Faking it

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"Jude, it's your senior year, and you still don't have a boyfriend." Mariana pressed as Jude rolled his eyes for the hundredth time.
"It's not a race." He responded, trying not to snap at his sister. Mariana smiled, shrugging as she painted another one of Jude's nails blue.
"I mean, Matt and I have been dating since my sophomore year, I think it's time for you to start looking." Mariana commented, pulling a strand of hair back as she painted them slowly. "I don't know, I feel like you should try. Even moms are wondering how your love life is." Jude looked up at her, raising his eyebrows in surprise. Mom's were thinking this too? He thought. "Just saying, Judicorn. There's many fish in that sea. Well, there's really one fish for you." She teased as she looked up at him with a knowing smile. Jude's face burned at her smile, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
Jude and Connor had been inseparable since they had met in science class, and had been the best of friends ever since. Connor and him basically did everything together, and people around them would notice and think that they even looked like a couple. After a while, Jude started noticing those whispers and stares and snickers, and then he developed his own crush on his best friend.
Jude looked down shyly at Mariana's glance, shrugging. "No." He shook his head. "That fish is not attracted to the same ones as me." Jude defended his friend, sighing.
Mariana rolled her eyes and looked up at her baby brother. "Oh come on, I'm pretty sure if he was straight, he'd have a girlfriend by now. And he wouldn't spend all his time with you."
Jude bit his lip and remained silent, looking out the window in silence. What if Connor really did like him? He thought to himself. He has thought about it before, but Mariana had a point this time. Jude looked back at when he was in his Freshman year, and Mariana, as a Junior, would always tease the two as they walked in the hall together. But now that Mariana was no longer in school, Jude had completely lost hope and felt lost without knowing much.
"And... Finished." Mariana smiled, closing the cap of the nail polish bottle. "You like?" Jude nodded at his nails. "And, just think about it. Don't miss what's standing right in front of you. Could be obvious." Mariana supportingly gave him a sympathetic smile, ruffling his hair and walking out of the room. Jude took a breath, scratching the back of his neck. He needed to get a boyfriend, or boy search to show Mariana.
Starting tomorrow.
"Hey Jude." Connor greeted at his locker, and Jude winced at his voice. His smile faded and his brows furrowed in confusion. "Anything wrong?"
Jude looked at him, trying to read his face. He didn't want him to be freaked out by his observing, so he suddenly looked away. "Y-yeah, everything's fine." Jude smiled, assuring Connor so he was unreadable. Connor nodded slowly, smiling in confusion.
"Okay dork." He chuckled. Jude's heartbeat sped up at this, noticing all the pet names his friend gave him. "Hey, I got the new video game we've been dying to play for so long. How about I come over after school?" His friend's eyes brightened up as he talked to him. That had to mean something, Jude noticed.
"Oh yeah, sure!" Jude nodded, smiling at Connor excitedly, for two reasons. Him coming over, and him coming over to play video games with him.
The more Jude thought about it, the more he questioned why Connor wanted to be his friend. Was it because he thought he was different? That could be valid, he painted his nails for him.
Jude winced out of his thoughts as he walked in the hallway with Connor, and of course, Connor noticed this. "Jude, you've been acting so strange and jumpy. Did you watch a horror movie or something?" He smiled at Jude, and a pinkish color appeared on his own face. Mariana, why did you have to remind me of this? He questioned to himself, slightly annoyed of his sister haunting his thoughts.
When they came home, Jude could no longer hold it in. What Mariana said to him kept flying around and around in his head, so he just had to finally say it. "Connor, I gotta talk to you." Jude sighed. Connor looked back at him in question, waiting for him to continue. "So, Mariana has been bugging me nonstop about having a boyfriend, because it's my senior year." Jude explained, twiddling his thumbs. "And I have no clue what to do. I just want her to get off my back, you know?"
Connor nodded, understanding how annoying that could be. "Yeah, so?"
"So, what do I do about it?" Jude asked, his cheeks slightly pink.
"Just tell her you have one." Connor shrugged as he took a bite out of an apple that was laying on the counter.
"Yeah, but you don't know Mariana. She'll ask at least 50 questions about him, and what he's like and how I met him." Jude complained, huffing.
"So find a fake boyfriend or something, it's not that hard." Connor raised his brows.
"It kinda is. Not many boys at Anchor Beach are gay, let alone bisexual." He responded. Connor looked at him sympathetically, looking down. For a few moments, Connor looked like he was in thought, and all of a sudden, he looked up and his eyes brightened with an idea.
"I could, um, pretend." He suggested, biting his lip.
"Connor." Jude almost laughed. "You're straight."
"Half, straight." Connor blushed, scratching the back of his neck shyly.
"Really?" Jude was almost taken aback by this. "I, had no idea."
"I didn't have any idea until this year." Connor said.
"Oh." Jude squeaked, almost in happiness. "Well, I guess we can do that. But don't you think that it'll affect our friendship?"
"Not unless something changes." Jude blushed, chuckling. Connor blushed too, biting his lip.
"Well," Connor breathed. "I guess we're in a relationship." He auctioned quotation marks, nervously smiling.
Jude nodded, taking a deep breath.
Later on, all of Jude's family was officially home except for Jesus, who was still in boarding school. Jude looked at all of them all in the kitchen, talking simply like normal. Jude motioned Connor to come in, and they walked into the kitchen slowly. It wasn't long until Jude felt his hand entwined with Connor's. He looked at Connor and blushed, looking away as they sat down at the dining room table. Seconds later, Mariana noticed immediately, her eyes almost bulging out of her sockets. "JUDE!" She squeaked, noticing their hands. "Sorry." She cleared her throat, trying to contain herself. "Jude, who's your friend?"
Jude looked at Connor with a smirk, almost laughing. "Mariana, you know Connor."
"Oh! Of course. You've come over like a hundred times." She giggled, patting Connor's shoulder. Connor held back his laughter, looking down and nodding. "So, are you two...?"
"Yeah, we are." Connor looked up at her with a confident smile that Jude hasn't ever seen.
"Good job, Judicorn!" She exclaimed, walking upstairs to her room.
"She has no clue." Connor chuckled, still unintentionally holding Jude's hand. Oblivious, Jude agreed, smiling.
"Just wait till later when she asks me like a hundred questions."
"Oh, good luck." Connor teased. Moments later, the two noticed their hands and blushed, pulling apart, feeling cold and empty. "Well, is my time up?"
"Hopefully." Jude breathed, standing up and looking at his secret crush.
"Okay, well I'll see you." Connor said, smiling at him before walking out of his house. Jude nodded, but bit his lip in fear. Shit, he thought. I'm in huge trouble.
As Jude was about to walk into his room, he heard a whistle from Mariana. Here we go. He thought as he walked into Mariana's room. "Hi." He greeted, acting like normal. Mariana didn't say anything, she just had her eyebrows raised and her hands folded together.
"Hi." She said eventually.
"Uh... What's up?" He asked, scratching his neck uncomfortably.
"So, how'd you and Connor get together?" Mariana asked, flipping a page of her magazine she took out a couple of minutes ago. Jude hesitated, but shrugged.
"We realized we just felt different about each other, that's all." Jude responded, looking at the ground. "We actually," Jude chuckled at the fake memory. "We were actually talking at the lockers yesterday, and he accidentally slipped his cover by saying he liked me." He blushed. Mariana looked at her brother, almost surprised.
"Really?" She asked, getting into the conversation.
"Yeah. We were talking about- well we were arguing about me going on a date with this guy, and he basically shouted that he wouldn't let me because he likes me." Jude explained. He realized himself that he was better at lying than he thought he was. Mariana looked in love with the conversation, which almost made Jude laugh.
"That's... So cute." Mariana giggled, fangirling on the inside. Jude laughed, but looked down at his phone, sending a text to Connor.
"This... Might not be over yet.-Jude"
The next day
"Jude." Connor groaned in annoyance, glaring at his best friend. Jude looked sympathetic, nodding in agreement.
"I know I know. But Mariana was making me nervous, so I had to say something." Jude told him, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Well how serious is she about this?" Connor questioned, arching an eyebrow in curiosity. Jude bit his lip, not answering. Connor huffed, waiting for the bomb.
"Well, she kinda wants us to go on a double date... With her and Matt." Jude closed his eyes, letting it out.
"Jude!" Connor cried. Jude nervously looked at his friend.
"Please don't be mad at me. Can we just continue for a little longer?" Jude pleaded. "Mariana will be disappointed." His tone serious. Connor sighed, debating it in his head. After a minute, he looked back at his friend, scratching the back of his neck.
"Okay." He answered, and Jude almost cheered out loud. "As long as it doesn't affect us as good friends. Okay?" Jude nodded in response, and they shook on it. As their hands touched, it sent a shiver down Connor's spine, almost making them gasp. Jude bit his lip, but gave him a convincing smile.
After school, they both hung out at Jude's house. Everyone was out doing their own things; Mariana was hanging out with Matt, Callie and Brandon went grocery shopping, Lena and Stef were both working and Jesus, of course, remained at boarding school.
"Okay, first things first." Connor started, looking at his friend. "If we are going to have this fake relationship, we're gonna act like a real one around Mariana and the others." He explained as Jude listened. "Meaning we're probably going to have to hold hands, hug, and be all affectionate." He said as Jude blushed.
"We're gonna feel so weird." Jude said, laughing a bit.
"Yeah. But it'll be okay." Connor was determined by the looks of it. Jude had to admit, he was pretty impressed.
"Alright. So we start when Mariana comes home." Jude states, opening his English binder.
"Yeah." Connor said, opening his also. As they began starting their homework, Jude slowly glanced up at Connor, who was focused on his studies. He slowly looked down, continuing his work. Little did he know, Connor had done the same actions next, looking up at him, and looking back.
"I'm home!" Mariana giggled as she kissed Matt goodbye. She walked in the door, setting her college backpack on the floor.
Connor froze and looked at Jude, gulping. They both took a breath, and began holding hands as they walked out of the room. Mariana eyed the new couple as they walked into the kitchen. Adorable. She thought as she smiled at them.
"So Jude, did you tell Connor about the double date?" Mariana asked, looking at the two.
"Yeah, and we'd be more than happy to go." Jude answered, humorously looking at his pretend boyfriend.
"Great!" She cheered, smiling at the two. "So, we're going to a drive in movie, so you can take your car and I'll take mine. You two we'll be lucky enough to actually watch the movie." She chuckled. Connor looked at her confusion. "What? I'm just saying, that once it starts, you guys probably will be in lip-lock city. That's all." She smiled, walking upstairs. Connor's eyes almost bulged out of his head as he looked at Jude.
"Kissing?" Jude raised his brows, almost afraid to say the word itself.
"Practice kissing..." Connor corrected, biting his lip hard.
Oh, they were so dead.
AHA cliff! I love this story so far. YESSS!
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