The Feral Clone

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Chapter 17: The Feral Clone

Elsewhere in the sewers, the gang was trying to find Michelangelo, having fled the home after accidentally attacking Leo in his feral state.

Annette swiftly led the gang on the wrong path to where Bishop and Vernon are hiding with a caged up clone of the original Michelangelo.

True to Leatherhead's words, this clone was feral and cannot be reasoned with since it's like a dangerous beast whose only design is to hunt and kill.

"I can hear them approaching," said Bishop.

"Indeed; now let us see what true madness awakes with this clone" Vernon wickedly chuckled.

Soon they released the feral clone out of its cage and left it for the gang to find. Splinter and the others eventually saw the clone alone and sadly mistook it for Michelangelo.

"Mikey," Leo called out.

Unaware that they are dealing with a feral clone, the subject turns to the gang growling and hissing wildly at them.

"Mikey?" April gasped.

"Oh no, he's gone feral again" Donnie also gasped.

The clone growls louder at the gang, wanting to attack the people in front of him.

"Little brother, it's us! Ya family!" Raphael tried to calm the turtle down.

But it proves to no avail as the clone tackles Raphael and begins to wildly beat the turtle on the ground.

"Mikey, stop!" Leonardo exclaimed and pulled the turtle off from Raphael.

The feral clone soon bit Leo on the arm, making him let go of the beastly mutant and grunts in pain.

"It's worse than his usual episodes" Annette gulped.

"What do we do then?!" Casey exclaimed.

"We have to sedate him, it's the only way we can stop him" Donnie replied before he turns to Annette:

"Annette, in my lab, there's a drawer with sedates in them, just for backup! I need you to go and get one for me, pronto!"

"I'll help you out" April volunteered.

"Go, hurry!" Splinter yelled out while trying to restrain the clone he mistaken for his son.

April, Casey and Annette head back to the lair but just as they reach the lab, Annette pulls a sneak attack with a dart gun hidden in her lab coat and fires two shots at April and Casey, knocking them out cold with tranquillisers.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...Fools" Annette wickedly giggles before she gets her phone, uses it to locate Mikey with the tracking device she put on his shell, then calls her brother for her update on the plan:

"I'm in the clear, about to head off to receive the subject; track me by your phone and we'll collect what's ours"

"Excellent, we'll be with you shortly" Vernon replied on the other line.

As soon as Vernon hangs up, he looks at Bishop and says: "It's time for Phase Two"

As he walks off, he looks back at Bishop holding a gun and added: "Do what must be done if you must"

"Of course" Bishop gave out his usual crooked grin.

The agent watches from a distance as the gang is struggling to stop the clone they confuse for Mikey before he aims his gun at the subject, knowing full well they're not gonna kill the feral beast and that they are always one step ahead of everything.

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