Her Origin story

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When Tamara got back to class (later than everyone else) there was no seat left except the one behind Gwen, so like any girl, her age with a crush on her best friend would do, ignore the situation and move on like it never happened.

When the bell rang she was the first one out somehow. She was at her locker faster than you can say flash. When she got her bag and key she remembered she forgot her history book in class and went back, passing Peter and Gwen on the way there. When Tamara passed Peter he saw that she didn't even look at them let alone say hello. '' Gwen I'm sorry I have to go but, thanks for helping me. ''Mara where are you going?'' asked a very confused Peter. '' Just forgot my History book in class be right back.'' '' can you check out my camera when we get home.'' She nodded her head, then she was gone.

When she got upstairs and into her history class something wasn't right she felt off something felt off. Then she saw something glowing in the back of the room. It looked like a red stone, when she got close to it the stone blew up and the energy inside it went into her. When the explosion stopped she ran down the stairs and grabbed Peter and ran out the door and into her car.

On the drive home all she could think about was what happed in history class. She didn't hear Peter scream for her to slow down until he put his hand on her leg and she got out of her trance. She pulled over and turned to Peter. '' I think something happened to me but, I can't explain it. '' she was talking so fast that Peter couldn't understand her. '' slow down I can't understand you Mara'' he still had his hand on top of her leg but, moved it to her hand.

She looked down at their hands and took a deep breath and said. '' I think something happened but, I can't explain it,'' she said the words slower this time. '' What do you mean 'you think that something happened but, you can't explain it?'' he asked. '' I'll explain at home or try to that is,'' she mumbled. '' guess that means that your not looking at my camera when we get home.'' peter said. Tamara started the car and went home.

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