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A mutated rat was running for his life in the sewers from some sort of military men chasing after them. He was holding a small basket with something whimpering inside as he pants and tried to calm the crying figure in the basket down while fleeing the gun men.

Suddenly the grey mutated rat came to a halt by the edge of a large open drain where the sewer water washes down.

"Freeze mutant!" One of the men yelled at the rat while aiming their rifles at him.

"Stand aside, gentlemen"

The grey rat soon saw a tall thin man approaching in front of the gun men; he was wearing a suit and was pale in comparison with slick black hair and a haunting smile that sent shivers down the mutant's spine.

"This doesn't have to end in bloodshed, you know" The tall man sneered in a cool yet menacing tone. "Just hand over the child and you can live undisturbed in the sewers where you belong"

"I would rather die a thousand deaths than to give you my son" The rat growled, cradling the basket close.

"Do we have your say to shoot the freak, Mr. Bishop, sir?" One of the gun men asked.

The leader known as Bishop just grinned more menacingly and stood back behind the gun men and reply with: "Open fire"

But just as the gunmen fire, the mutated rat is given no choice but to hold the basket tight to his chest and plunges into the giant drain hole below. Bishop looks down at the dark hole in annoyance and hissed: "Search below the drain and find that mutant at once"

"Yes sir" The gun men obeyed and went off to find a way down below.

The mutant rat plunged into the water but soon dove back up as he struggled as hard as he could to swim to the next pipe opening near him to escape the strong rapid currents he was swimming in.

Suddenly the strong currents made the basket slip out of the rat's arms as he gasped in horror and used his tail to grab the handle.

He grabs onto the ledge of the open pipe, trying to pull himself and the basket out of the rapid waters.

The father soon sees a mutant baby turtle peeking out of the basket lid and cries out for his dad.

"Michelangelo! Hold on!" The father cried out.

"Dada!" The baby whimpered as he was scared.

Unbeknownst to them, Bishop was above one of the pipe openings and saw the mutant rat pulling the basket to shore before suddenly a gun man charged next to him and opened fire at the rat.

"Wait! Not here, you imbecile!" Bishop growled and punched the gunman down.

One of the bullets grazed the rat's tail as he bellowed in agony which sadly made him accidentally let go of the basket to his horror.

"MICHELANGELO!!!" The father cried out.

"Dada!" The baby cried out before the basket disappeared into the dark drain hole below.

The rat crawls to the surface of the pipe opening as he looks up to see Bishop glaring down at him before leaving. Tremendous loss and terror sank into the poor father as he screams in agonising despair and pain.

Just then, the mutated rat awoke from his nightmare as he looked around to see that he was in his own room in his own home. He sighs sadly and rubs his face with his paws before he gets up and dressed himself up in his robes before he looks around to see if anyone was around when he goes to one of the bricks on the floor and opens it up.

Inside the hidden brick was a photo of himself when he was younger and four other mutant turtles like the one he tried to protect.

He looks at the youngest one sucking on his own finger and sadly whispered:

"It's been seventeen years since I lost you...seventeen years that I failed you...My sweet little Michelangelo, I hope that you are forever in peace...heaven knows that I will never be at peace for what I fail to do for you that night"

Suddenly that was a knock on the door as a young man's voice called out: "Master Splinter, breakfast is ready"

"I'll be there in a minute, Leonardo" The rat known as Splinter called out to his eldest son.

He puts the photo back and hides it with the brick in the floor before he heads out of his room to face another day with his family.

But unbeknownst to him, the son he had lost is still alive and closer than he thinks...

But unbeknownst to him, the son he had lost is still alive and closer than he thinks

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