Tent Reunion {Tumblr Inspired}

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"Keep it over your eyes." Connor said, looking at Jude's blindfold as he drove to Jude's surprise.
"Ugh, it's been on for ages! When can I take it off?" Jude whined, pouting. Chuckling as he stopped at a stop light, he leaned over and placed a kiss on Jude's lips.
"Soon, now don't be whiny." He whispered against his lips, smirking. Jude nodded, his cheeks tainted pink. He continued driving as the traffic light turned green, secretly extremely excited.
Connor had a surprise for Jude today, because it was his birthday. Now Jude didn't know this, but Connor had been so excited to drive him to the camping lodge so they can relive the first time they fell in love with each other.
They had been in the car for an hour, which annoyed Jude, but excited Connor. He knew that the long wait would've been worth it when Jude finds out.
"Are we there yet?" Jude asked as twenty minutes go by. Connor pulled into a parking spot, smiling brightly.
"Yes, we're here. You can take it off now." Connor turned to Jude as he anxiously took off his blindfold, looking out the window. He raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes in surprise.
"Oh my god." Jude whispered as he looked out the window. His shocked expression turned into a wild smile as he quickly turned around, crashing his lips into Connor's. Connor was at first taken aback at Jude's affection-and for starting the kiss, but he gladly kissed him back, smiling against Jude's lips. He pulled away, smiling all lovesick with a blush.
"Well? What are we waiting for?" Connor asked, opening his car door as Jude did the same. They stepped outside, and were both surprised at the hot weather.
"Uh, Connor? How hot did they say it'd be?" Jude looked at Connor questionably.
"Uh, they said 60 degrees." Connor muttered, covering his eyes from the hot beating sun. "What's the weather now?"
Jude took out his phone opening the weather app, and Connor walked next to him to see. The weather showed "97 degrees"
"Holy crap." Jude's eyes widened, looking at the two digit number in front of him.
"How does it just go from 60 to 90 in a matter of a two hour drive?" Connor exasperated, waving his hands in the air.
"I have no idea." Jude shook his head in disbelief. "Should we leave? The luggage is only in the trunk."
"Yeah, but I made it an overnight stay, and I was lucky they told me, because it's the last day:" Connor sighed. Jude sighed too, biting his lip. "I'm sorry babe, I wanted to make this day special; you know, reliving the moment?"
Jude looked at Connor, taking his hand in his own. "You really did that?" Connor nodded shyly, which put a smile on Jude's face. He leaned close to him, kissing his cheek softly. "And you ask why I love you." Connor smiled proudly, looking down. "Well? Let's go set up!" Jude cheered, going to the trunk and taking out his suitcase.
"Okay, and I think we're all set up." Connor nodded, fixing the edges of the blanket in the tent.
"Yep." Jude said, checking his watch. "Oh, it's 5:00pm."
"Really?" Connor arched an eyebrow up, looking at his watch. Jude nodded, shrugging.
"The car ride was from one to three, and we already had spent two hours here." Jude explained, taking Connor's hand into his own.
"Well at least we can relax now." Connor smiled, wiping his unfortunately sweaty forehead.
"Yeah, in the hot air." Jude chuckled.
"Hey, I think there's a beach here, why don't we just go swimming?" Connor turned to him. Jude half smiles, looking down. Noticing his shyness, Connor asked another question. "What's wrong?"
"I'm just-kind of uncomfortable with my body." Jude blushed, looking at his shirt. Which was right, because they've never seen each other shirtless, but they have while making out; hands traveling beneath the shirt, and going upward.
"Jude, you know you don't have to be embarrassed with me. Plus, I've felt under there; there's no way you're out of shape." Connor winked as Jude blushed again. Shrugging, he gently took off his shirt, shyly putting it on the ground. Connor eyed him in surprise and amazement. Jude was-toned. He practically had a four pack by now, and he had perfectly the right body. Without thinking, Connor breathed the word "Damn."
"Okay Mr. Observer, are we going to swim or what?" Jude chuckled as Connor snapped out of his glance.
"Oh, right." Connor said, his cheeks getting pink too. "Let me just take my shirt off." Jude almost flinched at the sentence-because now it was his turn to see Connor shirtless. Connor quickly pulled his shirt off, exposing his toned abs and flat stomach. Jude almost drooled at this, but quickly recovered as he stared almost too long. They both got up, and walked to where the water was. Connor was the first to go in of course; he loved the cold water. Jude, not so much.
"Uh, it's too cold." Jude bit his lip as he felt the cold water crash against his foot.
"Oh come on, you'll get used to it." Connor smiled assuringly.
"Uh maybe not, I'm not really a swimmer-kind of-" Just as Jude said this, Connor practically yanked his arm, and he fell right into the river with him.
Connor laughed, staying right next to him. Jude shivered at the cold water, and stayed close to him. "It's so cold in here." Jude whined, pressing himself against Connor's chest. He turned Jude around, pressing his lips against his, wrapping his arms around him. Puzzled as he was, Jude kissed back, running his hand over Connor's hair and feeling the smooth texture against his fingers.
"Still cold?" Connor breathed as he pulled away from a very breathless Jude. Almost stunned, he shook his head no, and caught his breath.
The two spent probably an hour hanging out in the river; talking, joking around, and maybe some lip-on-lip action here and there. The point is, they were both here together and they couldn't be happier.
After that hour, they decided to go back in their tent; starting to get hot and sweaty again.
Let's say, Jude started resenting being hot, too. He spent all of twenty minutes complaining to Connor so far, and Connor thought he'd soon lose it.
"Connor! It's so hot." Jude complained for the tenth time in a row. Connor looked at him with a slight glare as he fanned himself. "Connor."
Now, Connor completely lost it. He whipped his head back to Jude with a glare.
"You listen to me now, okay?" He exclaimed, moving closer to him as Jude backed up in the corner of the tent, looking at him puzzled; waiting for him to talk. "Yes, it's hot. I am aware too. But I swear to god if you keep complaining that it's hot, I'll make you feel hot myself." Connor snapped. Jude looked at him with widened eyes-almost intimidated by him. He stayed silent for a minute, trying to stay silent. Connor's brows raise, waiting for a word to come out of his mouth. Jude's worried look turned into a smirk and accepted the challenge.
"Connor, it's hot."
He smirked at Jude's words, capturing his lips in a lingering kiss. Jude wrapped his arms around Connor's neck, kissing him back passionately as their hands roamed each other's bodies. Jude moved his lips over to Connor's neck, trailing kisses down it softly and making Connor breathless. Keep his arms looped around Jude's slim waist, he pulls him closer to hisself, smiling at the feeling of Jude's lips on his neck.
The two took a while to breathe normally again as Connor laid down next to him, tiredly smiling as he looked up at the roof of the tent.
"Well that was... Fun." Jude exhaled, smiling at Connor.
"We never did that before, so it was fun." Connor closed his eyes happily-which made Jude look at him.
"You never did? Before we got together?" Jude asked. Connor surprisingly shook his head, entwining their hands together.
"They always say have your first with someone special. That's who I was waiting for." Connor smiled, snuggling close to him. Jude smiled back, slowly closing his eyes to Connor kissing Jude's temple.
"Happy birthday."
Hope you enjoyed!!!:)

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