Not real

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Previously on ' How young love happens.' 

The two couldn't look at their lovers in the eyes, at that moment Tamara knew that something was wrong. Her face fell, " What happened before we got here?" she asked quietly.

Peter and Gwen didn't speak. When Tamara got no answer she asked again but, this time she asked a lot louder, " I said what happened before we got here?!" that made the two flinched. Gwen looked at Tamara and then Aaron with a guilty look. At first Aaron was confused as to what Tamara was talking about but, when Gwen looked at him like that he understood. Aaron sight with disbelif. " Oh, on, don't tell me you guys-." he said.

Gwen looked at Peter trying to get him to say something. " Why are you looking at him, look at me, look at us, Peter can't save you." Tamara was angry. Peter looked at Tamara, " let's talk about this when we get home." he said reaching out for her but, she yanked her arm away from him. " NO Peter tell me what is going on right now." she was about to cry at this point. That was when Aaron said something. " can't you tell by the way they looked at each otherwith their guilty faces. They kissed when we where looking for them." he said. That was when Tamara broke down, she looked at Peter as if asking him to tell her this wasn't true. " No Peter tell me this isn't true, tell him that wasn't what happened." she was begging him at this point. Going up to him. Him looked at her and opened his mouth but, then closed it, not having any words to say

She walked up to him and slapped him and then turned to Gwen and slapped her too. She then turned to Aaron and said, " I'm sorry that this happened to you, you seem like a nice guy and I'm sorry that you had to see me slap your girlfriend or ex girlfriend like that but, I think that we she leave." she said with a tone that sent shivers down Peter's spine. That was when Peter finally said something, " your just going to leave, we need to talk about this, are you really going to leave with him."

Tamara turned around and glared at him, " you have NO room to talk your the one who hasn't said a word in this intier argument, and if he would like me to drop him home then yes I will be leaving with him because it is much better then leaving with you, I can't even look at you right now that is how mad I am,  and you, you have a nice guy that would never do this to you, while we were talk and you guys were doing whatever all he could talk about was you or science and the mane topic was always come back to you." she said and turned away from them, and looked at Aaron. He nodded and they left.

Peter turned around and yelled. " damn it!" When he felt Gwen's hands on his he pulled away. " Look I don't know why Tamara is angry at you it's not like the two of you are dating." she said with a laugh. When she didn't her Peter say anything. She looked at him surprised. " Oh my god you too are dating." she said with her hand over her5

mouth. Peter looked at her then back down at their two lovers getting into Tamara's car.  When she got in the car she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes she was back at the dinner table with Aaron, Peter, and Gwen. she looked at Peter and saw that he was uncomfortable. " well Peter Is the smartest man I have ever me. He helped Dr.connors and I will a formula. And after so many fales we finally found a formula that worked." she said still looking at Peter. He smiled at her then kissed her. She hear a gasp. " your dating?!" Gwen asked. Tamara nodded her head. Gwen always has her suspicions but, never actually got her answer. But now she does.

They stayed her for another hour and then felt because Tamara had to work tomorrow. When they both got into the car, Tamara started crying. She didn't know that she had been holding tears back until she got into her car. " What's wrong, why are you crying?" Peter asked trying to calm her down. She it took her a minute for her to ccalm dwon but, while she was Peter held her close. When she did calm down she pulled out of Peters hold. " I had a bad dream- but the thing is I don't think it was a dream, It was when we were eating dinner and me and Aaron were talking, then you and Gwen got up and left we were still talking but we looked at the time saw that we need to leave because we had work in the morning, so when we didn't see the two of you in the kitchen we started to get worried me more then ever because of the spider-man thing,

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