Dinner invite

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When they got home it was way past midnight. That was when they heard the sweet voice of May. " Why are you coming in so late." When they turn around they saw a very concerned May. she looked at Peter, who looked down not able to tell her the truth. Then looks at Tamara, who has sad eye. Now just before they come home they thought that it would be wise not to tell anyone about their 1. Abilities. And 2. Their secret identities. So when she looked at May she changed her expiration. " come on Aunt May let's get you to bed." she went up to may and took her hand leading her to the stairs. May took one last look at Peter for the night and went upstairs.

When they went to school they both went to their homerooms. When lunch they sat at their normal table they were visited by Gwen Stacy. " Hey, Tamara what have you been up to?" She asked her.

Now Tamara loved Gwen Stacy ( in a platonic way.) so when she heard Gwen's voice she realized how much she missed it. She looked at Gwen and smiled. " oh you know family stuff after Ben's funeral we tried to stay low so we could grieve." she said with a small smile and looked at Peter who turned his head away from the two. 'Still, a sore subject got it' she thought. Gwen nodded and smiled as well. She and Tamara started talking, Peter zoned out.

When Tamara notice she put her hand on his leg to get him to focus. " Peter and I would love to come over and have dinner as a double date!" She said it so Peter would know what they were talking about. Gwen looked at Peter with a smile silently asking ' are you down with this' he nodded his head with a smile. Gwen giggled and waved bye saying" see you tonight at my house." Tamara waved back with a smile and nodded.

When Gwen was out of sight she turned to Peter and sighed." You need to pay attention to what is going on around you. If not then you might just miss something important. That being said we have a dinner date with the Stacys wear something nice so when I come home to pick you up you will look nice and presentable." she said with a smile. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. " where are you going to be while I have to find a nice outfit for a dinner that I didn't willingly agree too?" he asked. " I'm going shopping with Gwen if you were listening, you would have heard that she is she a date and she wants us to come and meet them, see how we like them," she said.

When school was over Tamara and Peter got into her car. She dropped Peter off at the house. She kissed him on the cheek as he got out of the car, and then she was off. On her way to the store, Gwen had asked to meet and he got a message on her phone. She went to grab it and when she did she looked down for a second to see what it was, all she got to see was that there was a message from someone when she looked up and immediately slammed on the breaks. When she did her head hit the steering wheel, and the car jolted forward and back again.

When she looked out the window of her car she saw that there was a man the had his arms out in front of him. She got out of the car and ran to him. " Oh my god are you alright, did I hurt you, I'm so sorry." she was rambling, so when the man put his hands on her shoulder she finally stopped talking. He chuckled, " I'm fine, see no scratches." he showed her his arms and leg to show that there were indeed no scratches. She let out a sigh of relief. " Do I need to call someone for you or anything?" she asked. He looked at her and said 'no' she then offered to drive him to where he needed to go and he agreed.

When they got in the car she asked where to go and he gave her his destination. Thankfully it was on the way to the store Gwen wanted to meet. " I'm Tamara by the way," she said not taking her eyes off the road but, putting her hand out so he could shake it. " Aaron." He shook her hand. She looked at him for a second when she saw that he was already looking at her. " eyes on the road, we don't want what happened last time to happen do?" he asked teasingly. She chuckled and shook her head no. she dropped him off at his destination and took off. She looked at the time to see that she was a few minutes early, which was shocking to her because of the events that took place only 5 minutes ago. She met Gwen at the store and they went to town. 10 minutes later they met at the dressing room with their dresses and outfits and went to their rooms to try them on. Tamara had three dresses and one regular outfit. The first dress was a black flowy dress. The next dress was a yellow long sling dress ( the dress she was going to were to dinner), and the last dress was a beautiful African-themed dress blue with a yellowish-orange flower pattern. And the outfit was a pair of African-themed pants and a black turtle neck.

She ended up getting all of them.

When she was done shopping with Gwen she made her way to the house. When she got there Peter was dressed and ready to go. " Good you look nice, just let me take these upstairs, and then we can get going," she said running upstairs. She put her new clothes in her room and made her way to May's room, only to stop due to Peter saying," She went to work." that made her confused because she swore that May didn't work until tomorrow. She went downstairs and grabbed her keys walking out the door, Peter right behind her.

They got to Gwen's house at around 6:30 so they were early so they decided toget some flowers for her. When they got back it was just about seven. When Gwen opened the door she was wearing one of the dresses she bought earlier that day. That was when a man stepped next to Gwen giving her a kiss on the cheek. When the man' eyes landed on Tamara's and her's on him they both gasped. " Aaron?!" " Tamara?!" they said at the same time. Peter and Gwen looked at each other with a raised eyebrow. " you- you know each other?" Gwen asked Peter nodding agreeing with Gwen's question. " Not exactly, I almost ran him over." Tamara said. " you did what?!" the two asked.

At this point Peter and Tamara are inside and are in the living room but, Tamara is standing next to Aaron and Peter is standing next to Gwen. The Tamara and Aaron looked at each other with uneasy looks. It was silent for a moment, then Gwen sighed. " Alright lets just pretend that we never heard thant and that never happened. We made a nice dinner together for the four of us so lets go and eat. Yeah?" Gwen saidgoing in to the kitchen to get the food. Everyone else nodded heading towards the dining room.

When Gwen put the food down they saw a beautiful looking baked chicken with potatoes around it with all types of spices and herbs. It smell really good. " Aaron made the chicken i made the broccoli." when the food was set out on the table Peter almost went for the food but, before he did Tamara slapped his hand. " Ow, what was that for!?" he whispered. " we have to say grace idoit." she whispered back. He let out a small scoff. " you don't believe in god." ( if you do then skip this part.) he said. She just shed him. Gwen and Aaron looked at the two with raised eyebrows. " everything ok over there?" Aaron asked Tamara and Peter looked at him and nodded.

When they said gace they started to eat. " So Aaron do you have a job?" Tamara asked, Gwen looked at her with a glare. Aaron looked at her and said, " yes I just got a new job at oscorp." she looked at him with a smile. " I work at oscorp aswell." she said. They both started talking about there work and what they do at oscorp. " that is awesome, I never knew someone could be so passionate about the multiverse theory as much as me." Aaron said. " How can people not be curious." she said they didn't notice Peter or Gwen get up and leave. " I think they are getting along well don't you?" she asked him.

Peter looked at the two in the dining room laughing. " yea they are." he said in a low voice. Gwen looked at Peter and sighed. " don't be jealous.the just have a lot in common." she said, trying to assure him. Peter was getting uncomfortable so he excused himself. When he got there he was met with a slit breeze. At that moment he was glad that he grabbed his jacket. He had heard footsteps before they got to the door, then the door opened. Thinking it was his girlfriend he sighed and said, " I'm sorry for leaving so soon it just looked like you too were getting along so well and it was kind of awkward to be there." that was when he heard Gwen's voice. " I'm so glad that I wasn't the only one that felt that way." he turned around shocked.

Gwen had her arms around herself walking next to him. " I didn't- I thought that you were Tamara." Gwen looked at him and smiled. " I know that is the reason why you said those things." They spent the next 10 minutes talking. " I have to tell you something," Peter said to her. She looked at him with a curious look. " I- I'm- I can't. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." he started to have doubts about telling her what was going on. " Just tell me we're friends, you can tell me anything.

" she said with a low voice, getting closer to him. " I can't," he said. She sighed and started to leave but then something grabbed her shirt pulling her back to him. " your spider-man." she gasped. He smiled and said, " shut up" getting closer to her lip. That was when their lips caught each other.

They stayed like that for a moment then were interrupted by two loud voices and footsteps. They quickly pulled apart acting like the kiss never happened. When the door opened they heard a sigh of relief and Tamara's voice followed by Aaron's, " there you guys are we were looking for you guys were." Tamara said. " We were getting worried." Aaron had said.

Suddenly Peter looked at Gwen to see that they were already looking at him. Both their faces held guilt within them. The two could look their lovers in the eyes, at that moment Tamara knew that something was wrong. Her face fell, " what happened before we got here?" she asked quietly.

How young love happensजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें