Chapter 28

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"Are you kidding me? I told you to make sure she didn't hit her head you moron. Seems like I'm the only one who knows how to listen around here." A voice booms as I'm waking up.
"She barely hit her head, I caught her for the most part, you were looking out for the rest of them. Let me do my job." Another one says, sternly.
"Don't you forget that I hired you to help me, you do NOT run this. I suggest you do as I say or your ass is gonna be 6ft in the ground. Got it Austin?"

I realize that it's Austin and Brody and I try to yell or talk but there's something in my mouth that is preventing me from doing so. I look at my surroundings, it's an old warehouse. I can tell by the smell and the sight of it. My hands are tied behind the chair, my legs are tied up against the legs of the chairs AND I have a bandana in my mouth covered with duct tape. Real classy.
I try to make it seem like I'm still out of it and I rock myself so hard that I fall back and the chair cracks/breaks for the most part. My wrist cracks and I scream.

Bad move, bad move I tell myself. I wiggle and wiggle and I get one of my hands free and try to untie the other. I hear footsteps coming closer. I fix the chair and sit there as if nothing happened. Hide my hand behind the chair and make it look like I'm still tied up.

Brody comes into view, clicking his tongue and licking his lips, "well looks like the princess is awake now."
Austin just looks at him and smiles that creepy smile of his, "looks like we should have some fun." He walks over to me and tears the duct tape off of my mouth and removes the bandana.
"For the two people that call me a princess, you sure know how to treat me like some little bitch." I say and spit at their feet.
"Ah ah ah, watch your mouth and tone love, this won't be fun if you're mean." Austin says as he crouches down in front of me.
"What are you talking about? You guys aren't gonna do shit because my boyfriend and friends are looking for me. So do everybody a favor, let me go and fuck off." I say with venom in the words I speak.
"We just want to have a little fun with you doll. Afterwards, we'll let you go if you listen to us and do what we say." Brody says as he slides his finger down my face and smiles at Austin.
"Well you and Austin seem to like each other's company, why waste time on me when you guys could be the ones having some fun?" I ask them with a smirk.
That earns me a smack to the face.
"You grew some balls recently, huh?" Brody says. "You never use to stand up to me or even talk back."
"You must've lost your balls forever ago if you gotta go through all of this just to try and fuck me." I say

As all of this was going down I finally got both of my hands free, but my legs were still tied up.
"Let's start this, shall we?" Brody says and we rubs his hands together. Just as He walks around me, I put one hand back into the rope, right as I do so, he stops behind me. "Untie her legs, we're bringing her to the room." As he walks out of the room
Did he not see my hands untied? That dumb ass, I laugh in my head.
"Oh and be careful, Aus. She seems to have gotten a hand untied." Brody says.
"I'm not gonna untie her legs, I'm just gonna pick her up with the chair. Can't do much without legs." Austin says.
Little do they know I have both hands untied. As Austin goes to pick me up, I take both my hands and put my thumbs in this eyeballs, pushing as hard as I can, my wrist is either sprained or bruised because my right hand doesn't have as much force. I knew I was gonna regret this, but I brought my head back and came forward as fast as I can and head butted him. He drops me and the chair breaks, automatically freeing my legs. I go take a run for it.
Brody walks in, "what the hell is this?" He yells. He grabs my arm and pulls a gun out of his waistband.
"Austin, you idiot. She could've gotten away. Now I don't wanna do this, but I will if you keep fucking up."
Brody points the gun at Austin, "you stay in here. I'm taking her to the room. Come in 15 minutes. Do you understand?"
Austin just nods wide eyed. "Perfect." Brody says.
He drags me to the room with the gun pointed at my head. There's a bed and a camera.
"No, god no. No, no, no. I know what's happening. Stop. Please don't."
He pushes me on the bed, turns around and closes the door. Locks it.
I'm thinking to myself "what kind of warehouse is this."

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