Thank you

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Hi everyone, it's been a while. It's crazy to think this story is almost ten years old! I know it's cringey, and there are tons of plot holes, and dumb random humor that doesn't make any sense.
It's so insane to me that after nine years of this story existing on here, I'm still getting comments and messages. This was the first story I've written to completion, and it took me a long time to finish it, and I still don't really like how it turned out.
However, I just want to say thank you to each and every single person who has ever read this story, left a comment, gave it a like, sent me a message. I remember when I first posted a chapter and I'd be so excited watching the numbers climb. The first time I hit 1,000 reads, I cried.
Also, in case some of you weren't aware, the original inspiration for this story was actually from a friend I made on here, Z. They were kind enough to tell me their vision and allow me a chance to bring these characters to life.
A few things I'd like to address, because I've gotten TONS of comments about it.
I started writing this story in the summer of 2013. I was 15. This was when I was more concentrated on school and boys and surviving and I would write for hours on end with no plan on where the story would go. That's why the humor is lame, the grammar is horrendous, the story is overall cringey and cliche.

Also, for those who have been here since chapter one and have followed my journey from the beginning, here's some life updates for you:
- I'm turning 24 in just over a week 🎉
- Still very depressed 🤙🏻
- I have other stories on here now! They are all currently works in progress, but if you want to read more updated works, go for it :)

And perhaps the most exciting announcement...
I've decided to begin rewriting Solace! My writing style has changed drastically over the years, and I'd love all of my work on here to reflect that. That being said, there will be BIG changes to the story and the characters in order to make it work. These are the changes I've had in mind.
- Austen's name will be changed to something else. I kept it as Austen for so long because that was the name Z had for the original character, but my brother's name is Austin, and while it's spelled differently, it's always made me uncomfy to write a romance novel with the same name as my brother.
- Perhaps a title change? Solace I just feel doesn't really fit the vision I had for the story.

I'll still keep this version up because it's fun to go down memory lane, but I'll begin uploading new chapters in a separate book.

I can't wait to hear from all of you again and I hope you're as excited as I am for this new installation of Solace.
And again, thank you so much for all of your support for the past 9 years.
If you haven't already, give me a follow, and add this story to your library so you can get updated when the new version comes out!
Love, Ashy ❤️

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