New suits

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⚠️ slit usage of guns

When they both got back they decided that they would look for the man that killed Uncle Ben. When the day came Tamara had to go to work, she brought Peter with her as a guest. When they got to Dr. Connors's office she knocked on his door. She had turned to Peter and said, "Whatever you do, don't ask any questions or look at his arm, ok." He nodded with a slight smile.

he was about to say something to her but the door opened and Dr.Connors stepped out. " Alright, let's get this show on the road. So what are we doing you may be asking your tiny little teenage minds, we are going to be designing a serum that would help a human grow their limps back. How will we be doing that you may be asking again, we are going to be using reptile blood. Spicficly lizard blood. Cool right." He said. They both nodded looking at each other then back to Connors. " Then let's do this thing."

2 Weeks they had been working on the serum. Too many fails to count and it felt like nothing was going to work. That was until Tamara had an idea that she thought was going to fail just like the others. There was a green light that had appeared on the screen, it took them a minute to take in that there was a green screen that said ' success' the boys let out a loud sigh while she let out a squeal of joy. Peter went up to her and hugged her then kissed her.

That night Tamara went to bed in Peter's room both of them had huge smiles on their faces. " I can't believe that we finally made the right serum," she said with an excited voice. Peter claimed into bed and wrapped his hands around her and nodded putting his head in the crook of her neck. She played with her necklace nodding off to sleep.

When she was sleeping Peter carefully took his hand from around her and went to his closet. And took out his father's trunk. There folded neatly was a blue and red suit that he would put on when he was sure everyone was asleep. He put it on and slipped out the window. He remembered the conversation that the both of them had on one of their dates

They were at the riverfront walking around. " Ok I have some ideas for our superhero names," she said looking up at Peter. He looked down and nodded for her to continue. " For you, I was thinking one of these 1. Spider-boy, 2. Bug-man, or my personal favorite, number 3. Spider-man. So which one do you like?" she asked him, he thought for a moment, ' well 1 is nice but I don't like the boy part, I hate 2 but can't tell her that, and I like 3 as well, so I'm thinking 3.' he thought. " I love 3," he said and she squealed. " Alright, Spider-Man it is. Now for me I think I'm going to be 'The scarlet witch' what do you think" she asked him. He looked down and smiled then looked up " I love it. Think it sounds great." he said kissing her forehead and hugging her. " Oh we have to make suits for each other," she said excitedly. He chuckled. " You thought a lot about this huh?"  she looked at him scrunching her nose a little. " Just a bit, then again if I left the thinking to you, you would wait two weeks to think about one idea," she said jokingly. He fake glared at her but still could hide his smile. They both broke out in laughter. That day they spent the rest of the day making their costumes. She had an all-red costume with the exception being the boots, it had fingerless gloves and a red belt with a silver buckle. I had a low v-neck and pots open on the shoulders. It had black and dark red stripes. He had a red and blue suit with black lines to resemble webs. He had big yellow-tinted eyes. He had grips on the bottom of his shoes. It took them a while to get the material and the design they liked but when they got the design that they liked they made the suits. To say that they loved it that would be an understatement. They had promised each other that they wouldn't show their costumes until they were done.

When the time came to show their costumes they were both amazed. " Omg I love it, I love the red and blue, the eyes, the black webs, I love it all," she said. He thanked her. " Why red and black. What do they stand for?" she asked. " There are the colors of the police, I want the bad guys to know that I'm helping the police and I want the police to know that I'm on their side," he said. " That is so cool. Now it is my turn," She said taking her suit out of a case. " So what do you think?" she asked Peter. He was amazed as well. " I love it but how are you going to hide your face?" he asked. That was when she took out a red mask that had a red cloth at the end to tie around her neck. The mask would only cover her mouth and nose. He nodded. " Should have known you always think of everything." she nodded with a small smirk.  " You are just now realizing that?" she said. They both laughed.

When Peter was about to leave he looked back to look at the sleeping Tamara but she wasn't there. That made him worry, when he turned around he was met with a scowl and a scarlet witch. " And where do you think you're going without me?" she said with folded arm. Peter jumped back in surprise. " What are you doing, aren't you supposed to be sleeping in my bed? How did even get your costume?" he was asked. She just shrugged. Peter sighed and opened the window. " You need me to hold you?" He asked. She shook her head and went to the roof. Peter was quick to follow. " How are you going to get across the city then?" Peter asked not knowing how she was going to transport. " Look Parker there are things that I didn't tell you for reasons that I'm not going to tell you," she said with a wide smile. He looked confused until her hands glowed the familiar red mist. She started to float off the roof. Peter shrugged his shoulders and started swinging.

When they got to their destination, they saw a man trying to break into a car. " Hey, there bud you having car trouble?" Tamara asked. The man turned around startled. " who are you?!" The man asked. Peter though his arms up and turned around saying, " No one seems to catch the concept of the mask." turning back around. Tamara looked at Peter to see him looking at her they both nodded and turned back to the man. The man fully turned to the two vigilantes.

When they looked at the man they saw him take out a small pocket knife. Tamara gasped sarcastically. Peter was way too dramatic. He put his hands up and he turned around and then was on the ground. ( I honestly don't know how to describe what he was doing in that scene.) " Oh no, no small knives my weakness. Please don't hurt us," he said in a whiny voice putting Tamara behind him. He whispered, " Do your magic and take his knife away." she nodded and put her hand slightly up but not enough for the man to see.

Red mist appeared around the knife. The knife appeared in her hand. The man looked at his hand then her's. That was when they heard sirens they turned around and saw red nad blue lights. They turn to each other and the two vigilantes looked at the man.

When the police got there, they got out of their cars and put there guns up. " drop the knife and turn around."  They said to them. When they turned around they looked at each other and nodded. Tamara went to distract the officers and Peter went to webb the man up on the wall. When Peter turned around he grabbed her hand and took off.

How young love happensजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें