Dr.parker and Dr.North

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When dinner was over the two cleaned the table and went to Peter's room where the cases were. While Peter was on his computer Tamara was doing bio homework. That was when she looked at Peter's dad's case, she found reading glasses. '' hey look what I found!'' She picked up the glasses as Peter spun around in his chair to look at her. She walked up to him and bent down to his level and put the glasses on him. All Peter could do was look at her. When she was done she didn't move, she just looked at him and smiled. '' what, why are you smiling like that?'' he asked with a laugh. '' there is nothing wrong with you, and hey why can't I smile when I look at you?'' she said laughing with him.

They both didn't realize that they were leaning into each other until Uncle Ben opened the door. '' hey pet- oh hey Mara didn't know you where in here, was just about to come to your room.'' He was surprised to see her in peter's so late at night. Not that they weren't always together but, she had a schedule she was trying to maintain. '' yea just didn't want to look at these medical reports by myself you know.'' she shrugged. Ben nodded with understandment.

There was a little pause then Ben gasped lightly and said.'' I just wanted to make sure you both were alright. They both said that they were fine. Ben looked at Peter's computer and saw a picture of Tamara on his screen and smiled. '' what are you working on?'' Ben said with a smirk. That caused Tamara to look at Peter and Peter to look at his computer and shut it off. Peter poked his lip out and shook his head as if saying 'nothing'. Ben just laughed at him and left closing the door. Tamara looked at Peter and smiled, Peter looked at her with an unamused face.

Later that night Tamara said good night to Peter and was now in her room. She was on her bed bored, so she went on her computer and looked at the photos of her and her family both the Parker's and the North's. A tear ran down her cheek, she was quick to wipe it off. She then looked at her dresser and grabbed her headphones and hooked the up to the computer, listening to to her music typed away on her keyboard writing about a life she wished she would have and on that only happened in movies, the one were she had the courage to tell her best friend that she was in love with him, one where her and his parents were alive, and she was still living in that beautiful small yet cozy house that her father got when her mother was pregnant with her,  one were she still had her small dog sparky.

Then out of nowhere there was a red glowing light coming from the dresser. She opened it with hesitation, she opened it and saw where the source of light was coming from, it was from her jewelry box, when she opened it she saw that the light was coming from her necklace.

She then remembered what happened at school when she was getting her history book. She gasped and threw the computer to the other side of her.  She ran to Peter's room and swong his door open. '' I have something to tell you!'' they both said at the same time.

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