This Cannot Be the End

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"Connor, I just don't know if I can do this much longer." Jude told him as he walked inside his boyfriend's house late at night.
"Jude, I made one mistake." Connor bit his lip angrily.
"Really, one mistake?" Jude turned to him, folding his arms. "One fucking mistake? Do you know how many mistakes you've already made to this relationship?" Jude exclaimed. "Like the lying, and the arguing and the jealousy, it's just too much. I feel like I'm being choked."
Connor looked at him and breathed out shakily. "This is the last time I promise."
"No." Jude wiped a tear away. "It's worse you told your friends that I'm just a friend. But to your dad? Still? I thought you'd at least have the courage. You always tell me you have this confidence, but it seems to vanish each time you're with people." Jude frowned. "And you turn cocky. And you tell them that I'm the loser that just hangs around you. I mean, who does that? How can you do that to your own boyfriend?"
"What?!" Connor's eyes widened.
"No. I've been nothing but patient Connor. You don't see me talking shit about you, do you?" Jude complained.
"How did you even find this crap out? Why are you accusing me of that?"
"Your baseball team loves to talk." Jude said. "In the locker rooms. They specifically said that I'm the loser that always hangs around you, and that's what you think at least."
"I don't think that." Connor cried.
"Ever since I began dating you, it's like a celebrity believe it or not. There are so many rumors going around and the fact that you haven't told anyone, basically shows it." Jude said. "I mean, I'm not pushing you to tell. But I feel like this is going too far. I've always been the loser of the school anyway, so you won't have to deal with this one, okay?" Jude finished before beginning to walk out. Connor pulled his arm and pulled him back.
"I can't lose you Jude. I just can't. I'll tell my dad I-I'll tell my friends-"
"That'll be worse." Tears filled Jude's eyes. "We live in a world where we're dying to be accepted. Everyone knows I'm gay, but it could be worse if they know you are. You can get kicked off the baseball team, you'll be bullied-"
"I can go to the principal-and make are there's a no homophobia policy." Connor fought back. "Just don't say it's over. Please don't say it's over." Jude looked into his eyes as a tear slid down his own cheek.
"Connor..." Jude breathed. "I can't..."
Connor bit his lip angrily, feeling like his heart split in two. Jude took a deep shaky breath, his eyes slightly red from crying. "Goodbye, Connor." Jude began walking outside. Connor choked back his years and started following him outside.
"So that's it." Connor began. "You're just leaving now?"
Jude turned back, zippering up his black leather jacket. "Seems like it, right?" He responded. "It's for the best." Connor began crying, clenching his fists together as he looked down. Jude signed, and began walking away, and then running. Connor ran back inside and slammed his door shut.
Jude ran back to Connor's house seconds later in regret. "Connor, maybe I just made a-" Unfortunately, no one was there and his house lights were off. Jude sniffed, and nodded to himself before slowly walking away, his hand on his broken heart. Seconds later, the lights to Connor's house switched on, and Connor quickly walked back outside, flinging the door open saying,
"Jude I can't do th-" Connor noticed that no one was there, and he let out a shaky breath, his lips quivering as he tried not to cry. He walked silently back into his house, closing his door.
The next day
Jude walked into school, his hair slightly ruffled as he ran his hands through it, trying to comb it down. Taylor noticed this, and walked over to him.
"Are you okay?" She asked, keeping her backpack strapped to her side. He just shrugged, his eyes bloodshot from crying last night.
"I don't know." He answered, taking a breath. "I gotta go to class." He said before taking off. Taylor frowned as she watched Jude walk to class, his negative vibe spreading around the almost empty hallway.
A few moments later, Connor walked into school, the same empty look painted on his face. Taylor looked at him and her frown grew bigger. What the hell is going on? She thought.
The two boys separately walked into class, sitting farthest from each other. Kids in their class seemed to notice that the two inseparable best friends were not talking, so they remained quiet. Timothy looked at the two in confusion, but shrugged it off. "How does one know what a real and loyal friend is?" He began, beginning off his lecture. He looked at the class for answers. Jude, looking around at first, raised his hand. Timothy nodded, hoping he'd speak.
"They're honest with you." Jude raised his brows at his answer. "They wouldn't lie or keep any secrets from you."
Timothy raised his eyebrows too in slight surprise. "Mr. Foster, did you have an experience where that's happened?"
Jude shrugged, looking at him fully. "I did, actually. I had a friend, who meant quite a lot to me." He spoke. "He was loyal, sweet, and the best of friends I've had." A few giggles were heard. Jude was mentally taunting Connor as he sunk into his chair. "But, all good things must come to an end." He tried not to make it sound snappy.
"What changed?" Timothy asked. There was a short pause before Jude spoke again.
"He turned out to be... A person that I never expected him to be. He lied when he said he wasn't a liar, he kept secrets when he still said he wasn't." Jude took a breath. "My friend was dishonest."
That was all it took to set Connor off.
"Dishonest? You wanna try dishonest with me?" Connor angrily spoke. You're the one who believes all the rumors that go around like when you read the national Enquirer." He snapped. "You've been nothing but passive aggressive. And I just, I can't deal with people who aren't direct with their feelings. If you hadn't been this way, we'd still be together!" Connor shouted, exposing his biggest secret to the class. He didn't care, he wouldn't regret it anyway. The class gasped, and they hung onto every word. Jude, biting his lip hard and being teary eyed, walked out of class broken hearted. Connor then sat down, and waited for Timothy to talk again. He cleared his throat and continued his lecture.
"Being passive aggressive is how friendships get ruined. It feels like a 20 pound weight is on your shoulders, refusing to be lifted." Timothy eyed Connor. "But keeping secrets, and lying for that matter, may not be the best for a friendship." He spoke.
"Or at this point, relationship."
Soon enough, class was dismissed. And it was silent. Soon enough, school was dismissed. And the silence continued.
Connor put his books in his locker with an annoyed look on his face. Suddenly, one of his classmates walked over with a smirk on their face. "Hey fag! Do you want some makeup to go with those blue nails you had?" He snickered. "How about some purple eyesh-"
Connor slammed the boy against the locker with a fierce look in his eyes. "Do you want to say that now?" He viciously said, holding him up by his collar.
"Connor! Put him down!" Jude said in surprise. Connor looked at his ex boyfriend, dropped the boy and walked angrily down the hallway. Jude felt a lump forming in his throat, and he bit his lip in frustration as he walked away.
Connor walked home in a bad mood, entering his house and not wanting to talk to his damn dad.
But it couldn't of been helped when he heard his dad call him from the kitchen. "Connor, are you home?" He asked.
"Yeah." He exasperated, setting his backpack down on the floor.
"What's up with this attitude?" He came into the living room, cleaning a dish in his hands.
"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." Connor rolled his eyes, about to enter his room when Adam stopped him.
"Why won't you talk to me?" He pressed.
"Dad just stop. I don't want to talk!" He snapped, running into his room and slamming his door. Connor huffed and sat on his bed, waiting for his dad to eventually go out like he normally does.
As soon as he heard his dad say goodbye and close the door, he walked out of his room, walking into the kitchen. Connor opened the fridge and searched for something to take his mind off things for just a little while.
He grabbed the first beer he saw and walked out of the kitchen, going back into his room, taking a sip on the way.
Jude looked out his bedroom window, sighing and leaning against his wall. He had put on Connor's leather jacket that he gave him a year ago. He mentally embraced the fabric, closing his eyes and his lips quivering in sadness. Callie walked in his room to say hello, but she quickly noticed his mood and looked at him in concern. "Jude, are you ok?" She asked, sitting down next to him.
"Connor... I broke up with him." Jude said as a tear fell from his face. Callie's mouth went agape and she raised her eyebrows. Jude looked down until more tears fell. He then broke down, and Callie hugged him tightly.
"It's okay." She whispered as she rubbed her brothers back. "It will be, I promise." They pulled away and Callie looked at him quizzically. "What happened?"
"I don't think I can trust him anymore." Jude answered, biting his lip from crying again. Callie let him explain more, listening to his every word. "It kinda bothers me that he doesn't want to go public, and it's not like I completely disagree. It would ruin his reputation. And from his teammates, they've said stuff that Connor allegedly said." Jude added.
"Seems like you believe them, then." Callie responded. Jude looked up at her with hurt, knowing that she was right.
"What am I supposed to think?" He asked.
"Have you asked him?" Callie arched a brow up.
"Well yeah... He asked me if I'd seriously believe that."
"And there you have it." Callie nodded. "See? You need to trust him. And plus, he will come out in time, he will. Reputation or not."
Jude took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair. "Okay." He smiled at his sister. "Thank you Callie."
"Your welcome." She nodded, kissing his forehead. "Get some sleep Jude, I love you." She smiled, walking out.
"Love you too." Jude responded, lying down in his bed.
This was at least his... 3rd beer? He didn't know. Nor did he fucking care anyway. Connor took another swig of his 3rd, setting it down on his table. He drunkenly went on his phone and came across Jude's contact. He texted him asking him to come over, that he really needs him to now.
Jude grabbed his jacket and slowly closed the door, walking outside in the cold and windy air. He walked down to his car, got in, and drove to Connor's. He bit his lip, hoping he was alright, and hoped his father didn't do anything.
When he arrived, Jude walked up Connor's porch steps, knocking on his front door. He waited there patiently and anxiously; butterflies swarming around in his stomach. Jude tried to ignore the speed that his heart was beating and focused on waiting for Connor to answer. Moments later, the door opened to a tired and odd looking Connor.
"Connor?" Jude looked at him strangely. Connor didn't look like himself; his bright brown eyes looked dull and dark, and his hair looked ruffled up and tossed.
"Come in." He spoke in a monotonous voice. Jude arched a brow up, walking inside and wondering what the hell was going on. He eyed the beers on the counter suddenly and turned back to him.
"Were you drinking?"
Connor sighed, ruffling his hair again. "Why are you leaving me?" He whimpered.
"You know why I'm breaking up with you." Jude whispered, his heart vulnerable and small. Connor let out a shaky breath, taking ahold of Jude's hand.
"Please." He said. "Don't leave me. Just please don't leave me." Connor cried, his voice barely a whisper. Jude looked at their hands and tears filled his eyes.
"Connor..." Jude tried beginning, biting his lip. Connor might've been drunk at the moment, but his feelings began speaking the truth.
"What we had... Was the first thing that was honest, felt everlasting, and the most real thing I've ever experienced." Connor slurred a bit, crying himself. "We can't give that up." It was almost like he was sobering up by himself. Jude listened to him thoroughly, not wanting to say a word. "Because what we have, only happens once. After that, there might not be another for each other." He whispered. "Because I know I haven't come out. But I will. I promise you that." He added.
"You know I'd do anything for you."
Jude sighed and looked at Connor once more, still indecisive of the whole situation. He missed Connor dearly, and is still suffering a broken heart. He just didn't know. Jude leaned in, giving him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away.
"I know you would." He responded, caressing his hair. "I just, I need time. To sort this all out." Jude looked down and so did Connor. "Maybe you should get some sleep." He suggested. He then stood Connor up, leading him to his room and letting him lie down in his bed. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."
The next day
Jude walked into school tiredly from the late migraine adventure, putting some books into his locker. Connor walked into school a couple minutes later, sighing and looking at Jude at his locker. Gathering up his courage, he walked over to the boy who meant the most to him, and stood there in front of him.
"Hi." Connor spoke.
"Hi." Jude responded.
There was a long awkward pause.
"Do you remember... What happened.."
"Oh." Jude nodded, his cheeks tinted pink.
"So... Do you have an answer?" Connor breathed nervously.
"Yes." Jude said. "Connor, I..."
Am so sorry to be cutting it like this. DONT HATE ME! Do not throw rocks. Hey! I see you. *gets hit with rock* OW
okay fine it won't be over okay? Because I'm making a second part, AKA the last part to this one.
And then you guys will be happy.

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