I do

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"Hold still!" Callie rolled her eyes, smiling as she helped Jude tie his black tie.
"I can't help it! I squirm when I'm nervous." Jude blushed, looking down at his whole suit. Today was a huge day for him, and he wanted everything to go just as planned. Callie noticed Jude was in thought and chuckled, making sure his tie is secured before letting him look into the mirror.
"I'm so happy for you Judicorn." Callie joked, wrapping her arms around her brother's neck from behind. "Mr. Stevens." She laughed as he turned a shade of red. "Well, continue getting ready. Your wedding starts in an hour." Callie smiled, leaving the room. Jude stared at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair and making sure he looked perfect. It was finally happening, he was finally getting married to the man he loved.
Connor proposed to him while they were out canoeing at the lake he had gone to when he was 13; the Foster's camping trip. Only this time, it had been drizzling lightly out, and they decided to have lunch in the middle of the lake, talking and recalling old memories. Connor had told him that he believed he had dropped his jacket somewhere in the lake by accident. Annoyed at this, Jude quickly looked around at the lake, turning his head on several areas. When he looked back at Connor, he was kneeling before him, asking him, "Will you marry me?"
It felt like time began moving in slow motion, and all the pieces were put together. He no longer felt sincerely alone, he felt like he had an official half of him, a half that loves him just as much as he did Connor.
He smiled at his fancy looking reflection, going to his old backpack that he kept away in the closet. Unzipping it, he pulled out a small journal; a time capsule journal. Jude and Connor were actually both 25 years old, and they both lived in an apartment together. Before they moved in officially, they had a couple of fights, some on trust and some on basic love. But it all soon passed when they made a vow to love and trust each other. Which then about two months later, Connor finally popped the question.
He opened the journal and there were questions on one page. Questions like, "who did I marry?" Or "who's my partner?" And other questions. Callie and him both made one when they were younger, hoping to have some good things happen to them in the future. With that, he grabbed a pen, and started filling in the things he knew so far. But on the first question, he wrote "Connor Stevens."
There was a knock on the door as Jude had officially finished getting ready. Jude opened the door, and was welcomed with a heart warming kiss. He pulled away to see Connor's bright smiling face. Connor really had grown up over the years of their relationship. He had more muscle (definitely a six pack by how), he had gotten taller, and was beginning to look like his official age, as did Jude. "You look... Amazing."
"So do you, husband to be." Connor smirked, giving him another kiss. They were soon interrupted by a shriek from a girl.
"You two aren't supposed to see each other until the wedding!" Mariana whined, folding her arms across her chest. "Ugh." She groaned. "Out!" She told Connor, gesturing out the door.
Rolling his eyes, he kissed Jude's cheek before leaving. "See you out there." He smiled. Jude smiled back, sighing happily.
People started filling in the rows of chairs outside of the Foster's house. Both sides of the family looked extremely excited, and for the first time, Adam had a smile on his face, matching his wife's smile.
Stef and Lena were outside having conversations with some of Connor's relatives, laughing and smiling. Mariana and Jesus were putting Jude and Connor's gifts into the house, talking about the wedding and Brandon and Callie were seated, secretly holding hands. Jude stared at the set up from downstairs, smiling down at them. "Damn." He said. He looked back at his old room he had once shared with his brother Jesus. He missed his old room, but he probably wouldn't move back in, considering the fact that he's an adult now.
He recalled all the memories he's had in this house. When he was just a lost younger boy with a haunted past always hiding in the shadow. But his mothers let Callie and him in, and raised them well. Jude learned a lot from his family. He would do it all over again, starting at the way beginning, when Stef saved him at his other Foster home.
Jude started remembering when he first met Connor at only 12 years old. He smiled at the remembrance, when Connor asked if he wanted Jude to be his, for the biology project.
Interrupting his thoughts, Connor walked in with a loving smile. "Hiding from everyone?" Jude turned away from the window, smiling at his soon to be husband.
"Nope, just remembering all that's happened when I lived here." Jude looked around the room, sighing contently.
"I came over your house a lot when we were younger." Connor looked around the room also, walking closer to Jude. "Jude."
He began, taking his fiancé's hands in his own. "You were the best thing that's ever happened to me." He blushed. Jude looked at him, all the love from his heart appearing on his face.
"I love you." Jude responded, grabbing Connor's waist and kissing him firmly, his fingers sinking into his waist softly. Connor reacted in surprise, seeing that Jude desperately indicated this kiss. He felt so fulfilled in that moment, so he responded to him, wrapping an arm around his neck.
"Guys! 5 minutes!" Stef called from downstairs. The two pulled away, smiling at each other.
"Meet you down there." Connor said, kissing his cheek before leaving his room.
The two slowly walked down the aisle with their fathers as the sweet slow music played. The fathers sat down in their chairs, and the two stared at each other excitedly, waiting for the man to talk.
"We are gathered here today to watch this special moment happen between Jude Adams Foster, and Connor Stevens. The two had waited so long for this moment, and now it's finally happening. And-"
The man's words faded out slightly as Jude looked at Connor. Connor seemed to be mirroring Jude as they gazed into each other eyes, reading each other's minds.
They were everything to each other; they made so many commitments to be together. They came out to everyone eventually, and survived the silent judgements and stares they had gotten while they would walk hand in hand in public. Jude was nervous at the start, but Connor let him know that it was okay.
And now, they were getting married in front of both families for the first time. It was the biggest commitment they'd ever make; expressing their love in front of everyone, soon going to say the words they've been dying to say.
"And now, the vows." The man announced, stepping back as Jude opened his vow to Connor.
"Connor." Jude started, looking up at him. "I remember when we were talking about that 50 found fish you caught with your dad when you went fishing." He added, as chuckles were heard. "I remember that biology project about DNA and RNA. It made us closer." Jude took his hand in his own. "When you'd come over several times afterward, signaling you were interested in being my friends. You even painted your nails for me that one time." Jude said as a pink tint was formed on Connor's cheek. The chuckles were replaced with aww's now. "The battles we had to face to be accepted, the labels that almost tore up our friendship." He explained. Adam looked down at the ground. "The time we fought over Maddie." Everyone including Maddie laughed again. "And, the fights to hang out together, and the covers and sacrifice we both made. It came down to the point where I noticed your change at heart. And ever since then, I didn't look at you as just a friend." Jude looked into Connor's deep hazelnut brown eyes. "I fell in love with you." Stef and Lena started tearing up, clasping their hands together. "Finally, we both came to course with our feelings, and we finally started dating." Jude added. "And ever since that very day, I've never looked at you any different. Our love has been so unconditional and everlasting, I wouldn't want anything to ruin that." He finished, tears flowing in his eyes, as did Connor's. Everyone clapped, and Connor started his vows.
"Jude Adams Foster." Connor began. "You've made me, the absolute happiest over the years." He added with a blush on his face. "You made me find out who I was at a young age, and I've loved you ever since." That had definitely put a lightening smile on Jude's face. "You've made me so happy, and I'm so glad we're making this commitment. We fulfill each other so much, and we realized that when we had went to our first LGTBQ prom." Connor caressed Jude's cheek. "I just love you so much." He smiled at a ready eyed Jude. Everyone started clapping as the two stared lovingly into each other's eyes, beginning to get lost in time.
"Jude Foster, Do you take Connor Stevens to be your husband, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" The man asked.
"I do." He responded, not taking his eyes off his soon to be husband.
"And do you, Connor Stevens, take Jude Foster to be your husband, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" He asked Connor.
"You bet I do." Connor smiled widely.
"By the power of this, I now pronounce you, husband and husband." He smiled at the official couple. "You may kiss the groom."
Connor pulled Jude in by the waist, kissing him softly on the lips as he cupped the side of Jude's face with his hand. Jude kissed back as he heard the two families cheer in the background, smiling against his lips. "I love you so much." He whispered against his boyfriends. They soon pulled apart, walking down the aisle together. Connor looked down at their entwined hands, noticing the blue on Jude's nails.
"War paint, huh?" Connor smirked as his husband blushed.
"Guess I didn't want to let go." Jude responded, kissing his husband on the lips. They smiled as everyone clapped, looking at everyone around them.

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