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Raven Sanae Williams
November 13th
11:10 am

"Okay students few minutes until fourth period starts please have your things with you because I will be leaving early and this room will be locked and you'll have to wait until tomorrow okay thank ..... the bell has rung have a wonderful day .

I was the first person to walk to the auditorium as I wait for everyone else to come inside . " we damn why Raven always the first one here ?" Markus laughs

"Markus don't play with me hehehe .... " then I hear someone say , " I wonder we here Jordan is .... he hasn't been present for two days ..." like that's my business ... he doesn't even wanna be in contact with me .

"Okay alright is that everyone ? If someone aren't here then they need a pass to get in here but anyways today we will be watching a documentary and I advise y'all to not use y'all's phones cause at the bend I will ask you guys questions " ugh she always does this but whatever

"Okay and before we start we- uhm sorry you in this class ?" A new boy saunters inside the auditorium , I can tell he was nervous by the face he was making ....

"Uh yes ma'am sorry uh my fault .... Uh yeah  I am part of his class my name August by the way " he waved at all of us before sitting next to me .

"What's up what's your name ? " he asked me . "Oh my name Raven nice to meet you August like your name " he starts to smirk .

"Predicate it ... and your name beautiful though . What are we doing in here ? I saw the classroom but no one was in there " he was confused .

"Oh we are in here to watch a documentary about something I don't even remember " we both laugh as the movie was staring  and lights  were going out .

This documentary we had to watch lasted all the way until class ended , and we didn't have to do a qui after but we had to it the next day ... great that's just great

"Raven Wait wait ! Don't leave me by myself now we walking together wait whats your next class or is it lunch cause I see people ?" I point at people sitting down at table and we walk to the lunch line .

"This your first year here ?" He asked me as we were waiting in line . "No this my third year you been here before or this your first time ?"

"I been here my freshman year through my sophomore but I had to do homeschooling because my parents thought it would be easier and then my junior year I was at a private school ..... yeah it was complicated but it's all good though " we grab our lunch sitting by the window .

August was a nice guy , he understood whenever I vent and his personality is lovely . I just hope he don't turn out like the rest of them and yes I know we not together but still cause .... these niggas here weird ahem ......

" I think I seen you on instagram " he chews on sour patch kids .

"Oh really ? You follow me or nah ?" I asked him . "Oh you want me to? I forgot your username though .... show me "

I show him my instagram before he followed me . "Preciate it.... but you cute as hell not gonna lie . Ah shit I have to be somewhere I'll talk to you later bye " I wave back at him as he was leaving the premises .

I heard my name being called behind me . I turn around to see Jordan staring at me . The first thing I could think of was to turn back but instead of flicked him off .

If he is still mad I tried to apologize to him over the phone because we were in different classes but he declined quickly .

"so you think you can do that huh ? I made you real upset huh ? I see why Markus cheated on you " then he walked away laughing .

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