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Previously in 'How young love happens'

She then remembered what happened in school when she was getting her history book. She gasped and threw the computer on the other side of her. She ran to Peter's room and swung his door open. ''I have something to tell you!'' they both said at the same time.

They looked at each other with a confused look. ' What could Pete have to tell me that I don't already know?' Tamara thought, raised a brow, and looked at him. Peter cleared his voice and said. "What- what did you have to tell me?"  He stuttered a little bit in the beginning but got it under control.  She looked at him a little worried but continued. " I just remembered what happened at school."  She said Tamara went to sit on Peter's bed next to him. Tamara started to tell the story about how she went upstairs in the school and what happened when she got to the class. The look on Peter's face was pure shock.

Peter's POV
That was not what I was thinking when she came into my room telling me she wanted to talk. I thought that she was going to talk about what had happened before Ben came into the room. Not her telling me that she thinks she saw a red glowing stone in that history room.
(end of his POV)

The next morning was a blur, all Tamara remembered was that she woke up in Peter's room tangled together. They both got up and got dressed trying to ignore the awkwardness of what just happened. She decided on a simple look. She put on some blue semi-baggy jeans, a black belt, a white wife beater crop top, and some white Converse, she also had on her mother's necklace and a gold angel necklace with a few rings, and she put a band-dana on.

She went downstairs and made breakfast before May came down. She was making coffee when everyone came downstairs, thankfully she had already set the table and all she had to do was get the coffee cups and fill them with the energy they all needed. When she saw May she looked so impressed with what Tamara did, yes it was a simple breakfast but, still, it was the thought that counts.

She looked at her watch and saw that she was going to be late, as she finished the thought Uncle Ben said. "I have to take the car, can you take the train to work?'' It wasn't much of a question, more of a comment. Tamara sighed and nodded. She was on her way out the door when she heard her name being called. Peter ran up to her and asked if he could walk her to the train station and of course, she said "Yea sure." On their way out they heard May and Ben yell 'Goodbye,' and 'Love you' and the last one was 'Be safe'.

On their way to the train station, Tamara noticed the time on one of the buildings she saw the time and it said that it was 6:45 but, on her watch it said 8:45. She sighed and made a mental note to save up for a new watch.

Tamara and Peter reached the train station jsut in time for her to get her ticket and get on the train, Peter just walking her to the train turned into him going with her to her job because in his words'' I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you and i could have been there to stop it." so she just write it off as Peter trying to protect her that and the fact that she needed to propare for the new intern tour that she was assigned to.

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