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Hello, guys! Another story has already come to an end. But don't worry because I'll be constructing a new one after the election. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read my story and for your unwavering support.

So, I guess this story taught me a lesson as well. A lesson in how our hearts can be closest to those we are the furthest away from. Friends that will be there for you no matter what happens in your life, even if you don't speak with them on a daily basis. It is not always necessary to work jointly. As long as the friendship is still alive in the heart. Most importantly, a family that you can feel a strong hug from. Where time sits still for a brief while, where the outside world's noise is muffled, and where you may breathe it all out after being stressed all day. You are safe, warm, and extraordinarily cherished the moment you walk through the door of your home. Even if flaws arise, you will all be fine in the end. Just don't give up and keep helping one another.

Despite the fact that my stories aren't particularly entertaining to read, I'd like to say how grateful I am to having you as readers. Many of your points of view I am familiar with and include in my story, my inboxes are full of messages asking when I am going to update, and most importantly, thank you for including my stories as a recommendation. Because I knew several persons in writing who are extremely trustworthy and generous. And those people became like family to me. You are aware of who you are. I just wanted to thank you for reading my tale and cheering me up whenever I'm low. Your words are so wonderful that I can't express how thrilled I feel anytime I read them. Lastly, see you on my next story.. hikhok

This has been Wish Upon A Fading Star, thank you!

Wish Upon A Fading Star

May 5, 2022 (10:30PM)

Wish Upon A Fading StarWhere stories live. Discover now