This Cannot Be The End (2)

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(A/N: Did you miss me? (Ali D reference whoops.) I almost forgot about this story. Lo siento. But I'm here nowwww! Previously on, This Cannot be the End.)
"So... Do you have an answer?" Connor breathed nervously.
"Yes." Jude said. "Connor, I..."
Jude opened his locker, putting books inside of it, changing them for his upcoming period. He was so glad it was the second to last period of the day, because he loved English. He loved the books they read, especially Harper Lee's, To Kill a Mockingbird. He found it profoundly metaphorical.
He closed it, strapping his backpack around his back. Jude was about to leave, but couldn't when two hands circled his waist. He smiled, and sighed happily. "I can only wonder who it is." Jude turned around to see his boyfriend Matt, kissing him on the cheek.
"How are you?" Matt asked, smiling. Jude nodded with a shrug. "I'm good. And you?"
"I'm fine." Matt responded. Jude exhaled as his eyes drifted to the corner, seeing the boy that he had been trying to get over. Connor looked over at the two, and tried not to glare, but his feelings got the best of him. Jude felt a shiver go down his spine, but gave his boyfriend an uneasy smile, which seemed convincing to the boy.
When Connor had asked Jude what his answer was, Jude had unfortunately said no. He didn't feel like having his heart broken again. He wanted a new start. But if this is what he wanted, then why couldn't he get Connor off of his mind?
He proceeded to walk to class, his mind pondering over his past.
Then came lunch, and Connor looked at Jude hanging with his new boyfriend. Well, this is it. It's all over. He thought to himself. He sat down at his table with a couple of old friends, feeling is heart cry again from the inside of his chest. This wasn't gonna be easy.
"So, I got us tickets to see Black Clips. Aren't they amazing singers?" Matt said with a smile. Jude nodded and forced another smile, but sucked in a breath at the last minute.
Connor put on his earphones and blasted his favorite band, Black Clips. He was overly obsessed with them, but he thought Jude would think it's lame. Which is why he never played them while he was around. He increased the volume and closed his eyes, sitting back on the bench.
Jude walked out of school, but noticed his oddly relaxed boyfriend sitting on the school bench. He smiled, and creeped up behind him. Connor, oblivious to his boyfriend sneaking behind him, started to lip sync the words, which made Jude laugh. He slowly and cautiously leaned in so his lips touched Connor's neck. Connor flinched, an earbud falling out of his ear. "Jude!" He laughed at his boyfriends surprise. "You scared the hell out of me."
"I'm the master of scaring people. What can I say?" Jude laughed as he sat down next to him. "Anyway, what're you listening to that was on full blast?"
"Oh, it's.. Nothing." He blushed, looking down.
"Oh come on. Tell me." Jude smiled, playfully slapping his arm.
"Fine fine. It's this band... Black Clips." Connor said. Jude seemed more interested, so he waited for him to go on. "You see, there's this one song, and it reminds me of us." He smiled. He started citing the lyrics to me. "I don't care if you say it's bad, all that I know is that your kisses drive me mad. You say you can no longer feel, but what we have, is so damn real."
Jude smiled at his boyfriend. After Connor finished, he looked up at him, smiling. "What do you think?" He asked. Jude said nothing, but leaned over and kissed him softly. He pulled away, and Connor was smiling at him.
"Uh, I don't think I can go actually. I think I have plans on that day." Jude lied, fake sighing.
Matt nodded, a bit disappointed. "That's okay. It might rain that day anyway."
Jude scratched the back of his neck, sneaking a look at Connor, who was high-fiving some of his hold friends. Matt noticed this, but said nothing, eating some of his salad.
Taylor looked at the two, and rolled her eyes as she walked out of the cafeteria. Idiots. She thought to herself.
Connor walked to his locker, opening it up. A note fell out of his locker. He arched an eyebrow up as he picked it up, reading the note carefully.
"Baseball meeting in room 108. - Coach ."
He crumpled up the note, nodded to himself and walked to the room.
Jude opened up his locker, and a note fell out too. He picked it up, and read it also.
"Meet me in 108.-Lena." Jude closed his locker, walking to the class too.
Connor opened the door, and Jude was already in there waiting. Jude quizzically looked at him.
"What are you doing here?"
Connor looked just confused. "There's a baseball meeting.. You shouldn't be in here."
Suddenly, the door closed behind him, and was locked. "What the hell?" They both said in unison. Connor tried to open the door, but it seemed to be locked from the outside.
They both heard Taylor scream as she ran down the hall.
"Great. Now we're locked in here. She also locked the back door." Jude rolled his eyes. "Crap, Matt wants to hang out." He muttered to himself. Connor rolled his eyes.
"Guess you gotta tell him that you're locked in a room." Connor shrugged. Jude looked at him, frowning.
"Not helping."
Connor put his hands up in defense. "He's your business. You're right."
Jude's frown increased. "Really not helping."
"Yet, I feel like I am." Connor sarcastically said.
"You know what? Stop being a smartass. Enough." Jude snapped.
"You used to like that." He mumbled, laughing to himself. Jude slammed his phone down on his desk, walking over to him.
"I swear to god. Enough with the snarky comments Connor." Jude warned again.
"Or what?" Connor snapped back. Jude's heart was beating a mile a minute, but he didn't have anything to say back.
"Just don't make my day more shitty. Actually, I don't know how much more shitty it could get."
And, it began raining. Really hard. And then the lights flickered.
"You know what. This is bullshit." Jude cursed under his breath.
And then the lights went off. Connor almost laughed.
"I'll get a match." Connor rolled his eyes, opening his backpack. "Any candles in here?" He looked to one on one of the cabinets. He took it out, and lit the stick, lighting it onto the candle. Jude almost smiled, but bit the inside of his lip.
"You.. Still carry those around?" Jude asked, letting out a shaky breath. Connor looked back at him. "Well, yeah. I mean, you always said that it's important to keep around incase of emergency. They're pretty useful. Even in this situation." Connor shrugged.
Jude nodded, staying quiet. "So uh," he randomly blurted. "How's Matt?"
Jude raised a brow in annoyance, but it seemed like Connor was serious. "He's fine. He actually likes the same band you do. Black Clips."
Connor nodded awkwardly, and Jude could tell the subject was too awkward. "He's great." Jude said.
"You're not ready yet." Connor looked at him knowingly.
"What?" Jude furrowed his brows. "Why would you-"
"Because obviously this is awkward. If you were completely over me, you'd be fine talking about him."
"You don't even know what you're saying." Jude waved off. Connor shook his head with annoyance.
"You know what? Then look me in the eye, and tell me you have no feelings for me." Connor looked at him. Jude looked back at him, and his heart did a flip. He frowned, avoiding his gaze. Connor nodded, shrugging knowingly.
"Even you know you aren't ready."
"You know what? I don't need a lesson from you." Jude snapped back.
"Yeah you do. You know why?" Connor asked. He suddenly pulled Jude closer to him. "Because I'll always know you more than anyone you meet." Jude looked at him with frustration, and then looked down to his lips. Connor leaned in and kissed those lips he's missed, and Jude immediately responded by wrapping his arm around his neck.
"Seems like you two are cozy."
The two immediately pulled apart, both of them looking at Taylor and Matt.
"Uh... I..." Jude couldn't think of any excuses.
"It's okay. I really understand." Matt said, giving him a sympathetic smile.
"We planned this." Taylor added. Jude's brows furrowed, not noticing that his hand was still hanging around Connor's neck.
"You knew this would happen?"
"Well... Duh. People who still love each other can't be in the same room together after they've broken up. Normally, situations like this end up going down." Taylor smirked.
"Oh." Was all Connor really could say t this moment.
"I'm so gonna get you back." Jude said, about to run after her as she and Matt scrambled down the hallway. But Connor held him back, holding his waist. Jude turned around, and sighed, almost happily. "So what does this mean for us?"
"Well, we're miserable without each other, why don't we fix that?" Connor asked, caressing his waist softly. Jude blushed, looking down. The taller boy titled his head back up, and leaned down and kissed him again. Jude as always, responded.
Looks like they were gonna be making up for some lost time.
Finally! I updated! YAY.
Hope you loved.

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