Getting to know their abilities

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Peter looked at her with confused eyes. " what are you talking about?" She took a quick look at Peter and sighed. It hurt that he would lie to you. " look I know what I'm talking about, ok I'm not stupid. Something was happening at oscorp and at the house, you were acting weirder than usual. So I'm going to ask you again what happened that day at oscorp.'' she said. Peter sighed and told her everything, from the spiders and what happened on the bus, then to what happened at the house. She, to say the least, was shocked.

When they got home they went straight. To Tamara's room. May was confused but just let it go. When they got to her room Peter closed the door and locked it. " OK, we have to find out what exactly we can do. So you go first." Tamara said sitting down on her bed with a notepad. " Why do I have to go first, why don't you go first?" He said with an offended look. " Because I have to take notes and we both know that I have better handwriting than you." She said with a side smirk. He nodded in agreement. When they fingered out how they were going to find out what their abilities were they told May that they were going out on a date, which Isn't a lie they both say this as a date, and they had food drinks, and music.

They got to the abandoned building and set everything up. When they were done they just looked at each other. " How are we going to find out our abilities again?" Peter asked her. She just shrugged and said, " Well you got bitten by a spider, let's see if you have any of the qualities of one."  She then got her notepad and started writing. ' Can he stick to walls?' " See if you can stick to the wall."  She said to him, He nodded and jumped, but he didn't stick. " ok this time try again and think about sticking." He did it again, stinking to the wall he let out a yell of joy.

But that joy was replaced with panic. " how am I supposed to get down!" he exclaimed. " Try to relax, think about something relaxing." She said. He did as he was told and tried to relax, finding it difficult to.

They both let out a sigh. " Try thinking of something that makes you happy, or something that makes you calm." She to him. He nodded again and started to think, then just like that his fingers were one by one unsticking to the wall. When he was on the ground they let out a yell of joy and hug each other, when they looked into each other's eyes they didn't notice that they were leaning into each other until they could feel each other's breaths fanning themselves.

When they let go of each other, Peter took a deep breath and stepped back saying, " I guess it's your turn." she looked at him for a second and said, " yes- oh yes I believe it is my turn." she put her hands out and closed her eyes as she tried to concentrate on something, anything. There was silence, then seconds later she heard Peter let out a loud 'wow'. She opened her eyes and gasped. The bookbag that Peter had brought was floating in the air with red mist around it.  When she realized that what was happening wasn't a dream she dropped the bag and put her hands on her mouth. " omg I just did that, I can't believe that I just did that." She exclaimed. Peter nodded with a happy smile. Running to her picking her up and spinning her around. She laughed and hugged him back.

To them nothing could ruin this moment. But all good things have to come to an end sooner then later. But then again that is a problem for the two lover another day

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