The Janitor's Closet

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Taylor was mocking Jude, yet again, about his problem. It started out fun, but now it was getting a little annoying.
"Just tell him already!" Taylor bugged. Jude rolled his eyes, ignoring her demands. She noticed his muteness, and walked over next to him. "What's up?"
"Taylor, why don't you just face the facts? Connor's happily straight and with his girlfriend Daria." The words felt like venom on Jude's tongue. Taylor scoffed as they walked in the hallway.
"I highly doubt that. What do you call that hand holding the night of the double date?" Taylor whispered, crossing her arms.
"That was just him experimenting."
"And when he kissed you?" Taylor asked. Jude frowned, looking down.
"I don't think that was an experimenting. Maybe he was trying to tell you something." Taylor shrugged, exhaling. As he was about to agree, Jude stopped in his tracks, watching Connor and Daria talking and holding hands. Daria kissed him softly on the cheek, and walked off, leaving him with a grin. Jude looked away, biting the inside of his cheek. "Yeah, I think it was just an experiment. He's clearly in love with me." Jude rolled his eyes, tears filling up in them. Taylor sighed, patting her best friend on the shoulder.
Taylor looked at Connor, who's smile was soon dropped. She frowned, shaking her head at him.
She had to do something.
The next day at school
Taylor watched as Jude and Connor both walked into school separately; Connor linking arms immediately with Daria in surprise-which obviously made Jude jealous. Taylor crossed her arms, walking inside.
"What's up, Space girl? You've been in thought ever since you walked in here ten minutes ago." Jude snapped her out of her trance.
"Oh, sorry." Taylor chuckled. "I was thinking about uh-homework." She nodded at Jude's suspicions.
"Since when do you actually daydream about homework?" Jude laughed.
"Since I should probably be getting my grades up in math." She tried playing it cool, lining her lips tightly as Jude chuckled. As they continued walking on, Taylor snook a glance at Connor, who was still talking to Daria. She had to do something soon, her plan was now or never. "I'll uh, be right back." Taylor nodded assuringly, walking toward the direction of the wrong ship.
"Hey Daria!" Taylor forced her cheeriness, mentally rolling her eyes. Daria turned to her smiling brightly.
"Oh hey Taylor!" She greeted back, linking her arm with Connor's. Taylor noticed this, and cleared her throat.
"So Jude wanted to ask you a question-since you guys have the same English class. He has a question about the homework." Taylor nodded as Daria looked at Jude from afar. Nodding slowly, she strutted over to him.
"Why can't Jude just ask m-" Taylor cut Connor off by waving her hand in front of him.
"I have something to show you, follow me." Taylor exhaled tiredly, walking with him down the hallway-faster than normal. She led Connor in front of the Janitor's closet, and he looked at her with eyes of confusion.
"Janitors closet...?" Connor questioned, furrowing his brows suspiciously. Taylor's eye nervously twitched.
"Daria is waiting in there." She lined her lips tightly together, opening the door a little. Connor's suspicion lifted and he smiled, walking inside. Thinking fast, Taylor shut the door and locked it. Seconds later, banging from the inside was heard.
Taylor ran over to Jude in a hurry, breathing hard. "Did you just run a marathon?" Jude eyed her up and down like she had grown two heads.
"Brandon's stuck in the closet." Taylor lied, almost humorously really. Jude immediately went in panic mode, running for the janitor's closet. In two steps, he opened it, and Taylor pushed him in, locking the door.
Jude fell onto the floor from the push, and rubbed his head with a groan. He looked up and Connor was right across from him, huffing in annoyance. Jude didn't say a word at first, he just sat there looking down.
Ever since that kiss the two shared, their friendship became distant-almost like the two were scared of each other. It was Connor's fault, but the two would spend days bickering on who's fault it was. Eventually, the bickering stopped, and so did the talking.
Connor looked at Jude, and Jude looked back at Connor. It was silent, but the tension flew around the room like a constantly buzzing bee.
~with Taylor
Taylor anxiously pressed her ear to the door, hoping to hear something being said from the two boys. Seconds later, she felt a poke on her shoulder and suddenly flinched. "Taylor, what are you doing?" Daria asked, her hands on her hips.
"Nothing, why?" Taylor responded. Suddenly, mumbles were heard from inside the door.
"Who's in there?" Daria asked again. The mumbles started to get louder.
"Mr. Henry and Mrs. Lee." Taylor lied again, scrunching her nose up in disgust. Daria flinched in disgust also, walking away.
~With the lovebirds~
"Why would Taylor just lock us up in here?" Connor complained-to himself out loud.
"I don't know." Jude thought to himself out loud. The two were talking, but pretended to be talking to themselves. After a while, they stopped "talking to themselves", and began talking to each other.
"Wait- Brandon and Callie actually dated at one point?" Connor laughed as Jude finished explaining.
"Yeah, but it was like last year." Jude humorously said with a smile as Connor's jaw dropped.
"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Connor asked. Jude shrugged, looking back at him.
"I wanted to make sure it was all over." Jude responded, lying against the wall.
"Well?" Connor seemed invested in this conversation. "When did it end?"
"Uh, probably the beginning of spring of last year." Jude remembered with a nod.
"Why didn't you tell me after?" Connor asked again, arching an eyebrow up. Jude's breath suddenly caught in his throat as a memory slapped him in the face. Wordless, all Jude could say was,
"Other things happened then." He said in a low voice. Connor opened his mouth, but then sucked in a breath. They both sat their in awe as they remembered the tent, the inside jokes,
And the kiss.
"Why didn't we ever save our friendship?" Connor looked down sadly. Jude noticed this and sighed.
"We argued for weeks Connor." Jude looked up. "About who started having those different feelings about each other." Connor looked up at him in sudden remembrance.
"You did!"
"You did!"
They both stood up by their knees close to each other.
"This is exactly why we stopped talking." Jude snapped.
"You couldn't save our friendship. You fell for me, admit it." Connor snapped back. Jude scrunched his nose up in anger, shooting back words.
"You fell for me too! You held my hand, you kissed me, you started the moves Connor! You initiated it all!" Jude yelled. Connor shook his head in disbelief, anger still very much in the air, but he stayed silent. His eyes traveled down to Jude's bottom lip, and the anger was replaced with something more than that--hunger.
Jude probably had matched the look Connor had. He'd never seen such an expression on Connor's face. Connor never even made that face to Daria before.
After a few seconds of staring at each other's lips, they attacked each other, stumbling backwards so that Jude had fallen right on top of Connor, attacking his lips with kisses. Connor held on to Jude's waist, very much kissing him back.
Suddenly, there was a sound outside the door, like someone was trying to open it.
They immediately pulled apart at the sound of Daria's voice.
"Taylor, what the hell is going on?" Daria complained, her voice muffled to the two flushed faced boys.
"Okay fine... Jude and Connor are both in there." Taylor sighed. Connor and Jude suddenly hear Daria gasp.
"Oh my god, that can't happen!" Daria started trying to open the door immediately.
"And why not?" Jude sensed that Taylor had already out her hands on her hips sassily.
"Because Connor used to be in love with him!" Daria attempted at whispering. Jude snapped his head to Connor in shock. He knew Connor fell in love with him after the kiss-but what if it wasn't after? How long had this been going on?
"Daria, I can hear you!" Connor yelled from inside. There was silence for a minute.
"Connor... Are you okay?" Daria asked, sounding muffled.
"I-is th-there anything you need to tell me?" Daria asked, hoping for no answer. Connor looked down, swallowing the lump that had just formed in his throat. He opened his mouth, and said the words.
"I'm still in love with Jude."
He didn't hear a response, he didn't hear a cry. Jude didn't know what Taylor could possibly be feeling or thinking. Next thing they knew, the door was being opened.
Connor and Jude has kissed again, for the hundredth time today. Only difference was that it was the first at the lockers in school.
"So how long?" Jude asked, holding Connor's hands.
"How long what?" Connor smiled, kissing Jude's nose.
"Have you actually loved me?" Jude's cheeks turned a dark pink color as did Connor's.
"Um, after the whole Maddie thing." Connor blushes deeply as Jude looked at him in awe.
"Oh my god, that long?" Jude said, moving himself closer in Connor's arms. Connor smiled and nodded, and the two shared another lingering kiss.
They pulled apart only to see a smiling Taylor with her arms crossed.
"We really should be thanking you." Connor said, kissing Jude's temple.
"Yeah, thank you so much." Jude said.
"Bros forever." Taylor chuckled, fist bumping him.
Connor and Jude leaned into another kiss, but they were interrupted yet again.
"How dare you Connor Stevens! You could've had a blast dating a hot girl like me. You could've had fans and popularity!" She cried dramatically. "I'll never love again!"
A jock walked over with a post-it note which looked like it had a phone number written on it. "On second thought." She giggled, linking arm and arm with the guy.
Connor chuckled, finally giving Jude the kiss that was interrupted.
If it weren't for the Janitor's closet or Taylor's plan, none of this could've happened.
YAYYAYY!! I loved writing this piece. I was like hmm... What do I do? I thought of the word "trapped" and I was like YUP I GOT IT!
Haha. Next time!

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