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Raven Sanae Williams
November 15th
5:30 pm

Me and August were over at his place , practicing what we are supposed to say for our presentation .

"Okay now it's your turn ... don't be shy I'm the only one here you got this mamas " august smile was so cute I just couldn't let him down or uh make him frown .

"Okay .... so if you want to eat something before bed try a fruit like strawberries , a banana something this obviously isn't junk food. " august stood up clapping

"Good job  Raven told you ! Alright it's my turn now . Ill do this last part " then for the past hour we had done it over and over again .

"Damn I am tired .... " I got up changing my clothes into a white tank top and Adidas pants .  I look and seen August examining me up and down .

"You looking beautiful like always Raven " he kept licking his lips , the way he was staring at me made me blush but didn't want show it .

"I see you blushing ma it's fine you know I'm fine with it right ? " he said while grabbing his backpack .

"Aye I have to leave okay ? I'll see you tomorrow okay ? "

"Okay " he leaves my room before I closed the door going to sleep and my eyes shut down .

[ the next day ]

"Alright August James and Raven Williams your turn ... whenever you're ready you can start "

"Ahem hello I'm Raven ... " " I'm August hello "

"Today we are going to talk about Sleep deprivation .... is when you get less sleep less duration hours of sleeping .... And there are common causes which are stress ,school or job requirements , also poor sleeping habits like let's say you stay up until 3 am because you were doing something instead of sleeping and it continuously happens(..) and so if you ever have sleep deprivation there are ways to stop deprivation like following a consistent sleeping schedule , avoiding junk food and alcoholic drinks , etc .  And that is it ! Thank you " .

"Wow ! Very interesting thank you August and Raven you may sit down .

We did good . Not gonna lie at first I thought we would screw up because for some reason .... August kept sniffing his nose so hard I thought he had runny nose , if he did he would have symptoms of that .

"We did good uh Aug you alright ?" I ask him he wasn't speaking until I tap his shoulder

"Oh yeah we did that ! Oh yes I'm okay by the way thanks for asking " he kept rubbing his nose hard again .

Hmm ....

Next up was Mavis and her group on Social Media how it affects peoples lives .

[ lunch time : 12:35 pm ]

Jordan Winston
12:35 pm
B Lunch

"hey have you seen Raven ? Have you seen Raven ?" I wanted to apologize to her . It wasn't right of me to be petty . I understood she was trying to help me between me and my dad .

But I still hate him though , but that don't matter I wanted to say sorry to her . Being petty was a dumb thing to do .

"Have you seen Raven ? She's dark son 5"4 I think . No ? Okay " I tried until I wasn't able to find her anywhere . I gave up so I texted her hoping for a read then a reply from her .

𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz