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The next morning Tamara got ready for school as usual and then went downstairs. When she went downstairs she heard some commotion and ran to Peter's to see what happened. When she got there she saw that May and Ben were coming to check out the noise as well, luckily Tamara got to the room first and waved them off saying that she got it. When she opened the door she was met with a toothbrush in her face. She put her hands up in defense.

When he realized that it was just her, he put the toothbrush down. " you scared me!'' he said. she scoffed and said " I scared you, you scared me dude, and what is with the toothbrush?!" she said. That was when she got a good look into the room. She looked at the bathroom and saw that the faucet was broken. She had a shocked look on her face when looked at peter again. He went to the door and closed it. " look we have to get dressed, I will see you downstairs." he said while shuffling her out the room. He kissed her and closed the door. She looked at the closed door with a smile and went back downstairs.

When she got downstairs she saw May looking at her with a smirk. " what do I have something on me." she looked at herself and looked back at her. May shook her head and told her to sit down. " You love him don't you?'' she knew who she was talking about. " yea I think I do," she said with a smile. "So when are you going to tell him." she asked standing up. Tamara sighed and said," well I'm going to tell him when the time is right." " well do it soon, so we can officially call you our family, not like you aren't but, legally we can." she said.

" well do I have good news for you, Him and I am now dating as of last night," she said going to get some coffee. She heard May giggle. That was when Peter came downstairs and looked at the two. That was when May cracked and started giggling. Peter looked at Tamara and she just shrugged with a smile.

When the two got to school they went to their lockers which were right next to each other. When they got there, two kids were macing out in Peter's locker. They were there for a few moments until Tamara got sick and tired of seeing them like that and, opened her locker then slammed it closed making a loud bang next to the two kids startling them.

It was now gym and Tamara was running the track when she saw one of the girls in her history class painting a banner, she then decided to help her out. Got off the track and going you to the girl, she learned was named Jessica. She went up to Jessica and asked if she needed help, she said yes and they started working.

That was when Flash's basketball knocked over the can of blue paint that they were using all over the banner. " what the hell Flash, you did that on purpose didn't you." Tamara said getting up in Flashes face. Peter came and helped pick the can up. He looked at her and smiled, then picked up the ball. " alright Parker give me the ball." Flash said a little annoyed.

Peter looked at him and nodded, he looked at Tamara and asked if she could hold his camera, she held her hand out for him, and he put it in her hands and looked at Flash. Peter went up to Flash with the ball and held his hand out for Flash to take it,n when he went to take it from Peter the ball wouldn't budge.

The boys behind Flash were told to take the ball that was when Peter said," Hey look I make it easy for you, I won't look," he still had the ball in his hand but, he turned his face away and put one hand covering his eyes. " see not looking.'' he said. When Flash looked back behind himself and back at Peter he went up to the ball but he still couldn't take the ball no matter how  hard he tried and he tried.

That was when Peter started to move the ball. When he had enough of playing around he pushed Flash to the ground and ran toward the basketball hoop, then he jumped and put the ball in the net shattering the glass Rim.

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