Dr. Connors?

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When they got to Gwen they saw that was with Aaron. When Tamara saw this she smiled and looked at Peter. " Hey lets go home, we have a free period next class, then school is out so lets just go." Peter said to her. she nodded and they started walking to their car.

She looked in her bag for her keys but, she coulded find them. She then remembered th]at they were in her locker. " Hey I forgot my keys in my locker, I will be right back." She said not waiting for a response. When she got back into the school she went straight to her locker. She opened it and got her keys.

When she closed the locker she saw a women with brown hair and the same cloths that her mother wore when she died. " Mom?" She asked the women and when the women turned around she was suddenly the woman was infront of her. " Oh my sweet girl, you hsve so much to lurn in such little time. Stay with Peter, and make sure don't touch the book. I don't have much time but, know that your father and I love you." she said to her.

Tamara was crying . " what do you mean don't touch the book what book, and how are you here?" she asked. " look I know that this is unbelieveable but you need to trust me, do as i said and you will win the battle that is to come and with in you." she said and with a bink of an eye her mother was gone and she was left with tears ounce again.

She took a minute to regain herself. When she was ready she headed outside and went to her car. " hey sorry for keeping you waiting." she said to Peter. Peter nodded. " no biggy, hey you mind stoping by dr.connors office real quick?" he asked her. she looked at him and shock her head. " Nope I have to get some work from my desk anyway." she said to him, starting the car.

When they got there Tamara showed her bage to the lady and told them that Peter was a visiter. When they got up the stair she turned to Peter, " Im going to get the things I need and then I will meet you at Connors office if your still there, and if he isn't there jsut come to my desk." She said to him. He nodded and they went their seperate ways.

When she got to her desk she started to put the things she needed in her work bag that she always kept there just in case. She was looking for the files when she heard Peter's voice, " looks like you need some help." looking down at her. 

When she heard him she jumped and bumped her head on the bottom of the the desk table. " Ha ha," she said to him when she heard him laughing " can you help me up please?" she said to him. He stoped laughing and put his for her to take.

When she got up she let out a huph of air. " hey you already talked to Dr.connors. where is he I didn't see him leave." She said looking over Peter's sholder. " Yea he left, let's go yeah?" he asked her. she nodded. Peter led the way but, soon he stopped. " Pete what is it did you leave something?" she asked him. 

When she didn't get a responces from him she steped closer. " Pete what are you looking-" she cut her self off with a loud gasp. " Oh my god what is that thing?" she asked not looking away.  Peter looked away and looked at her. He grabbed her arms and pulled her toward the exit. 

when they got out side they went toward Tamara's car. They got in the car but Tamara coun't move. " Baby we need to go to the police." Peter said to, she nodded but he could tell that she wasn't really listening. " Tamara do you want me to driv-." just like that she gasped. " What were you saying." she asked, he was about to answer but before he could she said," Oh right we have to go to the police. And with that they headed to the police station.

Tamara's POV

We had gotten into the car but, my body couldn't move. it was like a out of body expierence, I could hear and see everything but it was like I could see everything  outside my body. I could hear Peter but he sounded so distant.  time was moving so slowly. I had so many questions but at the same time I didn't becuase I think I have all the anwsers, and that scares me. 

All a sudden it gets hard to bearth,I was trying to grab onto Peter but I couldn't, that was when I came to. Everything was normal I could here everthing clearly. "Oh right we have to go to the police. And with that they headed to the police station." I said. I put the keys in and started the car. On the way there I had so many thoughts going through my head but, two were the many ones. ' What was that feeling?' and ' Whatever it was I didn't want to feel it again.'

Hello my lovebugs Im having a hard time with writing since I'm doing this for high school and then the Boys and girls club and then starting High School. So I was thinking that I would have a team of writers that know the story and both the movie and Peter well, you will have credit( if you want, But I would be more then happy and thankfull to put you down). and if you don't want to help that is ok, I still love you all, but I will be puting this out for all my new storys so if you want to help on those to you can. just message me and i  will make you guys a goolge Doc.  anyone can join I welcome all. so if you are intrested please message me.  Love you lovebugs.

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