" Stay with me Uncle Ben!"

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Warning ⚠️: mentions of death, mentions of guns. Just a sad character if you are very attached to Uncle Ben

After Peter shattered the glass door Ben looked disappointed. May turned to Tamara and nodded for her to go after Peter, it seemed like she was reading Tamara's line. When Tamara was just out the door Ben yelled that he was coming with her saying that it would be better if two went out looking for him than one. While May was left to clean the glass the other two went out to find Peter.

Peter Parker got angry sometimes yes but he was never this angry. When he was taken out of his trance very harshly he looked up and saw that he was at the corner store. Since he was there he thought of getting a chocolate milk for him and apple juice for Tamara. A man then came in, Peter went uo to the cash register and put his items on the counter. " 6.99" the man said with a annoyed look. Peter only had $6.50. The man saw this and laughed. " sorry man you do't have enough." Peter asked if he could get them with the money he had but of course the man said " that is not my problem you either take one back or you don't get either of the." Peter looked at the man annoyed an put the chocolate milk back. Then the man that hadcome in not too long ago payed for Peter's chocolate milk. Peter thanked the man just as Tamara was coming around the corner.

Tamara yelled out in surprise. " Peter there you are come on we have to go home ." Tamara was shouted to Ben that was a few feet away that she had found Peter. That was when the alarm went offin the coroner store that Peter was in. The same man tha bought her milk ran out of the store fast and the man behind the register yelled at the two to help. Peter smirked and grabbed Tamara's waist and said " not my problem." that is when they heard struggling. They turn and see Ben fighting the man but soon hear a gun shot. Everyone in hear shot ducked. Peter on top of Tamara. When he thought it was safe to lift is head he heard wimpers he looked down thinking that it was the girl under him but sadly he was wrong.

When Tamara looked up she saw Peter looking around than her eyes landed on Ben she then let out a pained scream then jusmped up running to Ben. when Peter heard the scream he looked at the source seeing it was Tamara. He saw Tamara holding Ben in her lap. He was confused until he got close enough to see the man. There was a hole in his shirt and a pool of blood coming out of his stomach. Peter was on his knees in seconds. Screams for help come form his lip looking at him. " stay with me Uncle Ben your going to be ok. Just wait a little longer.'' Tamara said to keep him awake,tears running down her face.

That was when Ben looked at him and said the words that Peter and Tamara will never forget. " Peter always remember that your father and I loved you and thatthat with great power come great responsibility. Tamara you need to know that, that necklaces mean more than you think it does and whenthe time come always know that no matter what you always have someone in you corner even when you think you don't." those words where the last word and they where grateful that they where there to hear them instead of some random cop tell that to them.

About an hour or two of waiting the cops finaliy came back to the house with information. " I'm sorry we have to do this now, but do you know this man that killed your husband and uncle." the police officer asked but we didn't know the man. "No we don't." Peter anwsered the officer awsered " I didn't think you would." soon after that they left. When the officers left May had let out a small sob. Tamara went to May in confort while Peter just stared out into space with a blank look.
That night was the most tramatic night they had ever faced.

When they went to school that monday everyone was looking at them with sad eyes. Some would say ' sorry for your lose' or ' I will keep you and your aunt in my prayers' soming along the lines of that, while Tamara would say thank you or would just nod, Peter on the other hand would just keep staring forward like he wasn't lisening. It got to the point were when the two got home he would lock himself in his room for hours on end with little to no food. He would talk to May but he would let her and Tamara come in and check on him.

When they got to school that Friday they were met with Flash Thomson. " hey Parker,North!" he said getting their attention. When Flsh put a hand on Tamara's sholderdid Peter push Flash up aganist the wall. Flash had said something that Tamara coulded hear but went to Peter to calm him down. When she had pulled the boy off of Flash she saw a worried Gwen. Gwen went to Peter trying to hug him but shook her hands off him. Tamara looked at her witha 'i'm sorry' look and continued to walk with Peter.

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