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"Hey Connor!" Jude approached Connor with a bright smiling face, walking over to his locker. "Riley finally asked me out." He blushed, clasping his hands together. Connor raised his eyebrows in what it looked like surprise, but he quickly changed his expression and smiled.
"That's great. Where are you two going?" He asked, biting his lip from showing an annoyed expression. Jude seemed almost love struck by the looks of it; a smile always remained on his face and a spark always in his eye. Jude was simply unreadable, as Connor thought of it.
"We're going to dinner." Jude replied with a delighted nod. "And probably skateboarding afterwords." This definitely slightly crushed Connor. "Well, he's teaching me. You know how much I suck at skateboarding. Remember when you tried teaching me?" Jude laughed, not noticing Connor's mood. He nodded in agreement. How could he forget?
"Jude, quit squirming!" Connor laughed as he observed his best friend's terrible balance. Jude bit his lip as he concentrated on staying still, keeping his foot set on the skateboard. After a while, he remained still on the rolling object, and took a deep breath. "Finally." Connor smiled and nodded.
"Okay." Jude exhaled, looking down at his feet. Connor slowly guided him, slowly pushing his back as Jude's hand automatically set on Connor's shoulder. Connor pushed him a little harder, and Jude shook again. "Connor- I think I'm gonna fall." Jude exclaimed, wobbling on the skateboard. "Connor-" All of a sudden, Jude had lost all balance and both of his hands grabbed onto Connor's shoulders as they both fell, Connor cushioning Jude's fall. They both laughed as they remained on the floor, Jude's body on top of his friend's. "I suck at this." He said into Connor's chest. Connor smiled, looking how adorable Jude's head looked buried into his own chest. He had to fight the urge of softly caressing his back, so he simply waited. Jude lifted his head up from Connor's chest and smiled at him, his lips inches from Connor's. They eventually got up from the floor and walked back inside Jude's house with the skateboard in Connor's hands.
"Yeah." Connor responded. "You do suck." He teased, pushing his friend slightly on the arm. Jude shrugged, sticking his tongue out.
"Well hopefully I'll learn it." Jude said, walking with Connor to class. He inwardly sighed at Jude's words, but continued on to class.
"Thanks for letting me take you out tonight." Riley smiled as Jude got into his car. "I hope you don't mind vegan food, you know how I feel about the cafeteria food. It's kinda who I wanna be now." Riley chuckled as he started driving to the diner. Jude bit his lip, but gave Riley a convincing smile.
"No problem."
Jude smiled, and leaned his head on the window.
He didn't feel like going on this date tonight. Jude felt like playing video games with Connor and eating pizza.  Not going to some stupid vegan place with a new boy he barely even knows. Wait, why was he thinking about Connor? He's supposed to be thinking positive about his date tonight. Who is he kidding, he's had a bit of a crush on Connor for a while now. And one of the ways he thought to get over him would be going on a date with someone else.
He didn't want someone else.
He just wanted Connor.
"Jude?" Riley interrupted his thoughts, and Jude quickly looked at him. "We're here."
"Oh." Jude shook out of his trance quickly. "Okay." He said, walking out of the car as Riley softly held his hand going into the diner.
__With Connor__
Connor slouched down into his pillow as he played with his new PSP, attempting to beat a level of this new game he downloaded. Connor's phone suddenly vibrated from underneath him and he flinched as he paused the game, taking it out and holding it out in front of him.
Connor's brows curved in confusion as he sent a text back.
"Aren't you on a date?-Connor"
He waited for a text back, but it never ended up coming. He shrugged at the randomness, grabbing his PSP and playing his game again.
Jude sighed at his phone, looking back up back at Riley as he ate his vegan wrap, having a conversation with Jude, who isn't really listening. "Don't you think?" Riley chuckled. Jude smiled in agreement, nodding.
After dinner, they didn't end up going skateboarding. Jude had cut the date early saying that his moms had told him to come home after dinner. Riley understood, and drove him back. Jude looked up at the night sky, thinking about his best friend. Little did he know, Connor was looking up at the night sky, thinking about him also.
Jude walked into his school, going to his own locker. When he approached it, he saw Connor walking toward him. Jude smiled, the same unreadable smile like always in Connor's perspective. "Hi." Connor greeted as Jude opens his locker.
"Hi." Jude greeted back, grabbing the books needed for his class. He bit his lip as he looked back at his best friend. "So how did your date with Riley go?" Connor asked, shyly scratching the back of his neck.
"It was, okay." Jude simply responded, looking at Connor unsurely.
"Jude. I have to tell you something." Connor said.
"I have to tell you something too." Jude replied.
"I was in my room thinking last night." Connor stated.
"I was at dinner with Riley." Jude explained.
"And I was thinking about you." Connor pressed.
"And I couldn't concentrate because you were on my mind." Jude breathed.
"And I thought that if you liked Riley more, that would be ok with me." Connor replied.
"I cut the date short because I realized who I really loved." Jude told him.
"And I realized that if you loved a person, you'd fight to win them." Connor raised his eyebrows. "Jude... I love you."
"Connor, I love you." Jude told him with a blush arising on his face. Connor smiled, pulling him in for a kiss, which Jude gladly accepted, wrapping his arms around Connor's back. Connor wrapped his arms around his best friend's waist, pulling him in closer.
They pulled apart, smiling at each other. "I realized that I couldn't lose you and let one boy take you away for me. And I know how much you hate refraining from eating meat or anything from animals." Connor smiled.
"How'd you know he's a vegan?" Jude asked, his hands wrapped around Connor's neck.
"I might've done some research through your mutual friends." Connor blushed. Jude smiled at this, kissing him again and pulling him closer. Connor laughed against his lips, pulling apart. "As much as I like this, we are in public." Connor said. "Major PDA." Jude smiled, holding his hand.
"Okay, then you're coming to my house after school. We can work on homework." Jude smiled, giving him a knowing smile. A blush appeared on Connor's face as the two walked to class.
AGH I personally think this chapter is one of my favorites. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!<3
Until next time,

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