The Beast

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Chapter 19: The Beast

Bishop watches in horror at the scenario before him, for the first time in his life, he is scared now that his immortal genetics that the Kraang once gave him has been taken away by the very aliens that abducted him centuries ago.

"Surprised?" The female Kraang mocked Bishop.

"It seems you humans are not as smart as we thought you'd be" The male Kraang scoffed.

"So all this time, you two were the aliens that took me away" Bishop growled with pure hatred.

"Of course...Vernon and Annette was just an alias for our clever disguise" The male Kraang responded. "My real name is Xavier"

"And I am Zasha" Zasha deviously introduced herself.

Bishop tried to run but Xavier used his robotic body to launch a grappling hook out of the palm of the robot hand to trap the now mortal man.

"You can't escape us, Bishop," Xavier sneered.

"You took me away from my family, my life! All those centuries ago! Why?! Why me?!" Bishop demanded.

"We've been trying to create an ultimate war weapon to help our goal in world domination" Zasha growled.

"You were almost successful; however you gave up the slip and escaped us! Had we been entirely successful on you, you would never have wage extermination on us" Xavier added.

"World domination? What are you freaks?" Bishop hissed.

"It matters not now because you are relieved of your duties, Bishop...all of them!" Xavier growled.

Having no time to waste with such a simple failure like Bishop, Xavier grabbed the mortal human by the throat and then used his body machine to shoot lasers out of the robot's eyes into Bishop's own eyes.

The human screamed in total agony as the lasers gruesomely started disintegrating Bishop into nothing but ashes. When the deed is gone, Xavier looks down at the pile of ash that was once Bishop now disintegrated to his death.

"And that's the end of Bishop" Zasha wickedly laughed.

"Indeed, now no one else will stand in our way" Xavier proudly stated.

Suddenly the alarm went off in the lab before the two aliens went to the monitors and saw Leatherhead with the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey infiltrating the facility from the shadows, unbeknownst that they are being watched privately by the hidden cameras.

"You were saying?" Zasha groaned.

"Shut up" Xavier scoffed as he goes to the tube where Michelangelo was in: "Well then, perhaps we should make this a reunion then"

"And what better to test our latest creation than for it to kill our new volunteers" Zasha replied, eyeing evilly at the screen where the heroes are searching through the secret base.

"Exactly" Xavier snarled with such wicked anticipation.

As soon as Xavier worked on the computer connected to the test tube, they watched as Michelangelo began to change and grow into something more dangerous and wild.

"Yes! It's working!" Zasha cheered.

"Soon the world will be ours, my dear sister and soon we will have our revenge" Xavier snarled in delight.

Meanwhile the heroes cautiously searched the secret base but all they found was empty rooms and not a soul to be found inside the large facility.

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