And Taeyong gave him a questioning look before saying," why are you two being this weird? Johnny?" Johnny looked surprised.

"Tae, know who he is?" Taeyong's eyes went back to Ten to find a rather concerned look. By now Taeyong was really weird out. But instead of questioning it he chose to simply answer.

"You boyfriend....duh!" Taeyong rolled his eyes. There was another wave of surprise flashing on Ten's face.

"You know what I am?" Johnny had a sceptical look on. "Yes. An octopus! Seriously do i look like a psycho or something? Just waking up from a nap and you think i will lose the ability to differentiate between a human from animal?" Taeyong was really annoyed.

"Tae you didn't wak_"

"Oh sorry sorry. We were just checking up on you. You were knocked out for a bit longer so yeah. Just making sure you are sober and in sane mind. Just that" Johnny cut Ten off. Ten looked at him but Johnny subtly shook his head. Meanwhile this didn't go unnoticed by Taeyong. "You both are weird" he commented. Ten sighed and faced Taeyong again and smiled.

"Hungry?" He asked.
Taeyong nodded immediately. He had almost forgotten about his rumbling stomach in the midst of his friends weirdness but now when it's mentioned, he was damn hungry!

"Freshen up, i will get something for you" Ten patted Taeyong's head while the other could clearly see the disappointed look on his face. But Taeyong just chose to not question it. Ten stood up and Johnny snaked his hand around Ten's waist, whispering something in his ears as they made their way to the door.

HEAVEN IN HELL || jaeyong [Incomplete]Where stories live. Discover now