The Morning After (sequel to The First Time)

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Jude woke up beside Connor and smiled with his tired eyes. He admired Connor's face from afar, but up close, he looked ravishing, like the photos taken close up on a Polaroid camera. Connor was sleeping peacefully, the corners of his mouth twitching up once in a while and an individual piece of hair falling over his eyes.
Jude smiled at the perfect appearance; wishing he could take a picture with his eyes. He loved being around his boyfriend, and never minded his company. Connor's closed content eyes slowly opened like a slow moving garage door, his lips forming a smile. "Good morning." He yawned, closing and opening his eyes once more.
"Morning." Jude responded with a toothy smile. Connor leaned over and placed a soft kiss upon Jude's lips; a smile forming on his own.
"Do you want to get breakfast? My car is in the driveway." Connor yawned, stretching his arms. Jude smiled, yawning also.
"That'd be nice." Jude smiled, sitting up on his bed. He watched as Connor slipped his shirt back on as Jude did the same. "We have an hour to get ready and get breakfast, so let's hurry."
Connor put his yesterday clothes on while Jude put new fresh ones on. He looked in the mirror and secretly watched as Connor pulled his jeans up along with his belt. Connor noticed his glance and smirked, zipping his jeans up. Jude blushed, looking back at himself as he jelled his hair for school.
On the way, they both picked up breakfast through a drive through, and sat in the parking lot as they both ate their breakfast.
"I can't believe Steph and Lena let me sleepover-when they know we're together." Connor chuckled, looking at his boyfriend.
"Yeah, but they don't know we're... Together." Jude blushed again, looking down at his breakfast.
"Hey, it only happened yesterday. At least we got our homework done after." Connor nodded as Jude laughed.
"Yeah, I guess." He smiled, taking a bite out of his bagel.
After they finished their breakfast, they pulled up to the school parking lot, flirting and stealing shy glances. Connor turned the ignition and stared at Jude once more.
"What do you think people will think if we both came in, me wearing my yesterday clothing?" Connor smiled, raising his eyebrows.
"They can think what they want. It's true anyway." Jude responded, nodding assuringly, making Connor blush.
"Well, here goes nothing." Connor shrugged as they both got out of the car and walking to the front entrance. Jude opened the door, and they both walked in with lightly flushed faces. Jude's heart was beating a mile a minute as everyone started to stare. Connor squeezed Jude's hand, mentally reminding him that everything will be okay.
"Connor, didn't you wear that shirt yesterday?" Taylor arched an eyebrow up, adjusting the strap on her backpack. Her glance went from Connor, to Jude, and then to their intwined hands. She looked back at Jude's pink tainted face and her mouth went agape suddenly.
"Oh. My god." Taylor chuckled, saying it in a whisper.
"It's not that obvious, is it?" Jude bit his lip, looking down.
"Just try to paint your face a different color other than pink, okay?" Taylor laughed, shaking her head. Connor looked at him and laughed too, kissing his temple.
"He's just a little shy." Connor shrugged. His lips then formed a smirk and looked at Jude. "Only in public though." He raised his eyebrows up and Jude's face went to a darker pink.
"Oh my god stop." He covered his face in embarrassment as Taylor laughed again.
"Okay, too much information. I'll see you guys around." She smiled, walking to class.
"You're so mean!" Jude shyly bit his lip.
"Well, it is true isn't it?" Connor asked.
"What?" Jude arched an eyebrow up.
"You're only shy in public. But when we're in a room, alone," Connor started explaining, only to get cut off by Jude's lips on his. He pulled away, his lips inches from Connor's.
"Just shut up and kiss me." Jude whispered. Connor leaned in and kissed him again, wrapping an arm around his neck.
"Guys, this is school. Not kissing class." Lena said, not even looking at the two as she passed; a secret smile on her face. The two pulled apart, and blushed.
"I almost forgot we were in public." Jude scratched the back of his neck shyly.
"Me too." Connor agreed, nodding his head. "I guess we really love each other."
Jude looked back at him with a flushed face, a smile dropping from his face.
"What's wrong?" Connor asked. Jude looked down with his rosy cheeks and back up at him. He smiled nervously, shrugging.
"I guess I'm just not used to the words I love you still." Jude sheepishly smiled. "Everyone's always saying it, so I'm not used to it."
Connor nodded understandably. "Well, start getting used to it." He pulled Jude closer to him, squeezing his waist softly. "Because I do love you." Jude blushed for the millionth time, giggling.
"And I, Jude Jacobs, love you too." Jude smiled proudly, pecking his lips before taking his hand in his own.
The two walked to class proudly and with pride, for their relationship had added a new strong piece of armor to it. Nothing could ever tear those love birds apart.
Short, but sweet sequel, am I right?❤️xx
I'm weird, I know.
Hope you enjoyed!!!

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