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(A/N: did ya miss me? Fun fact. I'm writing this as I'm going to Starbucks. I was like, "what should I write about? Oh wait. I'm going to Starbucks! Aha!" Isn't this funny? No? Agh, just read.)
"What if the right guy doesn't come along?" Jude pouted as he looked at his friend. Taylor sighed annoyingly, and glanced back at him.
"I told you. The right guy will be right in front of you when the time is right. Trust me on this." Taylor patted his shoulder as they walked up to the register to order. The cashier looked at the boy and smiled.
"May I take your order?" Connor asked, and Jude felt his stomach flip. This boy was cute. And he could've sworn he's seen him around at his own school. Was he his age? Probably. The boy had cocoa brown hair and hazelnut blue eyes. He didn't think much of it anyway. Oh crap, wasn't he supposed to be ordering?
"Uh," He cleared his throat, and thought about what he wanted. "Can I get... A pumpkin spice latte?" He asked sheepishly. Connor smirked and grabbed a cup as he wrote his order down.
"Good choice. I've actually never had one of those." Connor chuckled as he poured the some of the pumpkin spice latte into the cup.
"Really? They're really good." Jude responded as he got his money out. Taylor smirked as she saw a blush appear on her friends face. Connor made the latte, and put whip cream on the top of the coffee. Then, he wrote something on the cup. Jude arched a brow up as he waited on it, and felt his stomach twist nervously.
"Okay, here you go." Connor smiled, and handed the latte to the boy. Jude took it, and sucked in a breath. It wasn't noticeable, but Jude mentally cursed himself for doing so. Saving his embarrassment, he smiled back and nodded as he walked away. He sat down at one of the chairs, but something caught his eye as he looked at the cup.
"Dear customer, I like you a latte. -Connor." It read. Did the worker know him? Did he notice he was from his school? And he liked him? Taylor laughed at Jude. He suddenly broke out of his chance, for he noticed Taylor's trivial facial expression.
"What's so funny?"
Taylor looked at the boy knowingly. "You're worrying your pretty little mind. It's just a regular worker."
"Would a regular worker write this on your cup?" Jude then turned it, and Taylor read the message.
"Oh... Damn." Taylor's mouth parted. "Why can't that happen to me? It's genius!" She slapped her forehead. "Lucky freaking you." Taylor smirked.
"Uh, not lucky me!"
"You're freaking out over nothing, Jude. Calm down." Taylor rolled her eyes. "You'll be fine."
"I guess." Jude looked back and his eyes met Connors. Connor smiled, and uncomfortable, Jude smiled back. He walked out with Taylor.
Jude put his bag down as he sat down at my desk, taking his phone out before the first bell. Taylor chuckled at his weird dazed expression that stuck on his face from yesterday.
"Alright class settle down." The teacher told the class. "Now," the teacher began writing things on the board. "Who can tell me-"
"Sorry I'm late." Connor said as he held a cappuccino in his hand. He must've made that himself. Jude gulped, and Taylor smiled in amusement. The teacher rolled her eyes as he gave her the late pass, and took a seat--right next to Jude. Connor looked at him knowingly, and smiled. Jude smiled awkwardly back, but on the inside, he was freaking the hell out. Connor suddenly grabbed something out of his backpack and handed it to Jude. "I carry an extra normally, but here." He had handed him a cappuccino. Jude took it, and carefully read what was on it.
"Date?" It read on the cup. Jude's cheeks turned pink. But he turned to the boy, and nodded.
After class, Jude walked in the hall. Soon enough, Connor joined him and bit his lip. "Hey. So where do you wanna go?"
"Uh, anywhere is fine." Jude shrugged.
"Oh, then I have a surprise for you. Be ready by..." He checked his watch. "By like six." He looked up at him, his eyes lit up.
"Okay. I'll see you tonight then." Jude responded. Connor smiled, and walked into his next class. Jude bit his lip nervously, and had butterflies swarming around in his stomach. This was going to be a good night.
Jude jelled up his hair as he looked in the mirror, and looked down at his black t-shirt and jeans. He looked good. Callie walked into the bathroom as he continued jelling his hair.
"Damn. Are you going on a date tonight?" She asked, looking at her brother. He nodded as he looked at her from the mirror. She smiled and kissed her brother's cheek. "Have fun. And tell me how it went afterward!" She said as she left the bathroom. Jude smiled at his reflection once more, and walked out.
He heard a honk from outside, and stood up. Nervous, he began walking down his front steps, and stepped into Connor's car. "Hey." Connor smiled.
Jude looked up at him, his eyes sparkling.
He drove silently on the road to where their date was going to be. Jude looked at him from the corner of his eye, and bit his lip. Connor looked better than him. His hair was perfect, he had a dark blue shirt on with black jeans. He looked approximately date ready.
They reached their destination at---Starbucks? That's where he was taking him? What kind of date-
They walked inside of the place and it was absolutely perfect. There were some candles lit, and there was slow music playing. In the back, there was one table with two hot chocolates and two chicken sandwiches.
"I know it's not classy, but I thought it'd be nice." Connor shrugged.
"No no, it's really nice. I don't like extreme formality." Jude looked around the place as they walked to the table. They both sat, and Jude looked at the boy.
"So. What made you interested?" Jude asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
"I don't know, I mean, you're cute, great taste in coffee." Jude chuckled at this. "You seemed different than others. Plus, you do come here a lot." Jude smiled.
"Well, I'm glad you noticed me." Jude chuckled. His hand accidentally brushed Connor's, and their eyes both looked down at their hands.
"Well, this is new." Jude spoke, looking up at him.
"Yeah. It is." Connor said. Their hands stayed like that, and they smiled. Everything felt so new and so innocent, for it was almost like it was a beginning to a new canvas. It was time to begin the painting.
Miss me?</3

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