Final Battle

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Chapter 20: Final Battle

The gang stood with Leatherhead protecting the restored sane Michelangelo, still in his beast mutation as Zasha and Xavier knew this was going to require a more hands on approach with the enemies.

"So close..." Zasha hissed in fury. "And yet those freaks ruined everything!!"

"Easy, little sister; this is what tests are for, we fail so we can try a better approach but I agree with your anger...I guess the saying goes, if you want something done, do it yourself" Xavier replied.

"Looks like you two have failed" Leo angrily pointed out.

"Yeah if I were ya, I would run back to whatever planet ya came from and don't come back" Raphael threatened.

"Oh this isn't over...Not by a long shot" Xavier coldly points out and presses a button on the control panel.

Suddenly bars rose from the ground and formed into a metal cage, surrounding the gang while Leatherhead and Michelangelo were just missed by the cage trap.

"We're trapped!" April cried out.

"Not for long" Raphael growled and attempted to kick the cage bars apart when the turtle got shocked by electricity at the slightest touch.

The red-masked turtle was flung back to the ground in pain and the others helped him up on his feet while Xavier laughed: "Nice try but did you really think we would make this so easy for you?"

The two Kraang in their robotic bodies jump down to the ground and faced the two large mutants before them: "You were always a pain to us, Leatherhead and now we're going to do what we should've done all those years ago"

Michelangelo roars ferociously at the two Kraang and Zasha then hissed: "How dare you defy your masters?"

"He does not belong to you and he never has, he is the son of the Hamato Clan and my dear love! You will never use him for your sick experiments again, not as long as I'm around" Leatherhead growled with such hatred for the Kraang before them.

"Then we'll just have to terminate you and with you gone, no more will there be any more interference with our conquest" Xavier growled back.

Leatherhead almost lunged at them but was stopped by Mikey who looked at Leatherhead in the eyes. In this beast-mutation he cannot speak but the way Mikey looks at Leatherhead, the crocodile immediately understood what Mikey was trying to say.

"Together?" Leatherhead spoke.

Mikey nodded and the two giant mutants got together and prepared to fight the Kraang siblings together.

"So you plan to fight us together, hmm?" Zasha spatted.

"So be it," Xavier snarled.

The Kraang leaped to attack as the giant mutants lunged forward to and with that, the final battle commenced!

Watching helplessly from the cage, the gang watches Mikey and Leatherhead fight the Kraang twins together as they dodge every laser beam or swipe of the robotic claws the Kraang siblings throw at them.

"You can win this, guys!" Leonardo cried out his support.

"Kick their aliens butt!" Raphael shouted out.

"Go, my son" Splinter gasped out in hope for the outcome.

The two continue fighting the villains before Xavier grabs Leatherhead by the throat with his robotic claws and pins him down on the ground.

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