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15 year old Jude walked through the halls of his high school all smiley and bubbly--mainly to see his boyfriend, Connor Stevens. They started dating two months ago, and everything had been going so great.
Finally, after begging and pleading his moms, Jude's mom's finally let Connor sleepover for the first time in ever. The minute the two started dating-they couldn't keep their hands and lips off of each other-though it wasn't anything too serious.
They both promised no 'funny business', so Lena and Steph exchanged looks, discussed the matter, and finally said yes. So now, today was going to be a fun day for the two of them.
"Hey." Jude greeted, opening his locker that's right next to Connor. Connor smiled shyly, looking down at his lock.
"Hello Jude." He greeted back softly, grabbing some books out of his locker. They weren't much of a PDA couple, because of how shy they were to each other-and everything else.
"So, are you excited for tonight?" Jude smiled, turning to him.
"Yeah, I haven't slept there in so long." Connor chuckled with a blush.
"Well, I guess we're both lucky" Jude whispered, a smile tugging at his lips. Connor smiled back, taking his hand in his, but looking if anyone was around.
Yes, it was true. No one exactly knew they were dating. Connor still needed time to figure things out-though his father and Jude's moms had already knew, but they didn't really let Connor sleepover-afraid they would do more than just sleep.
But finally they were allowed to sleep over in the same bed, to sleep in a soft embrace and to absorb each other's love.
After school, Connor walked with Jude out of anchor beach and into the actual beach; laughing, talking and occasionally sneaking kisses. They were just so happy to be with each other, because they made each other so happy.
"So what do you want to do when you come over tonight?" Jude asked with a shy smile. Connor looked at him with a teasing mischievous grin and Jude rolled his eyes.
"Nah, I'm kidding. We could play video games or something." Connor smiled, looking down.
"Yeah, that'd be nice." Jude responded, nodding with his cutest grin that Connor loved.
Minutes later, Lena walked out of school, and drove the two to Jude's house.
"What do you wanna eat?" Jude asked, opening the fridge lazily.
"Anything, really." Connor sat down at the table, a smile never leaving his face. Jude snook glances at Connor as he took fruit out of the fridge, putting it on the counter. He threw an apple to him, and smiled at Connor's catch. They both sat the table, talking and eating their fruit
They were both kind of nervous, considering the fact it's their first time spending the night as more than friends. They both wondered if each felt the same-nervous about the night. Connor, who had been trying to calm down for the past hour, took a deep breath, and smiled at Jude. He leaned over, and placed a kiss upon his lips. They both started kissing, each on the opposite side of the table.
They pulled apart to see a smirking Lena entering the kitchen. "I'm going out with Steph to dinner. Let me know if there's any trouble." Lena explained, walking to the door with her bag. "And-you know the rules already." She shrugged.
"Bye mom." Jude smiled, his face flushed. She nodded, and walked out.
"Want to hang out in my room?" Jude asked, holding Connor's hand.
"We're just going to hang out... Right?" Connor asked, unsure of what they were going to be doing.
"Yeah, what were you thinking we were going to do?" Jude asked, blushing.
"I don't know." Connor said, biting his lip nervously.
"We're 15, Connor. We don't have to do that." Jude chuckled. The two's laughter died down, and they shyly held hands, enjoying the nice and serene moment.
"I like being with you."
Connor looked up at Jude, a smile lightening up upon his face.
"I like being with you, too." As they both leaned in for a kiss, Callie and Mariana's voices were heard downstairs.
"Okay, since you've never been inside, here's the living room and kitchen." Mariana said, her voice extremely cheery and happy. Confused, the two boys walked down the stairs, and saw Callie's half sister, Sophia.
"Hi Jude." Sophia politely greets. Jude nods in return, staying quiet. "Who's your friend?" Jude's ears sting at the next sentence.
"This is Connor. Connor, this is Sophia." Jude awkwardly introduced, clearing his throat.
"Nice to meet you." Connor nodded as Sophia grinned at him, a blush creeping up on her face. Jude's eyebrows line together in frustration, and he clears his throat again.
"Well, I think we can go back upstairs." Jude cut in again, rolling his eyes.
"Wait Jude! How about Sophia hangs around you guys for a bit? She's around your age range anyway." Mariana shrugged with a smile.
"Oh." Jude looked at Sophia trying not to frown, and nods slowly. "Okay." Sophia smiled once again, looking back at Connor.
Great, Jude thought. This is just great.
"Cool room!" Sophia complimented, trying to be nothing else but polite.
"Thanks, but it isn't only mine, so." Jude answered, sitting much closer to Connor than normal; more protectively.
"So Comnor, you like baseball?" Sophia asked, sitting up in her chair.
"Uh yeah, but I haven't played in a while." Connor responded, looking at Jude.
"Oh, that's okay." She giggled, looking down at her phone. Jude frustratingly looked at the two, huffing as he sat on his bed.
"Hey Sophia! Want any cookies?" They all hear Callie's voice from the hallway.
"Yeah! Sweet!" Sophia cheered, walking out of the room quickly. Jude looked at Connor with a half glare.
"What's wrong?" Connor asked, rubbing his boyfriend's back.
"She's flirting with you!" Jude whines, looking down. "You'll be wrapped around her finger in no time." He sighed hard. Connor's concerned looked turned into a smirk pretty fast.
"Are you saying you're jealous, Judicorn?" Connor pulled Jude closer to him by his waist, and he stays silent.
"No, not really." He said in a quieter voice, his lips in a pout.
"Oh come on, admit it." Connor leaned over, and gently placed a kiss on the side of Jude's neck. Jude's face quickly turned red, and he shyly looked back at Connor.
"Yeah, I was jealous." Jude answered, looking at Connor's lips.
"Oh Judicorn." Connor teased, kissing Jude on the nose-which turned warm and pink right after. Two seconds later, the two started teasing and tickling each other, and Connor had ended up pinning Jude to the ground, again. They both kept laughing until their stomachs hurt. "You're so amazing Jude, I love you." He laughed. As soon as the words came out, the two stopped laughing immediately.
"You-you love me?" Jude whispered, his lips inches away from Connor. Connor stared at Jude, just as surprised as he was.
"I-yeah, I do." Connor hesitated, his eyes traveling down to Jude's lips. They both leaned in for a kiss, and Jude wrapped his hands around Connor's neck, holding on to the sparky lingering kiss.
They both pulled apart immediately, looking at Sophia, Mariana and Callie all smirking.
"That was quite a show." Callie laughed. Both Connor and Jude's faces turned a tomato red, looking down.
"Very romantic." Mariana added, nodding.
"I didn't know Connor was gay." Sophia raised her eyebrows, her mouth agape.
"Yeah, he is." Jude held Connor's hand protectively, keeping his boy close to him.
"Oh. Well, I'm tired. Callie, can I sleep in your room?" Sophia yawned, stretching her arms.
"Okay." Callie answered, leading Sophia to the room.
"You guys are so OTP." Mariana squealed, giggling.
"Mariana, come on!" Callie called out. Rolling her eyes, she walked to the other room.
"God, who knew you could be so protective?" Connor stared at Jude in amazement.
"What can I say? I fight for things that are mine." Jude smiled, giving Connor a peck on the cheek.
AHHHHH I love this. I've actually had this as a draft for like a month, and now I'm finally posting. YAY!!
I didn't revise it, so ignore any mistakes on this.
Until next time!!

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