did you hear that?

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P.S. Check Out CTE Her Fanfic, "For Our Fates." ♡♡

Jewel p.o.v.

The world is absolutely silent to me. Almost too silent. And it's driving me nuts. I looked to my right, and saw Cassidy typing away at her computer. I looked to my left and saw Drew doing the same. How can these people stand this silence? If not silence then the tapping of the keys. That's even more annoying.

I turned to my screen. My desktop showed my screensaver of my favorite band, crown the empire. I hit Google chrome and pulled my flash drive out of my pocket and plugged it into the monitor. Instantly my coding window popped up, and then came the hundreds of lines of green coding. The sound of beeping sounded the room and everyone looked around, Drew and Cassidy looked at me.

"The fuck are you doing?" Drew whisper-yelled to me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"Shhh! Mind you're own buisness." I said to him.

The window closed and within seconds, my phone screen popped up on the computer along with several file explorers opened up behind it. I set my chin in my hand and leaned on the desk. Soon enough, I had my kik app opened and I was typing away with my best friends, Bri, Soleil, and Ryesha, all in which were already scream texting about a new selfie Brent Taddie had just posted. I couldn't help but laugh at how crazy they all are.

Bri is my best friend. She's from Connecticut. No one would figure out she was only 17 if she hadn't mentioned because she looks older, and I'm 19. And she kinda has a potty mouth but in a good way. Ryesha is my age also, and she lives in England. Soleil is 18 from Delaware. And I'm from California. We all met on an app called Instagram and we are all practically obsessed with CTE.

But anyways, I'm so glad I have them in my life. They're like family to me.

'Ayo pitches' I typed into the group chat. Everyone instantly greeted me with all-capped hellos.

'Dudes I'm on kik on my computer in class lol. Told you I was good with hacking xD'.

'Never doubted lol you're gonna get in trouble' Ryesha said.

'Nah not a chance'.

The bell rang and I instantly pulled out my drive and everything closed. I gathered my things, hanging my drive back onto the chain around my neck, and started my walk home. I plugged my headphones in as I began the journey eight blocks away all while typing into kik on my phone to my friends.

When I got home, I hopped onto my laptop and plugged in my drive and began gathering next week's homework from the school computers. It's not that I needed it, I'm academically very smart. It's just I didn't have the time to do it, or the patience. I printed everything out and began copying the answers.

"Jewel, come in here." My step mom calls from the living room.

Sighing irritably, I pushed myself up and away from my desk and made my way towards her.


"Look at this." She points to the TV and my jaw drops. 'BREAKING NEWS' is written in red along the bottom of the TV screen. And below, it reads 'WHITE HOUSE UNDER ATTACK'. I sit down and listen to the news lady. My heart is racing. I've always feared any sort of terrorism in the country. I'm part black and it brings back all those chapters in my history class about the slave ages and I've always been scared that it will come back. That the world will fall apart like it did ages ago.

But oh did I have the wrong impression. I don't really think this is a terrorist attack. I listen in to the lady, "The white house is under attack but we're not sure where the intrusion coming from." It shows the security footage in the white house. "Giant holes are forming from the ground in the basement, and what looks like metallic creatures are climbing out of them."

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself. They looked like.. robots, but there's grass coming from them and they're wearing goggles that are displaying bright red lights. My attention disappeared from the TV and I hear glass breaking from outside and ear-splitting screams. We both run to the window and look outside. Those things that are attacking the white house are here too and they're coming from the ground, and they are A LOT FUCKING BIGGER THAN ON TV JESUS.

"MOM WHAT IS GOING ON?" I scream and back away from the window.

"I don't know, come on! To the attic!" We race up the stares quickly, but my heart is beating faster. I'm going off my sudden adrenaline. I pull down the string to the attic as I hear glass breaking from downstairs.

"Shit!" I yell. We both hurry up the latter and pull it up when we're in the darkness of the dusty attic. "Shh! Shh.."

After a moment of calming down, it's absolutely silent. We hear shuffling from below us and I quietly back into the wall.

"I can see yooou," a robotic male voice says. "Come down." I almost start to cry, it's so scary sounding.

My step mom and I both jump as my phone starts ringing from my pocket. "Shit!" I whisper-yell.

"Come down!" The voice says again.

I look at my phone and look at the caller ID. It says B. Just simply B. Who the fuck is B? And there is no number. And what also was weird is that there wasn't any way I could hang up or stop the call. The red button was gone from the screen and the lock button suddenly wasn't working.

The footsteps from downstairs sounded faint as the creature walked to the end of the hall.

I press the green answer button and hold it up to my ear. My step mom grabs my hand and starts crying silently.

"Hello?" I say.

"Jewel Darmis?" The male voice says.

"Yes who is this?" I say in a hurried response.

"My name is Bones. Are you safe?" The fuck? Bones from the CTE album?

"The fuck I am, there's a THING in my house!"

"It's called a scarecrow. There's a helicopter on it's way to your house. It should be there shortly. In the meantime, find a way to get outside."

"The fuck I will, what the hell is going on?"

"We're under attack." Then the line went dead.

"What the...." From the distance outside I could hear a helicopter approaching, and it was approaching fast. "We have to get outside." I told my step mom.

The attic window broke inwards, and the robotic scarecrow climbed into the dark space. We screamed and I kicked the attic latter down and jumped, rolling on my ankle. I cried out in pain.

"Mom!" I yelled, but she didn't come down after me. "Fuck!" The scarecrow appeared from the door and peered down at me. I ran as fast as I could , skipping stairs on the way down and out the front door where the helicopter was close to the ground. A latter was hanging from it and instinctively I jumped up and grabbed onto it for dear life.

A Call To Arms (A Crown The Empire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now