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"Hey Jude!"
He turned around to see some boy in the same grade as he was. The boy smiled slightly, walking over to him. Jude gulped, hoping this one wasn't interested in hanging out. Jude was more of an intimate relationship type.
The boy had blonde soft hair by the looks of it, and dimples that would appear on his cheeks each time he smiled. Jude looked at him, waiting for the big question.
"So, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time on Friday. Maybe at the movies?" The boy asked, his bright blue eyes sparkling with hope.
As Jude was about to answer the question, he felt a chill behind him, so he simply said, "I'm not sure if it's the best idea." He smiled nervously.
"Oh, do you have plans?" The boy asked, pouting. The chill Jude sensed was back-and felt closer to him now.
He felt two strong arms wrap around his waist, and a head resting on his shoulder. Jude turned a bit and saw Connor with a dangerous smile on his face.
"Yeah, we both do. Sorry, he's not interested at this time." Connor cut him off, kissing him on the temple. The boy's face turned sullen, but he paled, nodded, and walked away. Jude rolled his eyes as Connor lifted his chin up, glaring at him.
"Was he asking you out?" Connor crossed his arms questionably.
"Yeah. But I was going to say no." Jude rolled his eyes as Connor looped both his arms around his waist, pulling him closer to hisself.
"Well, I took care of it." Connor smirked, keeping his arms there. Jude huffed in annoyance. "Well if it were me being asked, you'd be jealous too right?"
"I'm not the jealous type." Jude shrugged. Connor raised his eyebrows, dropping his arms from his waist.
"You aren't the jealous type?" Connor clarified, trying to see if his ears were deceiving him. "What about Daria?"
"It doesn't count. That was because I really liked you but I couldn't have you at the time."
Connor thought about it for a moment, slowly nodding his head. "Okay. We'll see." He smiled, kissing Jude's lips before taking off. Jude stared at him as he walked away suspiciously. What was he up to?
The next day
Jude walked outside for lunch time, looking for Connor. As he walked around, he spotted Connor. He was seated already, but was talking to a girl who was standing up, but was still flirting with him. She twirled her hair and giggled. Jude felt this strange sensation in his chest; a burning sensation of anger. Jude's brows furrowed and he slowly walked over.
"Hi." He forced a normal tone, trying to keep his rage down. Connor looked at him with a smile.
"Hey Jude." He greeted, waving. Jude looked at the girl.
"Hi Jude! What's up?" She greeted, setting her hand down on Connor's shoulder. Jude huffed and looked at Connor, and then to her.
"Nothing much." Jude forced a smile-which looked kind of crazy-boyfriend material. "Nice meeting you." He grumbled, looking like an angry dog. The girl smiled and she walked away. Jude sat down next to Connor without another word, opening his lunch box. Connor smirked at him.
"You weren't jealous?" Connor asked. Jude didn't say anything; he just shook his head no. Connor's smirk dropped, and looked down. "Oh."
Jude took a bite of his sandwich, looking at Connor a bit guilty. He continued eating his sandwich in a gloom, feeling like a rain cloud opened up above him.
Later on
Jude opened his journal for school, writing down things for his homework grumpily. Callie eyed him strangely, but continued her homework. He glared at his notebook, thinking about Connor. Callie noticed this, and finally looked up from her work.
"Anything bothering you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Not at all." Jude lied, shrugging.
"Jude? I'm Callie, your sister. You're not fine." Callie rolled his eyes with a smile.
"It's just Connor stuff." Jude shrugged it off, putting down his pencil.
"What happened?" Callie questioned, her face full of concern.
"He was trying to show me that I was a jealous type, and it worked." Jude explained to her. She smiled and laughed.
"And?" She quizzically stared at him.
"I don't want to know that it worked." Jude sighed.
"Jude, it's okay that you were jealous. And by telling him that, it shows you really care and like him."
Jude raised his eyebrows. "Really?"
"Really." Callie smiled. There was a sudden knock on the door, and Jude walked up to the door, opening it to reveal a sad Connor. Jude looked at him in surprise, closing the door as he stepped outside.
"Look Jude, I'm sorry." Connor breathed. "I really thought you were a jealous type- because I am. I can't imagine seeing you with anyone else, because if I did, I wouldn't know how to get over you. I only got jealous that time because I-, I um," Connor tried putting the words together. Finally, he took a breath and said, "Because I realized that I was in love with you even more than expected."
Jude was shocked; breathless even. Connor had just said when he had gotten jealous, he had fallen for him.
But if Jude had gotten jealous from that girl talking to him, did that mean he had fallen for him too?
"Connor," Jude said, his breath shaky. "I think I fell in love with you-more than I have already." Connor's brows raised in surprise. "I was jealous that that girl was talking to you. I can't picture anyone else with you either." Jude cried. Connor smiled teary eyed, and hugged him lovingly.
"I don't want to be hurt." Jude whispered into Connor's neck.
"Me neither."
They pulled pulled away, but they still held each other. Connor caressed Jude's face, smiling at him. Leaning in, their lips met simultaneously. They both kissed each other briefly, as if the world was going to end in a matter of minutes. Jude's hands roamed Connor's waist to his chest, leaning in more. Connor did the same, running his hands through Jude's hair, feeling the smooth texture against his fingers. The two finally pulled away a few minutes later, staring lovingly into each other's eyes. The door opened soon enough, and Callie smirked.
"I thought you ran away with him or something." Callie chuckled. Jude blushed as Connor held his hand.
"Don't give him any ideas." Jude whispered jokingly. And they all lived happily ever after.
Too corny?
HAHAHA that last line. I'm sorry, it just popped up in my mind.
Hope you enjoyed!

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