Just Say it! Part 3

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"You can do this." I squeezed Connor's hand assuringly, smiling proudly at my new boyfriend. Connor smiled back, nodding. We let go of our hands, and he went over to Daria.
"Oh! Hey Connor!" Daria giggled, leaning in for a kiss. My heart almost stopped beating, but was surprised when he didn't let her kiss him. "Wh-what's wrong?"
Connor looked at her cautiously. The corners of her lips were down, and she looked nervous. Taylor stood next to her, knowing of what Connor could possibly be thinking at the moment. She waited patiently, not expecting the words he was about to say.
"Daria." He said shakily, taking a deep breath. "I'm gay." Daria's brows raised, and she sucked in a surprised breath. It was almost like she was going to choke on her own air, buy she exhaled, her eyes turning sad and watery.
"Oh." Was all she could squeak out, nodding carefully. Connor guiltily looked at her, and to the ground.
"It's been two years." Daria mumbled to herself, wiping away a fallen tear. "You didn't know?"
"There would be times where I doubted my sexualities." Connor looked at the ground again nervously, not knowing what to do at that very moment. Can he just be back in his room again?
"I see." Daria sniffed, shaking her head in a sort of understanding way. "Well, that's good for you." She added. "I hope you have a good life." She tried smiling through her sullen paled face, biting her lip slightly.
"Really?" Connor responded, looking at her questionably.
"I'll be fine." She breathed, closing her water filled eyes. She nodded, wanting everything to be over for the day. "I'm going to walk away now." Daria finished, running over to the girls bathroom.
When that was over, I walked over to him. Connor looked... Changed. He probably felt as different as he seemed to look. Turning his head to me, the corners of his mouth tugging up slightly. "Well, you have me."
I smiled back, but felt bad for Daria. She dated him for two years, and he probably meant so much to her. Shrugging off the thought it my mind, I pulled him into an embrace, kissing his temple.
"I'm going to go check on Daria." Taylor nodded, beginning to walk away.
"Taylor wait!" I called back. She looked at me again questionably. Smiling proudly, all I needed to say to her at that moment was, "Thanks."
She smiled, shrugging. "What can I say?" Connor and I both chuckled as she walked away. He looked at me and I looked back, staring into his brown eyes. He moved his face closer to mine, putting a hand at the back of my neck as he kissed me softly. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his waist.
It was such a perfect day.
Daria came back soon enough as we were both sitting at the lunch table. She looked at me with jealousy, and at Connor with sad eyes.
"I just came back to say," She began, her dark brown eyes wilting with sadness. "I want you to be happy." Daria nodded at Connor.
"Are you sure?" He asked, looking back in surprise. Daria looked at the floor as if in thought, and nodded.
"Yeah." Daria replied, clasping her hands together. "Be happy." She looked at me with a sad smile. "Both of you." Her eyes quickly flashed dangerously. "Break her heart and I'll break you." She snapped as her glare softened. "Bye, Connor." She nodded as she walked away.
"Well." I chuckled once that was over. "I guess that was okay."
Connor laughed, eating his lunch. "That's Daria for you." I agreed, but my smile soon faded away.
"Would you go back? I mean, date Daria again if you could?" I bit my lip nervously.
"If it meant having you at the end, yeah. She pretty much helped me find out who I am." Connor responded, putting his hand over mine. "Anyway, I have a question." He smirked. "About that little crush you had on me." I gulped nervously, exhaling.
"Oh." I squeaked.
"So how long was it?" He asked. "How long did you like me?"
"Truth?" I questioned, scratching the back of my neck. He nodded anxiously. "Uh.. Two years. Mainly since you kissed me."
"Oh?" He teased. "And am I a good kisser then?" Connor asked.
"Hm. I've had better." I teased as his smirk dropped.
"Really?" He raised his eyebrows. "Has anyone kissed you like this?" Connor leaned over the table, kissing me almost hardly, and pulling away quickly.
"Uh.." I could barely finish my sentence, feeling a bit light headed.
"Or like this?" He asked, holding my face and putting his lips on mine, his tongue begging for an entrance. I let him with an instinct I didn't know I had, and our tongues were doing the tango. He pulled apart again, smirking.
"No one has." I said, trying to manage my breathing.
"Good. Now it's good to know I top most of the kissers who've kissed you." Connor looked at me questionably. "Who had kissed you anyway?" My cheeks went pink and I looked down.
"There was this one boy, Cody. I went on a date with him." I blushed uncomfortably. Why did he want to know this?
"And who else?" Connor almost looked jealous at the questions. I smiled at one thought.
"Okay don't laugh." I chuckled at one of the people. He nodded, desperately listening. "When I thought I liked girls, I kind of... Asked Taylor to kiss me." I breathed. Connor started laughing, holding my hands again.
"Oh my god." He laughed as I blushed.
"Stop it!" I chuckled as he smiled. Connor leaned forward, kissing my lips once more.
"I love doing that." He said.
"Doing what?" I asked.
"Kissing you when I feel like it." Connor smiled, shyly looking at me.
"Oh? What if I put some limits on that?" I raised my eyebrows. His face turned nervous. I laughed at his expression.
"I'm just kidding, dork." I smiled.
"Your a dork."
"You are!"
"No you-" And of course, I cut him off with a kiss, and he smiled happily.
HAH! I finished it! YESSS
it's a weekend, so I took this opportunity. Hope you enjoyed!

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