Chapter 38

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Alice's pov:

It took everyone a week to move into the new house and it seems like everything is going well. I don't really want all these people in my house but whatever Amber wants, I'll give to her because I've been so absent from her life. Was it my choice to be absent? Yes, it was better for me. She was strong and old enough to care for herself, especially with money set aside thanks to grandma, grandpa, and some money from me but it was time for me to move on and get out of the house that had its foundation built on lies, cracked and broken promises. 

Ambers been standoff-ish towards me and I understand and I don't blame her. She has every right but being her older sister and her only family here in town, she needs to realize that things are going to be okay and I'm not going anywhere besides business trips. I don't think she realizes that I left to be better for her since our parents were never there. It took her almost dying to come back because I was so caught up living away from here and having my own life. But I dropped everything to come back, i had a boyfriend and i just left him to come here. I'd give my life to Amber if it comes down to it. 

"Amber, I'm running to go grab some food for the first night if you guys want anything?" I call for Amber. 

Everyone comes running down, shawn says "Did you say something about food?"i laugh and everyone giggles. Amber smiles and says "Do you want some company? I can help. I know what everyone likes."

"Yeah, I'd like that." I say with a smile.

"Can you guys try to finish your packing and please try not to break anything?" Amber asks, everyone nods. "Taylor.." she says. "Yes ma'am, I won't break anything, anyone, or myself mom." 

Amber laughs as do the guys and grace, then grace says "Can i come too? I don't wanna be the only girl here!" she pouts and makes both us laugh, "yeah lets go babyyy" Amber says. 

Amber kisses jack while Grace kisses johnson, as we walk out, "Text me if you need specifics" Amber calls out.

We get in my car and we take off, the closest store is about 15 minutes away so we listen to music and small talk. Grace is talkative and I'm appreciative of that because Amber doesn't really say much. "Thank you for coming with." I say and Amber gives me a small smile and nods as if she's saying "welcome." 

We pull up, park and go inside. We just start grabbing random food for tonight, I'm thinking of cooking tonight so I ask the girls what they are hungry for, Amber's favorite used to be seafood alfredo so naturally, I assume that's what she's gonna say. They both say "pasta with pesto and sun-dried tomatoes." That's new but I haven't been here for awhile so I can't be upset about it. 

"We need to go grab feminim products, do you need anything while we're over there?" Amber asks. "No thank you but can you grab a couple loofahs and body wash that smells good?" She nods her head and they wander off. 

My phone rings and I instantly know who it is.

"Hello" I say

"Hey.. I know things ended rather abruptly but I miss you." my ex Killian says

"I really miss you and I hope everything is okay over there, I just had to get home to my sister, I hope you arent mad.." I mumble into the phone

"I can't be mad at you, I love you and I hope you come back soon." he sighs 

"I love you and thank you for being so understanding. Hopefully soon, I can visit or you can ofc, after we all get settled." I say rather quickly

"After we all get settled? Who is we all?" He asks

"It's me, my sister, her best friend Grace, their boyfriends and their friends. They were all living together when I got here and only way to have Amber move in was to allow them to move in and quite frankly, I don't mind. She seems happy." I tell him

"But are you happy?" He questions me

"I am.. I'm just sorry I left you there. You're more than welcome to come visit soon. I just haven't told amber about my life there.. But, i gotta go.. i love you, please call me more if you aren't too busy." I tell him. "Bye love."

"Who was that?" Amber says from behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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