Chapter 19

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I got back to my room, still thinking of all that had transpired downstairs. I lay on my bed, my legs stretched wide and hands behind my head forming a pillow with my hands.

"Grace!!" a voice yelled suddenly, before banging the door of my room open.

I looked up to check who had so annoyingly barged into my room. Even though I knew the person responsible for it, I still looked up for confirmation.

And... yes, it was Darling!

"Grace make sure you don't tell ore when you see him tomorrow that you have a phone oo! "Darling yelled, in her usual annoying voice as she walked towards the bed.

I looked at her in confusion. I was surprise at her flimsy reason for barging in.

Why did she always have to be so stupid??

Telling ore about my phone had never even crossed my mind, what made her think I was ever going to tell him??

I still couldn't believe she barged into the room for something as stupid as that. What was my business with ore?!

I sat up straight and looked at her with a huge fake smile on my face.

" oh, no. I didn't even think about doing such. Why would I want his number in the first place?" I replied, trying to hide my annoyance while still smiling. My face had started to hurt from forcing a smile that long.

Darling nodded her head and smiled back, surely happy with my reply.

" Good good, thank God you even have small sense sef. Anyway come to the dining room for your breakfast, mum said I should tell you so, don't think I care or something. I am sure you know where the dining room is. You can even see it from the sitting room. If you like get lost, that one is your problem." Darling added, in a sarcastic tone before bursting into a sudden laugh that made me want to punch her face.

I was not going to let her spoil my mood. I couldn't wait to get my hands and mouth on whatever food would be served.

I nodded at her and gave her another smile even brighter than the last. She smiled back and left the room happily, not bothering to shut the door behind her.

I stood up from the bed, wore my slippers and closed the door darling had left open before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I had finished brushing and washing my face and not spent up to five minutes in the bathroom which was a record-breaking time for me. My hunger had outweighed my love for the bathroom and had turned me into the fastest girl alive. I came out of the bathroom with a smile on my face, ready to start my 'breakfast journey'.

I walked out of the room and closed my door, trying to speed walk; I looked at my front, back and sides every second. With my speed, I had in no time arrived in the living room.

As expected, I could see the dining directly from where I stood in the living room. I never really had a reason to use the dining room since all of my food was brought to me in my room.

I walked into the dining room to meet it empty, no one had arrived yet. The dining room was painted white and cream and had a chandelier on the ceiling that made the atmosphere look and feel even more exotic. The dining tables and chairs screamed money.

The table was also rid of food, the only thing I could see on the table was a small flower vase. As I carefully sat down to wait for everyone's arrival, I heard sounds of feet shuffling, from the stairs,a sign someone was heading to the dining. I looked up from where I sat, trying to have a view of who it was.

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